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Topic: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist (Read 551741 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #250
does anyone know if it's possible to insert a dummy line BEFORE the first track (or even in between tracks)

I've been playing with $enabledraw, $setworldtransform, etc, but the translated readme isn't clear enough...

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #251
Ok, but how to set up ELPlaylist to show the embedded images?
I can't find an understandable description in the translated readme (but i must say, i hardly understand the whole readme. Is there a wiki or a better description available?)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #252
does anyone know if it's possible to insert a dummy line BEFORE the first track (or even in between tracks)

I've been playing with $enabledraw, $setworldtransform, etc, but the translated readme isn't clear enough...

To get a dummy line before the tracks you can add one to the header under "row number of group header" (conditionally if you want it only when open), then stop drawing everything above the last row, e.g. replace %el_height% with $sub(%el_height%,%el_row_height%). Not sure about empty rows between tracks.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #253
Ok, but how to set up ELPlaylist to show the embedded images?
I can't find an understandable description in the translated readme (but i must say, i hardly understand the whole readme. Is there a wiki or a better description available?)

it seems i was not clear enough : no = not possible, so forget embedded image if you want display covers in ELP...

... maybe i'm wrong (i hope) but i work on ELP since a long time time now.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #254
thanks TomBarlow.  unfortunately, that wouldn't solve my problem. I'll explain what I want to do. I have many albums that have two or more discs. What I'm doing now is making subgroups for the different discs inside the album, so it look like this (collapsed):

-- album header
-----disc 1 header
-----disc 2 header


-- album header
-----disc 1 header
-------track 1
-------track 2
-----disc 2 header
-------track 1
-------track 2

what I want is that when I collapse the groups, the disc headers don't show (because they make the whole playlist messy), but they do when the group is expanded. I've managed to do it setting the row number to 0 for those subgroups when they are collapsed, and checking "allow collapsing groups with no header". But then what happens is that the single tracks in my library, which have no header, disappear. That's why I was thinking a dummy line would work better than a header, so I would have :


-- album header


-- album header
-----disc 1 (dummy line)
-------track 1
-------track 2
-----disc 2 (dummy line)
-------track 1
-------track 2

and this way the single tracks wouldn't be affected

any ideas?

edit: well that turned out a long post, sorry

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #255
it seems i was not clear enough : no = not possible, so forget embedded image if you want display covers in ELP...

... maybe i'm wrong (i hope) but i work on ELP since a long time time now.

Oh, a kind of misunderstanding  .
I asked "Does ELPlaylist only support external album art?" and you answered "No".
So thanks for your answer.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #256
Sune: I see what you're after, it's similar to behaviour to what I would like- i.e headers only visible when the header above them is clicked, and tracks only showing when the bottom most header is clicked. I don't think it's possible, we'll have to hope the dev adds it.

I think what I would like is slightly different, e.g. you'd have:


Album header


Album header
-disc 1 header
-disc 2 header

expanded again:

Album header
-disc 1 header
--track 1
--track 2
-disc 2 header

Maybe if row height was a text box you could do something with $if(tracknumber=1,32,16) then draw a disc header when tracknumber=1. Would work as long as your library was well tagged!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #257
^My library is perfectly tagged     

but yeah, what you want is similar. And what you propose would work. Or another way could be to specify what level of headers should hide when collapsing. Let's say I always want to see 0-level header (except if row number for that header is = 0), but not level 1, etc.

@ developer: I hope you can manage to implement this. As others have said, this is the best playlist viewer so far, and you're doing a great job updating it and introducing new features. Thanks a lot, sincerely

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #259
Actually the readme files shows that embedded album art is possible, though not recommended. It uses the album art reader implemented in columnsUI I guess..:

Audio artreader path will be specified in the embedded image file of the artwork reader foobar2000 loaded in the core.
Without embedded images,Audio Files folder to load images. Yes.
Audio artreader_front path will be specified in the embedded image file of the artwork reader foobar2000 loaded in the core.
(artreader *** are currently disrecommended options because these option seem to be slow)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #260
Actually the readme files shows that embedded album art is possible, though not recommended. It uses the album art reader implemented in columnsUI I guess..:

And exactly what i have to tweak to make it read my embedded art? in Display>ColumnsUI>Artwork the option "embedded and external artwork" is enabled... but still no luck.

