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Topic: Playlist-Manager-SMP (Read 61780 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #275
Full UI redesign, important bugfixes and almost any element is now configurable. New lite mode which only tracks native playlists (UI-only playlists), hides advanced features and may be used as foo_plorg replacement (for people who doesn't care about playlist files or other features).

Only thing "missing" to cover all foo_plorg features are folders, which currently is done via categories + filters. It's a design decision which may change at some point. Anyway this script surpasses foo_plorg on all other aspects, so choose your poison.

[0.5.0-beta.22] - 2023-06-29

    UI: new menu entry to create UI-only playlists.
    UI: new lite mode to exclusively track UI-only playlists, thus behaving like a simple replacement for foo_plorg. Extends the current settings to disable/enable features, changing how the panel works at low level. i.e. no playlist files, no folder tracking, etc.


    UI: configurable playlist menus is now at 'Features...' submenu within the settings menu. No longer associated to "menu entries" since it now affects other settings.
    UI: settings menu, new playlist menu, keyboard shortcuts and filter buttons now follow the settings for shown/hidden features. i.e. if menu entries to edit tags are hidden, then all other features depending on it will also be hidden (like filtering or sorting by tag). (see above)


    Playlist locks: menu entries not working properly for multiple selection mode (when lock was set by another component). Now mimics the behavior of single selection menu.
    UI: workaround for a SMP crash with some combinations of sizes drawing rounded boxes. This doesn't solve the underlying problem but at least bypass the crash and just omits painting the element.
    UI: another workaround for a SMP crash with some combinations of sizes drawing rounded boxes, this time aiming to avoid the previous situation by properly adjusting arc of rounded boxes whenever it's possible.

[0.5.0-beta.21] - 2023-06-27

    Tags: new auto-tags named 'bPinnedFirst' and 'bPinnedLast' which force showing the tagged playlists at top/bottom of the list, for any sorting/filtering combination.
    UI: script will be completely disabled after installing for the first time until user clicks on the setup button (which will initiate a serie of popups). This is a workaround for a SMP bug during the installation process.
    UI: added manual sorting. It must be enabled on the sorting button and works independently to the automatic sorting methods. Playlist can be reordered by drag n' dropping within the panel or using the sorting submenu. It also works with multiple selection. Pinned playlists are ignored in this mode. Sorting indexes are stored at '.\js_data'.
    UI: configurable columns to display playlist metadata. Width, metadata, font size, order, num of columns, borders and colors can be set. In the case of playlist's size, a configurable unit may be set. The entire feature may be disabled using the configurable UI elements submenu.
    UI: added sorting by creation date.
    UI: added sorting by duration.
    UI: added configurable R. click mouse actions (like the previous L. click and Middle click ones).
    UI: added configurable timer for double clicking.
    UI: added configurable timer for tooltip (on properties panel). By default is now 2 times the double clicking timer, also if changed, a popup will ask to update its value.
    UI: settings header button is now animated when library tracking has been disabled and path cache needs to be rebuilt.
    UI: folder header button is now animated when tracked playlists folder contains new changes. In case auto-loading has been disabled, it can be used as a warning to know when manual refresh is needed.
    UI: filter header button is now highlighted whenever a filter is active, It follows the 'Also reset search filter' setting, thus not being highlighted while using the search filter if it's disabled.
    UI: added new menu entry to create a playlist from current selection (which does the same than drag n' drop + ALT).
    Drag and Drop: added tooltip on drag n drop giving hints about the action used: sending to new playlist, to selected playlist, to search box, ...
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F1 will lock / unlock the highlighted playlist file or UI-only playlist.
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F2 will rename the highlighted playlist.
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F3 will create a clone on UI of the highlighted playlist.
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F4 load the highlighted playlist (or jump to it if it was already loaded).
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F5 will create a copy of the highlighted playlist with same extension. AutoPlaylists, Smart Playlists and UI-only playlists will maintain their format.
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F6 will export the highlighted playlist to ListenBrainz (+ Spotify if configured to do so).
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F7 will create a new empty playlist.
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F8 will cycle current view by category.
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F9 will filter the manager showing playlists with the selected tracks (if the search box and path searching are enabled) or show a popup with the results (otherwise).
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F10 will open the settings menu or the list menu (when also pressing shift).
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F11 will open the documentation (pdf).
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing F12 will open playlists tracked folder.
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing DEL will delete the highlighted playlist.
    Keyboard shortcuts: pressing 'º', '' or 'Numpad /' will globally hide/show the playlist's metadata columns.
    Playlist formats: creation and last modified date values are now cached for UI-only playlists and AutoPlaylists. To be used along the new date sorting options.
    Playlist formats: UI-only playlists metadata (tag, category and tracks' tags) is now editable (and cached between sessions). This allows for sorting and categorization of UI-only playlists.
    ListenBrainz: playlists can now be exported to Spotify (when exporting to ListenBrainz). Requires Spotify's service to be connected to the user profile, and 'Play music on ListenBrainz' enabled.
    Clone: added 'Clone as Smart Playlist' entry for AutoPlaylists and Smart Playlists. This allows to easily switch between formats or clone existing XSP playlists.
    Exporting Playlists: added a 'Copy playlist files to...' entry to the multiple playlist selection contextual menu.
    Exporting Playlists: added a 'Export and Copy Tracks to...' entry to the multiple playlist selection contextual menu.


