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Topic: Playlist-Manager-SMP (Read 61791 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #200
Modern UI:
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Menus are now on the buttons, and the power actions associated to clicking on header are now found on the bolt button. i.e. double clicking to cycle categories, middle clicking to select all playlists, etc.  As before, the actions associated to the mouse shortcuts are configurable.

Both he action button and the search box show the current state of the manager.

RegExp on search:
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Track search within playlists (both UI playlists and playlist files)
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The search is pretty similar to the one found at library tree -so people familiar with it will easily use this one-, with history available and more advanced options. It may match playlist names, categories, tags, tracks or use regexp. Along other settings.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #201
regor, I'm getting an error trying to update:

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Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #203
I'm still getting this error:

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Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #204
Check the files: (open them)

playlist_history.js is dated //11/03/23
And playlist_manager.js is dated //29/03/23

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #205
Check the files: (open them)

playlist_history.js is dated //11/03/23
And playlist_manager.js is dated //29/03/23
playlist_history.js was old. Presumably my fault.


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #206
Check the files: (open them)

playlist_history.js is dated //11/03/23
And playlist_manager.js is dated //29/03/23
playlist_history.js was old. Presumably my fault.


Yep, testing nightly releases may bring these errors; glad it was sorted out.

Continued refining the UI and also added a new feature to the search toolbar, when path searching is enabled. Drag n drop on the search toolbar now parses the filenames to search for playlists with such track(s).
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Any suggestion about the UI or making it more intuitive will be welcome :)

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #207
Finally added a proper scrollbar, pretty similar to the one at found at Library tree, which hides itself after being unused for a few seconds. The up/down buttons are now hidden except when using drag n drop to easily scroll the list when sending tracks to panel (something not applicable to library viewers since drag n drop is always done outside the panel).
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Want to test it a bit more, so I will not upload it to github now.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #208
Just uploaded to github the last bits for the scrollbar, so it should be working now as intended if anyone wants to test it.

Also double clicking on the up/down buttons now jumps to top/bottom of the list; on the current position jumps to the active/playing playlist.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #209
Drag n drop on the search toolbar now parses the filenames to search for playlists with such track(s).

This is the kind of functionality I've been thinking about for a while... I should be able to query any song and see which playlists I've put it into. Now to make a "choose your own adventure" mode where you can jump to other playlists based on the song!

Thanks for this plugin... loving being able to maintain my own playlist library.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #210
Drag n drop on the search toolbar now parses the filenames to search for playlists with such track(s).

This is the kind of functionality I've been thinking about for a while... I should be able to query any song and see which playlists I've put it into. Now to make a "choose your own adventure" mode where you can jump to other playlists based on the song!

Thanks for this plugin... loving being able to maintain my own playlist library.
It has been there for some time, using one of the menu entries 'Find current selection' (it reports results via popup).
The new feature at the search filter just makes it easier/faster and filters the current view on real time.

Since this manager allows you to select multiple playlist and load their tracks merged (without duplicates), is technically possible to merge playlists related by specific tracks if you set your playlists in an appropriate way.

Btw Playlist Tools also has a similar feature (although obviously limited to playlists loaded within foobar) at 'Selection manipulation\Find tracks in...'. It will also jump to the exact position.

Just pushed a new update which allows to selectively enable/disable UI elements. So the scrollbar can be disabled and the old up/down buttons reverted, show only some buttons, ... almost every bit of the manager can be customized now.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #211
I'm playing with a CMD batch script (along some internal changes) to create packages from my files (which then can be imported at SMP package manager), and it seems to be working fine for the waveform script, creating the file structure and package info JSON file.

It should cover all my scripts but the Buttons toolbar one (*). This way I would be able to support both packages and script files.
In case someone wants to test it, let me know.

(*) It's not trivial to allow a package to dynamically load other packages without hard-coding names... so I don't see how to do it.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #212
Could someone test these packages? They are built directly from the latest repository commits.

If it works fine this will be the new recommended installation method from now on.

