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Topic: Cover view autochanging (Read 5094 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cover view autochanging

Is there a plugin which randomly changes between images in a specific folder while the tracks from that specific folder is played? I like to see the cover of the band while playing. But sometimes you want to see more images of the band. So the band folder has more than one image. If we had a component/plugin who randomly changed between the images in the specific folder it would be awesome.

Not sure what to search for. As far as i can see there's not something like this around. Currently using 0.9.5 Beta 7.

Cover view autochanging

Reply #1
Not possible with DUI, AFAIK.

If using CUI, you can try foo_uie_albumart.




Cover view autochanging

Reply #2
As far as I know it's not possible yet but I think it's probably that it will be implemented soon (though I'm hoping more that custom filenames will come).
I'd give you a link to the planned features for the future but the board is at the moment incredible slow so I can't.

However you should install a newer foobar2000-release (the newest is


Seems not to be implemented in the next version...

[!--sizeo:1--][span style=\"font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--](If anyone is interested to correct my grammatical faults? Would be nice )[/size]