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Topic: foo_dsp_fsurround (Read 300528 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_dsp_fsurround

Reply #150
First of all, thank you to @pro_optimizer for building a really great plugin! I've been really enjoying it - in fact, I've completely stopped using the native DPLII decoder in my AVR when listening to music, I now exclusively use foo_dsp_fsurround for all upmixing of stereo music to 5.1.

I have, however, encountered one issue that's been giving me trouble. The DSP always outputs a .1 LFE channel, even when the "redirect bass to LFE" option is disabled. The checkbox only determines if foo_dsp_fsurround will fill the LFE channel with signal or silence, but either way it still adds a .1 channel. The reason this is problematic is because the component I would like to use for bass management - foo_dsp_subwoofer - will only create an LFE channel if its input signal doesn't have an LFE channel, otherwise it will just pass the signal without modification. On the other hand, if I insert foo_dsp_subwoofer before foo_dsp_fsurround in the DSP chain, that prevents foo_dsp_fsurround from doing upmixing because it's only configured to accept stereo (2.0) signals. If it receives a 2.1 signal it just passes it through.

I've considered adding a DSP between foo_dsp_fsurround and foo_dsp_subwoofer that would just remove the LFE channel so that foo_dsp_subwoofer can do its thing, but that would have the effect of inadvertently removing LFE channel from all signals, including native 5.1 mixes. My preferred DSP flow would be to leave all 5.1 inputs unmodified, use foo_dsp_fsurround to upmix stereo to 5.0 (with "redirect bass to LFE" option set to Disabled), and then use foo_dsp_subwoofer to add a LFE channel to any signal that still doesn't have .1 at that point. After all, @pro_optimizer himself said that the bass management feature in foo_dsp_fsurround is only OK and recommended that people use a better bass management solution if they got one.

Is there a way to work around this issue? Or would the only solution be to update the foo_dsp_fsurround plugin code so it can either accept 2.1 input signals or output x.0 signals?

Re: foo_dsp_fsurround

Reply #152
@CitizenInsomniac you can use foo_dynamicdsp to automatically switch DSP chains depending on channels layout in source files.
Thank you! I will give it a try!

The other alternative solution I've been playing around with is to use foo_dsp_mm (Matrix Mixer) to strip out the .1 channel and then always use foo_dsp_subwoofer to generate the .1 channel from scratch (essentially taking on the role of bass manager). At first I wasn't a fan of losing the LFE channel from 5.1 mixes, but the more I've been reading about it the more it seems like the only reason .1 channel was added to music mixes to begin with was to provide a low-frequency signal to receivers that didn't have bass management capabilities. In which case, I might as well just do that myself and fine-tune it for my own AVR and speaker setup.

Re: foo_dsp_fsurround

Reply #153
Thank you for bumping this to my attention. I have ported the base processor class to Apple's Accelerate framework:

I may add this to Cog for upmixing to whatever speaker configuration that the system currently has attached, or upmixing to virtual 7.1 before processing with the HRIR downmix filter I currently have implemented.

Re: foo_dsp_fsurround

Reply #154
i use 5.1.2 SPEAKER this dsp not 5.1.2 SPEAKER 

Re: foo_dsp_fsurround

Reply #155
Need a 64bit build for the new foobar2000.
I'm getting an error and can't build so can someone do it?

Re: foo_dsp_fsurround

Reply #156
Need a 64bit build for the new foobar2000.
I'm getting an error and can't build so can someone do it?

For now I recommend you stick to a 32-bit build of foobar2000.  I've re-uploaded the author's plug-ins in this post that I find useful for quick access to see if someone picks up interest in continuing development and possibly adding some new features or doing their own version.  The developer hasn't logged in since "April 13, 2015, 07:23:44 PM".

Re: foo_dsp_fsurround

Reply #157
So, why did the Center Width option disappear from the plugin?

That's the only obvious DPLIIx thing that's missing.