    ListenBrainz: YouTube searches are now cached (during the same session). i.e. matches are found much faster for tracks already searched.
    ListenBrainz: matches on library -for playlist creation- are now preferred by higher rating and not live tracks (if possible).
    ListenBrainz: optimizations finding tracks on library.
    ListenBrainz: key for the token is cached during the same session.
    ListenBrainz: user name is cached during same session.
    Merge load: when removing duplicates, tracks are now preferred by higher rating and not live.
    Exporting Playlists: when removing duplicates, tracks are now preferred by higher rating and not live.
    XSP: matches on library -for playlist creation- are now preferred by higher rating and not live tracks (if possible).
    XSPF: matches on library -for playlist creation- are now preferred by higher rating and not live tracks (if possible).
    XSPF: optimizations finding tracks on library.
    Playlist formats: creation and last modified date values are calculated when loading the playlist files, and cached during the entire session. Sorting by date is now much faster.
    Drag and Drop: sending tracks to blank space or list menu button (plus shape) will create a new playlist.
    UI: 'show size' option is now disabled by default. i.e. columns offer the same functionality now.
    UI: renamed some menu entries for playlist creation.
    UI: R. clicking now opens the contextual menu for the selected playlists (previously on L. Click). Shift + R. Clicking opens the playlist's items native contextual menu.
    UI: L. single click action is now configurable.
    UI: 'Send selection to playlist' now creates a backup before editing the playlist file (to restore it in case it fails).
    UI: added presets to UI elements configuration menu. Fast settings to enable/disable search box and multiple buttons at the same time.
    UI: added presets to available menu entries configuration menu.
    UI: improved checks to ensure there is at least one UI element able to open the settings menu.
    UI: improved tooltip of power action button. Mouse shortcuts tips are always shown, including the settings menu by R. clicking.
    UI: added new entries to configurable playlist menus: File locks, UI playlist locks and Sorting.
    UI: now applies configurable playlist menus when using multiple selection.
    UI: clicking anywhere on scrollbar will move list up/down depending on relative position, up to the current mouse position (mimics Win behavior).
    UI: adjusted playing now / loaded playlist indicators and letters/numbers separators at right according to the scrollbar state. When it is enabled, those indicators are shifted a bit to the left. Alignment also changes according to the toolbar state (visible or minimized).
    Console: improved console logging for empty playlists (no longer reporting 0 items found).
    Console: improved error logging at multiple places.
    Documentation: updated readme PDF to be up to date with all latest changes.
    Documentation: added a quick help summary at the help button (by pressing shift).
    Dynamic menus: delayed dynamic menus initialization some seconds after panel is loaded (to avoid foobar2000 hiccups due to SMP bad behavior).
    Dynamic menus: retried 5 secs after first try in case it fails or gets blocked.