Any idea?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #261
elplaylist settings paste
imageabs($get(x),$get(y),$get(art_size),$get(art_size),$get(art_path),artreader noexpansion top,)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #263
Crash report

Frequent crashes when exiting foobar or importing fcl file

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 014CF33Eh
Access violation, operation: read, address: 04012860h
Call path:
entry=>app_mainloop=>destroy panel=>destroy child panel
Code bytes (014CF33Eh):
014CF2FEh:  4E 01 85 C0 75 3A 85 F6 74 36 C7 06 6C 34 4F 01
014CF30Eh:  8B 46 04 85 C0 74 09 8D 48 08 8B 01 8B 10 FF D2
014CF31Eh:  C7 46 04 00 00 00 00 8B 46 04 85 C0 74 09 8D 48
014CF32Eh:  08 8B 01 8B 10 FF D2 56 E8 29 8A FE FF 83 C4 04
014CF33Eh:  8B 07 5F 5E C2 04 00 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC
014CF34Eh:  CC CC 6A FF 68 E4 9B 4E 01 64 A1 00 00 00 00 50
014CF35Eh:  83 EC 08 53 55 56 A1 30 A0 4F 01 33 C4 50 8D 44
014CF36Eh:  24 18 64 A3 00 00 00 00 33 DB 89 5C 24 10 8D 44
Stack (0012F15Ch):
0012F13Ch:  0012F338 00000000 F0E0B8E8 00000000
0012F14Ch:  7FFDE000 F0E0B68C F0E0BB10 F0E0B874
0012F15Ch:  00000000 00000000 014DE5BA 04012858
0012F16Ch:  09B41C81 0001032A 02D36F48 00000000
0012F17Ch:  003202B4 0074B7E0 003202B4 00000210
0012F18Ch:  00000002 0001032A 01609BD0 DCBAABCD
0012F19Ch:  00000000 0012F1E4 0012F1C0 7E428DD9
0012F1ACh:  02D36F48 0001032A 00000002 00000000
0012F1BCh:  02D36F48 7E418BD9 7E471088 00000000
0012F1CCh:  0012F208 7E428DAC 7E428D8B 00000210
0012F1DCh:  003202B4 0074B7E0 00000000 00000001
0012F1ECh:  0001032A 0074F798 0012F210 7E418B26
0012F1FCh:  0074F798 FFFFFFEB 00000000 0001032A
0012F20Ch:  014B7120 0012F248 7E4188D1 0074F798
0012F21Ch:  FFFFFFEB 7E4188DA 0001032A 014B7120
0012F22Ch:  09B41C8D 0012F224 0012F2FC 014EB2CD
0012F23Ch:  FFFFFFFF 00000002 014B72B8 0001032A
0012F24Ch:  00000002 00000000 00000000 0012F2E0
0012F25Ch:  014B7120 0012F2A4 00000000 00000210
0012F26Ch:  00000002 0001032A 00000000 0012F2A4
EAX: 00000001, EBX: 02D36F48, ECX: 014B7AFD, EDX: 01520608
ESI: 04012858, EDI: 04012860, EBP: 0012F240, ESP: 0012F15C
Crash location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h

