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Topic: Why I've to log in every time? (Read 5305 times) previous topic - next topic
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Why I've to log in every time?

No HA cookies were deleted. But I still have to login every time I come here. And yes, when I log in I chose "Remember me on this computer".

Using win2k, IE6.

What gives? Thx 

Why I've to log in every time?

Reply #1
I don't know, but it has to be something with the settings on your pc.  I've used IE4-6 on win98-xp on this site, as well as Opera, Mozilla, Konqueror, etc..  All log in and stay that way just fine.

Why I've to log in every time?

Reply #2
You should put the page that appears after you login in your favourites, not just That works for me.


Why I've to log in every time?

Reply #4
In my favourite there is also a &s= with a long string behind it, that's probably the session id or something. See if you have that too in the address bar after you login and add that one to your favourites.
