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Topic: 64-bit fb2k 2.1.5 Skip Track Question (Read 604 times) previous topic - next topic
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64-bit fb2k 2.1.5 Skip Track Question

I have the latest version of fb2k installed with the latest of all components.  I configured the largest pre-load buffer, and I also configured a 250MiB file load cache for all three options under advanced settings.  My intent is at 30 seconds toward the end of the currently playing track to load the next track into memory and play from memory.  This works effectively, and playback has been smooth for 95% of the time.  There have been instances where I stopped fb2k, restarted it, and again played my shuffled playlist of unique songs.  When this happens there is a chance I will hear repeats.  To prevent this, I use the latest skip track component (version 1.4.0).

In the past this component would check next tracks against my criteria then skip tracks that failed the criteria.  This of course would sometimes cause a delay prior to hearing music.  I understand the reasons for the delay.  In the past though I could actually got a hint that tracks were being skipped in some manner.  It may have been album art changes.  Now I just see a frozen fb2k with no hint that track skipping is happening.

My question:  is there a way to indicate tracks are being skipped?

Re: 64-bit fb2k 2.1.5 Skip Track Question

Reply #1
There is a message in foobar's console about track being skipped. But it sounds like you'd get smoother and better playback experience if you didn't use those aggressive precaching settings.


Re: 64-bit fb2k 2.1.5 Skip Track Question

Reply #2
Thank you.  I will keep the console open and review text to know what is happening.

The reason for the pre-cache settings is that my entire media library exists on pCloud, and the pre-cache settings work perfectly for this scenario.  The only potential delay is when Skip Track actually has to Skip Tracks.