Loaded modules:
fooBar2000                      loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
ntdll                            loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9AF000h
kernel32                        loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F6000h
COMCTL32                        loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
msvcrt                          loaded at 77C10000h - 77C68000h
ADVAPI32                        loaded at 77DD0000h - 77E6B000h
RPCRT4                          loaded at 77E70000h - 77F02000h
Secur32                          loaded at 77FE0000h - 77FF1000h
GDI32                            loaded at 77F10000h - 77F59000h
USER32                          loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
SHLWAPI                          loaded at 77F60000h - 77FD6000h
SHELL32                          loaded at 7C9C0000h - 7D1D7000h
ole32                            loaded at 774E0000h - 7761D000h
shared                          loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
COMDLG32                        loaded at 763B0000h - 763F9000h
IMM32                            loaded at 76390000h - 763AD000h
LPK                              loaded at 629C0000h - 629C9000h
USP10                            loaded at 74D90000h - 74DFB000h
uxtheme                          loaded at 5AD70000h - 5ADA8000h
MSCTF                            loaded at 74720000h - 7476C000h
msctfime                        loaded at 755C0000h - 755EE000h
foo_abx                          loaded at 00A90000h - 00AC1000h
foo_albumlist                    loaded at 00AF0000h - 00B5C000h
foo_cdartdisplay                loaded at 00B80000h - 00BB1000h
foo_cdda                        loaded at 00BE0000h - 00C20000h
foo_converter                    loaded at 00C40000h - 00CA7000h
foo_dsp_crossfeed                loaded at 00CD0000h - 00CF4000h
foo_dsp_std                      loaded at 00D20000h - 00D69000h
foo_facets                      loaded at 00D90000h - 00E11000h
OLEAUT32                        loaded at 77120000h - 771AB000h
MSIMG32                          loaded at 76380000h - 76385000h
foo_fileops                      loaded at 00E40000h - 00E86000h
foo_freedb2                      loaded at 00EB0000h - 00EF0000h
foo_input_std                    loaded at 00F10000h - 0103C000h
foo_lastfm_radio                loaded at 01060000h - 010A6000h
foo_playcount                    loaded at 010D0000h - 010FA000h
foo_playlist_tree_mod            loaded at 01120000h - 01187000h
libmzsch360_000                  loaded at 10400000h - 105D0000h
WSOCK32                          loaded at 71AD0000h - 71AD9000h
WS2_32                          loaded at 71AB0000h - 71AC7000h
WS2HELP                          loaded at 71AA0000h - 71AA8000h
libmzgc360_000                  loaded at 011B0000h - 01254000h
foo_rgscan                      loaded at 012A0000h - 012FB000h
foo_run                          loaded at 01320000h - 0134E000h
foo_textdisplay                  loaded at 01370000h - 013AF000h
foo_uie_albumart                loaded at 013D0000h - 0140D000h
gdiplus                          loaded at 4EC50000h - 4EDF6000h
foo_uie_albumlist                loaded at 01440000h - 0147D000h
foo_uie_elplaylist              loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
foo_uie_graphical_browser        loaded at 01530000h - 015C4000h
foo_uie_panel_splitter          loaded at 015E0000h - 0162F000h
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod            loaded at 01650000h - 016A6000h
MSVCP80                          loaded at 7C420000h - 7C4A7000h
MSVCR80                          loaded at 78130000h - 781CB000h
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum    loaded at 016D0000h - 0170D000h
WINMM                            loaded at 76B40000h - 76B6D000h
foo_uie_vis_egoh                loaded at 017B0000h - 017CD000h
foo_ui_columns                  loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
foo_ui_std                      loaded at 01940000h - 01A15000h
foo_unpack                      loaded at 01A40000h - 01A6D000h
mscms                            loaded at 73B30000h - 73B45000h
WINSPOOL                        loaded at 73000000h - 73026000h
icm32                            loaded at 66E90000h - 66ED1000h
DSOUND                          loaded at 73F10000h - 73F6C000h
VERSION                          loaded at 77C00000h - 77C08000h
WINTRUST                        loaded at 76C30000h - 76C5E000h
CRYPT32                          loaded at 77A80000h - 77B15000h
MSASN1                          loaded at 77B20000h - 77B32000h
IMAGEHLP                        loaded at 76C90000h - 76CB8000h
wdmaud                          loaded at 72D20000h - 72D29000h
msacm32                          loaded at 72D10000h - 72D18000h
MSACM32                          loaded at 77BE0000h - 77BF5000h
midimap                          loaded at 77BD0000h - 77BD7000h
KsUser                          loaded at 73EE0000h - 73EE4000h
mswsock                          loaded at 71A50000h - 71A8F000h
DNSAPI                          loaded at 76F20000h - 76F47000h
rasadhlp                        loaded at 76FC0000h - 76FC6000h
hnetcfg                          loaded at 662B0000h - 66308000h
wshtcpip                        loaded at 71A90000h - 71A98000h
appHelp                          loaded at 77B40000h - 77B62000h
CLBCATQ                          loaded at 76FD0000h - 7704F000h
COMRes                          loaded at 77050000h - 77115000h
cscui                            loaded at 77A20000h - 77A74000h
CSCDLL                          loaded at 76600000h - 7661D000h
browseui                        loaded at 75F80000h - 7607D000h
SETUPAPI                        loaded at 77920000h - 77A13000h
ntshrui                          loaded at 76990000h - 769B5000h
ATL                              loaded at 76B20000h - 76B31000h
NETAPI32                        loaded at 5B860000h - 5B8B5000h
USERENV                          loaded at 769C0000h - 76A74000h
shdocvw                          loaded at 7E290000h - 7E401000h
CRYPTUI                          loaded at 754D0000h - 75550000h
WININET                          loaded at 78050000h - 78120000h
Normaliz                        loaded at 07000000h - 07009000h
iertutil                        loaded at 78000000h - 78045000h
WLDAP32                          loaded at 76F60000h - 76F8C000h
xpsp2res                        loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
DBGHELP                          loaded at 59A60000h - 59B01000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 014DE5BAh, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 09B41C81h, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 01609BD0h, location: "foo_uie_panel_splitter", loaded at 015E0000h - 0162F000h
Address: 7E428DD9h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000000B9h)
Address: 7E418BD9h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowThreadProcessId" (+00000159h)
Address: 7E471088h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Address: 7E428DACh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+0000008Ch)
Address: 7E428D8Bh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+0000006Bh)
Address: 7E418B26h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowThreadProcessId" (+000000A6h)
Address: 014B7120h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 7E4188D1h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+0000002Bh)
Address: 7E4188DAh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+00000034h)