    UI: category filter is no longer set on first innit in case panel is installed to track UI-only playlists and/or old playlists files with category set.
    UI: weird behaviors (cursor changing and buttons being focused) when pressing shift/ctrl after opening a menu and clicking outside the panel.
    UI: settings menu opening when clicking at blank space within the buttons toolbar at header instead of just the settings and power action buttons.
    UI: incorrect settings for panel/buttons colors using dark mode in foobar2000.
    UI: list view not maintaining current position at some instances. 'Online sync...'.
    UI: focus was lost in some cases when editing an UI-only playlist.
    UI: scrollbar not working properly when list exceeded current window size by one row.
    UI: scrollbar not hiding in some cases.
    UI: multiple minor fixes to menu entry checks (the tick shown if setting is enabled).
    UI: loaded and playing now indicators not working for AutoPlaylists.
    Quick-search: no longer works when the mouse is not over the panel.
    Export: export to JSON not working for AutoPlaylists in so...

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #276
Found an issue on current installation:
Arial Unicode MS font is missing.

Fix: install missing font.

I do not understand.

I already have the Arial Unicode MS font and the subsequent notice of the linux font.

I use windows 11.

Do i have to install a linux font on windows 11?

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #277
Ignore it. It's an error on my side.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #278

## [0.5.0-beta.24] - 2023-07-03
### Added
- UI: panel background can now use the now playing/selection art or an external file. Different proportion/filling settings available, along transparency.
### Changed
- UI: while using multiple selection, R. clicking on another playlist appends it to the current selection and immediately calls the context menu. This only happens in case R. Click action is associated to the playlists context menu.
- Search: in case current view is filtered by specific playlist (for ex. using the 'Playlist maintenance tools'), if there is a text on the search box, the results are also filtered by the search.
- UI: some improvements to menus while managing locked UI-only playlists (specially for native AutoPlaylists) or loaded playlists with UI-locks.
### Removed
### Fixed
- Search: current search did not update properly after adding/removing a playlist (for ex. cloning).
- UI: selection rectangle not being shown when opening the playlist contextual menu.
- Playlist locks: multiple fixes to handling of playlists with rename/delete locks.


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #279

## [0.5.0-beta.25] - 2023-07-04
### Added
- UI: added option to use bold font for playlists.
- UI: added light shadows to playlists' text when using art as background to improve readability. It's now the default, but it may be disabled.
- UI: added blur setting for the panel background art.
- UI: added setting to tint UI elements (appart from the playlist list) while using the panel background art.
### Changed
- UI: multiple optimizations to panel background art usage.
### Removed
### Fixed


Will not be available for some weeks, if there is something relevant broken, just use a previous version. Will continue implementing folders afterwards.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #280

[0.5.0] - 2023-07-28

    AutoPlaylists: new 'Clone in UI' menu entry for AutoPlaylists.
    XSP: new 'Clone in UI' menu entry for XSP playlists.


    XSP: wrong queries when creating a new Smart Playlist now show an informative popup instead of silently failing and logging to console.
    UI: improvements to text shading depending on the background/art color.
    UI: mouse cursor now reflects when an internal drag n drop for manual sorting is not allowed. Selection is also shown using the inverted selection color (usually red/orange).
    UI: shift clicking on folder button will manually refresh the panel. Tooltip has been adjusted.
    UI: shift clicking on settings button will switch library tracking. Tooltip has been adjusted.
    Configuration: ALBUM ARTIST is now used instead of ARTIST by default (on new installations). This ensures better compatibility with classical music, where the artist is the actual performer but the album artist is the original composer/artist. To apply the change on existing installations, delete '[foobar_profile]\js_data\presets\global\globQuery.json' and '[foobar_profile]\foobar2000\js_data\presets\global\globTags.json' files. Further configuration may be needed via menus.