The manager one is missing the readme pdf (due to size restrictions here). If anyone cares, the cmd script is on the repositories too (for the playlist manager, world map and waveform seekbar), so the packages can always be created with the most up to date file versions. Right now it supports those 3 scripts.

EDIT: Removed. See below.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #213
Could someone test these packages? They are built directly from the latest repository commits.

If it works fine this will be the new recommended installation method from now on.

The manager one is missing the readme pdf (due to size restrictions here). If anyone cares, the cmd script is on the repositories too (for the playlist manager, world map and waveform seekbar), so the packages can always be created with the most up to date file versions. Right now it supports those 3 scripts.

I supposed it must be installed importing with script package manager, right?

Both gives me
Code: [Select]
Failed to open archive: ``
  mz_zip_reader_init_file failed with error 0x7: failed finding central directory
Code: [Select]
Failed to open archive: ``
  mz_zip_reader_init_file failed with error 0x7: failed finding central directory

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #214
Could someone test these packages? They are built directly from the latest repository commits.

If it works fine this will be the new recommended installation method from now on.

The manager one is missing the readme pdf (due to size restrictions here). If anyone cares, the cmd script is on the repositories too (for the playlist manager, world map and waveform seekbar), so the packages can always be created with the most up to date file versions. Right now it supports those 3 scripts.

I supposed it must be installed importing with script package manager, right?

Both gives me
Code: [Select]
Failed to open archive: ``
  mz_zip_reader_init_file failed with error 0x7: failed finding central directory
yep, like the Bio panel or Find n play.

Uhm... it seems some kind of incompatibility with my tar binary and SMP's zip library. WTF I will have to investigate it more.

These are created using 7zip
Edit: see below.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #215
Code: [Select]
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod ({422165D7-5F7A-4323-AF72-A2E057703614}: Playlist-Manager-SMP v0.5.0-beta19 by Regorxxx)
can't access lexical declaration `list' before initialization

File: main.js
Line: 252, Column: 7
Stack trace:

Code: [Select]
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod ({422165D7-5F7A-4323-AF72-A2E057703614}: Not-A-Waveform-Seekbar-SMP v1.0.0 by Regorxxx)
include failed:
include failed:
Path does not point to a valid file: ..\..\helpers\helpers_xxx_input.js

File: seekbar_xxx_menu.js
Line: 3, Column: 1
Stack trace:


Code: [Select]
Required dependency not found: audiowaveform


Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #216
Code: [Select]
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod ({422165D7-5F7A-4323-AF72-A2E057703614}: Playlist-Manager-SMP v0.5.0-beta19 by Regorxxx)
can't access lexical declaration `list' before initialization

File: main.js
Line: 252, Column: 7
Stack trace:

XD not related to the package thing, but a bug. This should work.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #217
Code: [Select]
Required dependency not found: audiowaveform

Added missing file and reworked binaries path checking to use the package path.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #218
The wave works (very slowly in my potato)

the playlist load and show the pop-up duplicated.

in the final, select hidden features....that also show twice crash with yes and no.

Code: [Select]
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod ({98310BD0-1764-4710-BF17-49605366AAD2}: Playlist-Manager-SMP v0.5.0-beta19 by Regorxxx)[1] is undefined

File: playlist_manager_list.js
Line: 3871, Column: 2
Stack trace:

After the crash, reloading the panel, it loads. caching library, checking paths, etc

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #219
The wave works (very slowly in my potato)

the playlist load and show the pop-up duplicated.

in the final, select hidden features....that also show twice crash with yes and no.

Code: [Select]
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod ({98310BD0-1764-4710-BF17-49605366AAD2}: Playlist-Manager-SMP v0.5.0-beta19 by Regorxxx)[1] is undefined

File: playlist_manager_list.js
Line: 3871, Column: 2
Stack trace:

After the crash, reloading the panel, it loads. caching library, checking paths, etc
The first thing is normal if you already have the script loaded on another panel, obviously. Warns you about it.