Address: 014B7120h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 09B41C8Dh, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 014EB2CDh, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 014B72B8h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 014B7120h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 7E418734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 014B7120h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 014B7120h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 7E418816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 014B7120h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 7E44048Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 7E418830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 7E428EA0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000180h)
Address: 014B7120h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 7E44048Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 7E428EB0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000190h)
Address: 7E428EECh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000001CCh)
Address: 014B7120h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 7C90E453h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9AF000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 014B7120h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 7E428E53h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000133h)
Address: 7E42B1A8h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+0000000Ch)
Address: 014AC881h, location: "foo_uie_elplaylist", loaded at 014A0000h - 01507000h
Address: 0160AF63h, location: "foo_uie_panel_splitter", loaded at 015E0000h - 0162F000h
Address: 09B62A43h, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 100025D2h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uCallStackTracker::uCallStackTracker" (+0000002Fh)
Address: 01616F07h, location: "foo_uie_panel_splitter", loaded at 015E0000h - 0162F000h
Address: 0160BCFAh, location: "foo_uie_panel_splitter", loaded at 015E0000h - 0162F000h
Address: 09B62A77h, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 01617035h, location: "foo_uie_panel_splitter", loaded at 015E0000h - 0162F000h
Address: 0182E561h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 09B130D2h, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 018B0508h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 0182FCA5h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E418B26h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowThreadProcessId" (+000000A6h)
Address: 01883560h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E4188D1h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+0000002Bh)
Address: 7E4188DAh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+00000034h)
Address: 01883560h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E44048Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 018836F6h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 01883560h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E42F551h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "EnumThreadWindows" (+00000018h)
Address: 7E418734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 01883560h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 01883560h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E418816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 01883560h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018ED2D8h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E44048Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 7E418830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 7E428EA0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000180h)
Address: 01883560h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018ED2D8h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E44048Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 7E428EB0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000190h)
Address: 7E428EECh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000001CCh)
Address: 01883560h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7C90E453h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9AF000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 01883560h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E428E53h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000133h)
Address: 7E42B1A8h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+0000000Ch)
Address: 0182B681h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 01842692h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 09B132E2h, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 018CBF9Ch, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CAEBCh, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018ED304h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018C9184h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018B66B8h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 01841736h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CBF9Ch, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 0183EBFAh, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 09B1324Ah, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 018EDC44h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018B67D8h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 0183ED03h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 0183ED0Ch, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018C779Ch, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018C7684h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 0187BDC8h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 09B13202h, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 018EB63Ch, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018C7A58h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CED68h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CBF90h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 09B1321Eh, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 018EB61Ch, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018B99F2h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 01877EC3h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 09B13C12h, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 7E42BBF7h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DrawTextExW" (+000007E2h)
Address: 7E42B415h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DrawTextExW" (+00000000h)
Address: 018CFA64h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CED68h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 773F8EB4h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+0000D004h)
Address: 018CFB14h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CFAB4h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CED68h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CAEACh, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CED68h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CFA8Ch, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018C8600h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018C9184h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018EB63Ch, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CCA48h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 09B13C12h, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 018B80AFh, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 0187829Ch, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 09B13C22h, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 01862960h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018CCA48h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 018B79B8h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 01862A01h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 09B13DD2h, location: "xpsp2res", loaded at 099F0000h - 09CB5000h