    Export: multiple fixes to TF paths.
    AutoPlaylists: fixed non valid query warning for queries containing 'SORT' as string/tag, like "%ALBUMARTISTSORT%%ALBUMTYPE%%ARTISTS%%ARTISTSORT%%ARTWORKGUID% PRESENT".
    AutoPlaylists: AutoPlaylists not filtering duplicates -if enabled- when using keyboard shortcut F3.
    XSP: XSP playlists not filtering duplicates -if enabled- when using shortcut actions or keyboard shortcut F3.
    Lite mode: switching lite mode no longer overrides default features enabled when lite mode is disabled afterwards. This made restoring defaults to not work as expected since it would only enable the features available on lite mode. A panel refresh fixed this behavior.
    Lite mode: tooltip fix at settings button when switching lite mode during the same session.
    Lite mode: minor fixes to AutoPlaylists contextual menu on lite mode.
    UI: focus sometimes not being set on newly created AutoPlaylist.
    UI: focus sometimes not being set on newly created Smart Playlists.
    UI: focus not being set on newly created UI-Only Playlists.
    UI: minor fixes and improvements to quick help (shift click on help button).
    UI: minor fixes to multiple selection contextual menus.
    UI: in some cases the filter buttons were miss-clicked when clicking on the scrollbar if distance was lower than the cursor size and the mouse entered first on the button(s), should be much precise now.
    UI: size and duration was not properly updated in some cases for UI-only playlists after using drag n' drop or copy/move tracks actions.
    UI: current view was vertically shifted sometimes after editing the query of an AutoPlaylist or Smart Playlist (instead of maintaining the position).
    UI: categories and tags not being sorted following current locale. i.e. "World" being shown before "foobar", due to uppercase usage, or "first" at the end due to "" usage. Now it follows the expected behavior: _first, foobar, World, ...
    UI: cosmetic internal drag n' drop fixes when releasing outside the allowed range.
    UI: workaround for GDI/SMP bugs or weird behaviors using text shading.
    UI: effects not being updated properly after releasing internal drag n drop for manual sorting on header or buttons.
    UI: cursor not being updated in some cases after releasing internal drag n drop for manual sorting on header or buttons.
    Fix for non standard hyphen chars on playlist names.
    Crash when deleting a multiple selection.
    Crash when creating UI-Only Playlists.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #281

[0.5.2] - 2023-08-05

    Lite mode: fully disabled auto-backup on lite mode. Minor performance improvements.
    Lite mode: fully disabled auto-load on lite mode. Minor performance improvements.
    Lite mode: fully disabled library path tracking on lite mode. Minor performance improvements.
    Lite mode: auto-save timer is now set to 1000 ms on lite mode, and back to default values when disabling it. It will be faster showing changes on UI-only playlists.
    UI: internal drag n' drop now allows to move an item below or over the current position (instead of just moving it before it). UI has been adjusted to show a bold line at the target position.
    UI: list now jumps to new position after renaming a playlist [file] via menus/actions. For ex. sorting alphabetically, playlist may be found at a different position after renaming.
    UI: playlist [file] is highlighted when renaming the bound playlist on native foobar2000 UI.
    UI: current panel position should be maintained -if possible- after [auto]updating playlist files from folder.
    UI: improved text shading performance up to 90%. It should now be working much better on low-end systems.
    UI: font shading is now disabled when disabling panel art background and a popup warns about the performance impact when enabling it.
    UI: panel art background is now better adjusted to fill the entire list.


    Lite mode: 'Export and convert' settings being shown on lite mode.
    Lite mode: tracking disabled after disabling lite mode.
    UI: selection focus was not being updated while scrolling using the wheel or buttons.
    UI: missing separator at header from Playlist items' contextual menu.
    UI: minor fixes to multiple selection contextual menus.
    UI: settings button not being updated in some instances after switching library tracking.
    UI: wrong size for vertical line before buttons.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #282
If someone want to test it, here it is a beta WIP of playlist manager with folder support.