The second part makes no sense at all. It's simply not possible unless the panel got corrupted somehow. Could you retry on a blank panel? (no properties left)
EDIT: Tried myself multiple times and works fine.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #220
I got the same results as paregistrase, except it was audiowaveform.exe (not _32), and except the last error. I quickly loaded the components on a portable installation, it tells me it's a portable installation (something with the playlist path). I don't know these components so I can't say more.

It seems to me that you can't import the zip file into the package manager if there are accents ( é ) in the path, in the folder name. It says "Failed to open archive: `Not-A-Waveform-Seekbar-SMP-1-0-0(1).zip`
  mz_zip_reader_init_file failed with error 0x11: file open failed". If I put the zip file in another folder, it works.
It would come from SMP, I may have seen that before. Maybe to be mentioned on the wiki.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #221
I got the same results as paregistrase, except it was audiowaveform.exe (not _32), and except the last error. I quickly loaded the components on a portable installation, it tells me it's a portable installation (something with the playlist path). I don't know these components so I can't say more.

It seems to me that you can't import the zip file into the package manager if there are accents ( é ) in the path, in the folder name. It says "Failed to open archive: `Not-A-Waveform-Seekbar-SMP-1-0-0(1).zip`
  mz_zip_reader_init_file failed with error 0x11: file open failed". If I put the zip file in another folder, it works.
It would come from SMP, I may have seen that before. Maybe to be mentioned on the wiki.
All those problems should have been fixed on the latest files.
It was related to the way tar zipped the files.

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #222
I found the source of the pop-ups.

After select the package and close the window the script start to load.

and the SMP window is still open (SMP configuration). If I close the script pop-up warning and the script select window the panel begin to load normally.
But when I close the SMP window another script select window is crated and select yes or no gives the crash.

If i don't close the scripts pop-ups and tried to close the SMP configuration window first a set of scripts pop-up windows is created every time i hit ok. I hit it a lot of time and end with at least 10 sets, with a lot of undefined variables error every time I close one.

At the end a final crash after closing it all

Code: [Select]
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod ({888CBEF1-623E-4779-AF84-04AD5713737D}: Playlist-Manager-SMP v0.5.0-beta19 by Regorxxx)[1] is undefined

File: playlist_manager_list.js
Line: 3871, Column: 2
Stack trace:

A reload and it works normal.

Also in the console
Code: [Select]
_runCmd(): failed to run command "Z:\home\user\.foobar2000_v2\profile\foo_spider_monkey_panel\packages\{2A6AEDC9-BAE4-4D30-88E2-EDE7225B494D}helpers-external\cmdutils\Recycle.exe" -f "Z:\home\user\.foobar2000_v2\profile\js_data\playlistManager_playlist_manager.json.old"(Error: ActiveX_Run failed:
WinAPI error:
  ActiveXObject call failed with error (0x80070003):
    Ruta no encontrada.)
Playlist manager: reading files from "Z:\home\user\.foobar2000_v2\profile\playlist_manager\

Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #223
Also in the console
Code: [Select]
_runCmd(): failed to run command "Z:\home\ruben\.foobar2000_v2\profile\foo_spider_monkey_panel\packages\{2A6AEDC9-BAE4-4D30-88E2-EDE7225B494D}helpers-external\cmdutils\Recycle.exe" -f "Z:\home\user\.foobar2000_v2\profile\js_data\playlistManager_playlist_manager.json.old"(Error: ActiveX_Run failed:
WinAPI error:
  ActiveXObject call failed with error (0x80070003):
    Ruta no encontrada.)
Playlist manager: reading files from "Z:\home\user\.foobar2000_v2\profile\playlist_manager\

Didn't really understand a word XD (provide a video please) but that seems a mix SMP and wine things, not mine. That's the way SMP works. Popups are shown while the package manager is opened, so if you don't close it... and click 'ok' on the package manager. Then the popup continues running on non available code. That's a SMP bug.

All popups must be closed before closing the SMP configure panel (which reloads the panel). Obviously SMP should be fixed to not do this at some point.
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Re: Playlist-Manager-SMP

Reply #224
This should fix the missing '\' at the path (related to the console log).