Address: 01862960h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E423D3Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefDlgProcW" (+00000000h)
Address: 7E423D5Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefDlgProcW" (+00000022h)
Address: 018BA528h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E418734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 01862960h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 01862960h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E423CE4h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "EnumDisplaySettingsA" (+0000027Dh)
Address: 01862960h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E44048Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 7E423D08h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "EnumDisplaySettingsA" (+000002A1h)
Address: 7E423B30h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "EnumDisplaySettingsA" (+000000C9h)
Address: 01862960h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 017E0000h - 01912000h
Address: 7E423D3Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefDlgProcW" (+00000000h)
Address: 004FC6A0h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7E418734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 7E423D5Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefDlgProcW" (+00000022h)
Address: 7E418734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 7E423D3Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefDlgProcW" (+00000000h)
Address: 7E423D3Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefDlgProcW" (+00000000h)
Address: 7E418816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 7E423D3Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefDlgProcW" (+00000000h)
Address: 7E41882Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000163h)
Address: 7E44048Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 7E418830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 7E42927Bh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetParent" (+0000016Ch)
Address: 7E423D3Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DefDlgProcW" (+00000000h)
Address: 7E4292E3h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "SendMessageW" (+00000049h)
Address: 773F7354h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+0000B4A4h)
Address: 773F7436h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+0000B586h)
Address: 773F973Bh, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+0000D88Bh)
Address: 773F8EB4h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+0000D004h)
Address: 7E42B326h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "MoveWindow" (+00000088h)
Address: 74724FAEh, location: "MSCTF", loaded at 74720000h - 7476C000h
Symbol: "DllGetClassObject" (+00000BDBh)
Address: 7E42B326h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "MoveWindow" (+00000088h)
Address: 7E4278D0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowTextLengthW" (+0000009Ah)
Address: 7E4278E0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowTextLengthW" (+000000AAh)
Address: 7C90E453h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9AF000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 74731351h, location: "MSCTF", loaded at 74720000h - 7476C000h
Symbol: "TF_UninitSystem" (+00000970h)
Address: 7E418734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 773F8EB4h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+0000D004h)
Address: 773F8EB4h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+0000D004h)
Address: 7E418816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 773F8EB4h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+0000D004h)
Address: 7E44048Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 7E418830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 7E4189CDh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+00000127h)
Address: 773F8EB4h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+0000D004h)
Address: 7E4278D0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowTextLengthW" (+0000009Ah)
Address: 7E431B7Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "AppendMenuA" (+0000006Eh)
Address: 7E44048Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 7E4189F0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+0000014Ah)
Address: 7E418A10h, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DispatchMessageW" (+0000000Fh)
Address: 7E4274FFh, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "IsDialogMessageW" (+000000DBh)
Address: 0042DBBEh, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7E42B19Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
Symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+00000000h)
Address: 004B77B8h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042DC34h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 1000258Fh, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000C8h)
Address: 0042B19Ch, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042E6D3h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004CDD80h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004CDD64h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004CDD64h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004DD310h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7C90E900h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9AF000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000113h)
Address: 7C9101C0h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9AF000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0000011Ch)
Address: 7C9101BBh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9AF000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000117h)
Address: 004AAC03h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A52A0h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004AAC03h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A9058h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 1000258Fh, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000C8h)
Address: 004D3B1Ch, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004BE6C4h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D3B1Ch, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042E912h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A3471h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A346Bh, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004C5B14h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004C3810h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A52A0h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A346Bh, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A347Fh, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004C3810h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004BEADDh, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A4E8Ah, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004AD096h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A52A0h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7C817067h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F6000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000049h)
Address: 7C839AC0h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F6000h
Symbol: "ValidateLocale" (+000002B0h)
Address: 7C817070h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F6000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000052h)
Address: 004A4EF5h, location: "fooBar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h