If after installing there is no way to create a folder using the + button; then enable the feature at "Settings menu\Features\Folders...".

There are bugs to be expected. Please report them here.
Should work:
- Drag n drop to move things to folder. UI with associated effects.
- Work on manual sorting.
- Work on automatic sorting, drag n drop only works to send things to a folder or outside it.
- Folder menu to select all items or apply some actions on batch. Advanced actions are possible via multiple-selection first.
- Folders are saved to the manager json file along Auto-playlists.(i.e. they can be transferred to other installations).

Known errors: (don't report these)
- Errors related to filtering in case the folder does not contain any item with the selected filtering (don't try to collapse/expand it or it will crash).
- Nested folders doesn't work properly (items are duplicated, nesting is lost on restart).


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #283

[0.5.3] - 2023-08-28
    UI: filters reset on innit due to bugfix introduced on 0.5.0-beta.21. which was only intended on first innit (after setup).
    UI: offset improperly set after filtering in some corner cases.
    UI: text shadows sometimes not being cut to the same length than the main text. Issue 69.

Also updated the beta WIP of playlist manager with folder support and previously known errors fixed:
   - Added shadow to folders' text.
   - Added folder nesting and total count up to the deepest level.
   - Fix folder nesting duplicates.
   - Folders levels are limited to 3.
   - Added tooltips while drag n' droppin on folders.
   - Fix removing items from folders (not updating UI properly);

Known errors: (don't report these)
   - Some mouse action shortcuts don't work properly when used on folders (they will be applied to all their child playlists).
   - Some inconsistencies on UI tooltips when showing actions for folders.
   - Some inconsistencies on UI tooltips while drag n dropping tracks on folders.

Don't use the beta unless you wanna test folders usage.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #284
Updated the beta WIP of playlist manager with folder support and previously known errors fixed:
      - Mouse action shortcuts should work properly when used on folders (applied to all their child playlists).
       - Fixed actions shown on folder tooltips (names and available actions)
       - Fixed tooltip while drag n dropping a track on folder (sent to all childs).
       - "Show current playlist / now playling playlist' action (at header or double clicing on scrollbar) now works fine with folder nesting, looking for the playlist at any level and opening the entire folder tree.

There is no known errors -about folders usage- right now. Feel free to report anything.

Don't use the beta unless you wanna test folders usage. Stable release at post above.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #285
- Some fixes about shortcuts/actions.
- Fix folder deletion (not working properly before).
- Keyboard shortcuts (F1 - F6 and Del) now also work with folders.
- Multiple selection click on folder now directly select all the items within.
- Added tooltip at scrollbar about double click action.
- Deep recursion for column statistics.
- Deep recursion for tooltip statistics.


Don't use the beta unless you wanna test folders usage.
Stable release at post above.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #286
Probably the last beta before a stable release. All functionality should now be compatible with folders.

   - New Switch columns button at header (the same than pressing º or \ or /
   - Quick-search can be now be disabled.
   - Improvements on how shortcuts are shown on quick help popup.
   - Del (delete playlist), º, \, / (switch columns) shortcuts now work even when F1-F12 shortcuts are disabled.
- ListenBrainz: export to ListenBrainz is now available on the multiple selection contextual menu. i.e. can work on batch.
   - New shortcut, F7 + Shift, which creates a new folder.
   - Configurable folder icons.
   - Configurable max level depth.
   - Configurable subitems count.
   - Crash when filtering by MBID.
   - While using multiple selection, r. clicking on a folder also selects the folder instead of its child items.
   - While using multiple selection on a folder only selects the immediate childs, not all levels. Now it's applied with recursion.
   - While using multiple selection on a folder, with some childs already selected, now all contained items are selected (instead of switching current selection). In case all are selected, then it deselects all.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #287
One last addition before next release; added the statistics framework to create a new mode used for displaying statistics about the playlists.



Right now is pretty "simple" only allowing to track things like playlists per extension, tag, category, etc. but I will expand it later.

After that, I will do the same with World Map to display statistics by country.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #288
v0.6.0 - Folders support + Statistics

[0.6.0] - 2023-09-13

    Folders: items may now be grouped in folders, with unlimited level depth support and the ability to be expanded/collapsed. Adding or removing items is done via drag n' drop, similar to the way manual sorting works. Folders have an unique contextual menu which allow to apply some actions to their content or multiple-select them. Feature can be disabled if desired.
    ListenBrainz: export to ListenBrainz is now available on the multiple selection contextual menu. i.e. can work on batch.
    UI: added tooltip at scrollbar about double click action.
    UI: switch columns button.
    Statistics: added statistics mode. Use it to display general metadata stats about the current panel; for ex. number of playlists per extension. See Statistics-Framework-SMP.


    Quick-search: can be now be disabled.
    UI: improvements on how shortcuts are shown on quick help popup.
    UI: Del, º, , / shortcuts now work even when F1-F12 shortcuts are disabled.
    UI: new shortcut, F7 + Shift, which creates a new folder.
    ListenBrainz: network errors when caching library paths (usually at startup) are not reported anymore (since they don't give useful info on real use-cases).
    Helpers: updated helpers


    UI: avoid jumping to the top after auto-updating a playlist if mouse never entered the list and was only used at the scroll bar.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #289
Hi, regor! First of all, congrats for the latest additions and improvements. I have a few errors (one also in the World Map thread).
I have this error when I try to change: Playlist Manager settings - Folder-Icons-Custom

Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod (Playlist Manager: Playlist Manager v0.6.0 by XXX)
list.icons is undefined

File: playlist_manager_menu.js
Line: 3163, Column: 23
Stack trace:

Another thing....It seems that I can't do anything with the folders...I can create a folder but that's all...I can't create a playlist inside the folder or to drag & drop a playlist inside the folder....Sorry if it's my mistake, maybe it's a bug in my brain , haha :) Maybe it's something that I don't understand

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #290
You don't create things inside folders (I may add a submenu for that?), but only drag n drop things into it. Maintain L. click and put a playlist there.
Let me know if it doesn't work, since it works fine on my side!

And the error is fixed now.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #291
Yes, everything is working fine now, thanks (error is fixed too). Sorry about the drag n drop thing...I don't know why it didn't worked, it seems I needed some practice, I tried on a clean install, it worked...then it worked in my main config too :)
About the submenu for folders, maybe it's a good idea, to be able to create playlists directly in a folder (I'm not sure how it's in plorg component). One more thing, a little request, if it's possible (or maybe the setting is already there but I didn't found it) Can we change the color of the folders? Like we can do for autoplaylists

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #292
Folders currently use the same color than standard playlists. If you change that, it will change both. But yep, will be configurable with its own color.

I'm not really sure about this since it makes it a bit more convoluted (there are currently 7 actions to create a new playlist), will have to think about it.

I have added a 'Move to...' submenu to playlists, which allow to directly send them to a folder (shows all available folders sorted by name). Also  works for multiple selection. And it may simplify usage, instead of drag n' drop for some users.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #293

[0.6.1] - 2023-09-20

    Folders: added a 'Move to folder...' submenu in the playlist and multiple selection contextual menu, to easily send playlists to a folder without using drag n' drop.
    Folders: added submenu to create playlists/folders within folders (simplified version of the entries found at the list menu on the header).
    Folders: color is now configurable (found at the general UI or the folders submenu).


    Exporting Playlists: playlist files were not overwritten properly -if chosen to do so- using 'Copy playlist files to...' for multiple selection.
    Exporting Playlists: output folder was not shown using 'Copy playlist files to...' for multiple selection.
    Exporting Playlists: AutopPlaylists are now filtered 'Export and Copy Tracks to...' for multiple selection, instead of being logged as error.
    Folders: custom icon setting crash.
    Lite mode: 'new playlist from active...' was not hidden while using lite mode.
    Lite mode: minor fixes to separators on list menu while using lite mode.
    Lite mode: minor fixes to separators on header buttons tooltips while using lite mode.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #294

0.6.2] - 2023-09-25

    Helpers: updated helpers.
    Documentation: updated readme PDF to be up to date with all latest changes.


    UI: wrong tooltip on folder button.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #295

## [0.6.3] - 2023-09-26
### Added
### Changed
### Removed
### Fixed
- UI: crash while using internal drag n' drop if the number of elements was lower than the available rows and mouse moved to an empty row.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #296
v0.8.0 - Search and Quick-search improvements

[0.8.0] - 2023-10-18

    Search: fuzzy search can be enabled by adding '~' to the beginning/end of the search term (when not using RegExp). There are 2 modes, one which only works with single words (fast) and a full fledged fuzzy search for multiple word input (slower).
    Quick-search: pressing shift allows to find the pressed chars/words at any position of the name, contrary to the default behavior which only looks at the start of the name. Popup on Quick-search has been adjusted to indicate this.


    Configuration: the installation process now asks to enable the items contextual menu if desired.
    Configuration: after changing the playlists path, a popup now asks to enable relative path handling menu entries.
    Configuration: improved feature switching in some settings combinations.
    Search: last search may be reset or restored on startup. Configuration at search button.


    Search: infinite search interval in some cases while using the search function along folders.
    Renaming a playlist is not allowed if name (+UUID) matches any other item tracked by the manager.
    Creating a playlist, Smart Playlist, AutoPlaylist or UI-only playlist is not allowed if name (+UUID) matches any other item tracked by the manager.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #297
Would you use/appreciate an auto-update check within foobar?

It would check the version on startup, and throw a popup if a newer version is found. Clicking ok would show the latest release for the script on the default browser. No need to check forum/github manually anymore.

I could also add the check on a menu entry, in case someone wants to do it manually. If I see interest, I will add it to all my packages.


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #298

most definitely, I wouldn't even try to ask the user base as it is a fundamental feature in almost all programs nowadays!?
Georgia and Georgia-ReBORN have this update check and are displaying a hyperlink in the right bottom lower bar when a new
release has been published. When you click on the link, it opens the browser and redirects to the Github Releases page as you've shown in your animation.
So yes, just implement it =)

Also I have an auto update check and manual check as menu items in top menu:
Help > Theme > Updates > "Auto-check for theme updates" and "Check for latest theme update"


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #299

most definitely, I wouldn't even try to ask the user base as it is a fundamental feature in almost all programs nowadays!?
Georgia and Georgia-ReBORN have this update check and are displaying a hyperlink in the right bottom lower bar when a new
release has been published. When you click on the link, it opens the browser and redirects to the Github Releases page as you've shown in your animation.
So yes, just implement it =)

Also I have an auto update check and manual check as menu items in top menu:
Help > Theme > Updates > "Auto-check for theme updates" and "Check for latest theme update"

Well personally I hate when software forces you -by default- : (any of them)
- Network calls to check an update.
- Popup about new update.
- Download the update.

:)) So I ask for a reason, if no one cares; less time I spent on that.

The example was just a side-effect or other thing I had planned, but it could be used for checking updates too.
Having a manual check seems fine to me. Being able to disable auto-checks too.

Asking the user to enable it on first installation requires some more work (except for the manager, since it already has a setup procedure)... so I was unsure about enabling it by default. But I would really prefer it to be opt-in. Otherwise I can warn about the possibility of disable it the first time an update throws a popup.

Playing with it a bit more, have also managed to directly download the package from github without user intervention, so I can also give the option to read the changelog and start the download in one step.