Version info:
foobar2000 v0.9.5.6
Windows 5.1

Additional info:
Playlist Tree Mod Panel [Jul 31 2008 - 00:00:57]  (foo_playlist_tree_mod) Radio 0.5  (foo_lastfm_radio)
ABX Comparator 1.3.3  (foo_abx)
RAR reader 1.1  (foo_unpack)
Album list panel 0.3.3  (foo_uie_albumlist)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8   (foo_rgscan)
Crossfeed 0.92  (foo_dsp_crossfeed)
foobar2000 core  (Core)
Panel Stack Splitter  (foo_uie_panel_splitter)
Standard DSP Array 1.0  (foo_dsp_std)
Facets 2008-02-25  (foo_facets)
freedb Tagger 0.6  (foo_freedb2)
Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2  (foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum)
CD Art Display Interface 2.0 final 174  (foo_cdartdisplay)
Album Art Panel  (foo_uie_albumart)
Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]  (foo_uie_trackinfo_mod)
Standard Input Array 1.0  (foo_input_std)
Text Display UI Element 1.0 RC 3  (foo_textdisplay)
Columns UI  (foo_ui_columns)
File Operations 2.1  (foo_fileops)
ELPlaylist  (foo_uie_elplaylist)
Converter 1.1.2  (foo_converter)
Run services 0.3.4  (foo_run)
ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0  (foo_unpack)
Graphical Browser rev015  (foo_uie_graphical_browser)
Egoh Spectrum analyser (uie) 1.1.2  (foo_uie_vis_egoh)
Album List 4.3  (foo_albumlist)
CD Audio Decoder 2.1.3  (foo_cdda)
Default User Interface 0.9.5  (foo_ui_std)
Playback Statistics 2.1.7  (foo_playcount)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #264
Can somebody please tell me, if it is possible to use some kind of quicksearch in elplaylist?

I have playlists with more than 1.000 songs and they're still increasing  In NG-Playlist it was possible to just type the name of the song you are looking for and the cursor was automatically moved to the found song.

if there is no option, is there something else is could use, maybe chronflow instead of bubbleflow?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #265
Can somebody please tell me, if it is possible to use some kind of quicksearch in elplaylist?

I have playlists with more than 1.000 songs and they're still increasing  In NG-Playlist it was possible to just type the name of the song you are looking for and the cursor was automatically moved to the found song.

if there is no option, is there something else is could use, maybe chronflow instead of bubbleflow?

I recommend to you QuickSearch Toolbar, because for now, no such feature in ELP.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #266

Can somebody please tell me, if it is possible to use some kind of quicksearch in elplaylist?

I have playlists with more than 1.000 songs and they're still increasing  In NG-Playlist it was possible to just type the name of the song you are looking for and the cursor was automatically moved to the found song.

if there is no option, is there something else is could use, maybe chronflow instead of bubbleflow?

I recommend to you QuickSearch Toolbar, because for now, no such feature in ELP.

thx for your fast answer!

i'm using quicksearch toolbar allready. but i don't know about a feature like searching in the current playlist and selecting the track instead of putting it into a new playlist...?!


found it, thx anyway!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #267

elplaylist settings paste
imageabs($get(x),$get(y),$get(art_size),$get(art_size),$get(art_path),artreader noexpansion top,)

i have already test this syntax, it do not work at all for me ... somebody make it works ??

Not working for me either... now im forced to use NGPlaylist until some kind souls help us with the code...


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #268
Not working for me either... now im forced to use NGPlaylist until some kind souls help us with the code...

No panic - it works like a charm. The only prob could be the check whether there is a cover-image in the folder or not. In the skin Kung-Foo for example you'd have to delete all the stuff with "nocover" and then exchange the one line that draws the cover in the track list as well as in the group header tab. The group header entry has to be exactly this (no $get(path) but %path%!!):


For other skins you just have to change the first four values by the appropriate variable. By the way, hope Falstaff is implementing this in the next release of his great skins

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #269
@Onkel Andy
Maybe i'm too dumb for el_playlist, but i can't get embedded albumart to work with your suggestion...

Ooops, it works!
I used a fresh el_playlist and replaced the $imageabs() for group header and track list with your string and THERE IS EMBEDDED ALBUM ART!
In the background, about 10 pixels high, full width of the embedded image (600p)...

I have it:
(So easy...)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #270
Hey, can anyone help me out?

$drawstring(%el_group_format% - %date% $ifgreater(%el_direct_item_count%,0,$char(10)%artist%,),$get(group_left),0,$sub(%el_width%,$get(group_left)),%el_height%,000-000-000,vcenter nowrap elipchar hq mempos)

I'm trying to change the size and color of the font of "%el_group_format% - %date%" rendered inside a drawstring() function.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #271
Thanks for the new version (0.6.3). Working here but not sure of whats been added/changed!

Seeing that you are actively working on this plugin, any chance of looking at my idea to display the current and the playing playlist in two different lists (

I'm sure it would be unique to your plugin and really useful.

Thanks anyway - keep up the good work - it's greatly appreciated.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #272

Not working for me either... now im forced to use NGPlaylist until some kind souls help us with the code...

No panic - it works like a charm. The only prob could be the check whether there is a cover-image in the folder or not. In the skin Kung-Foo for example you'd have to delete all the stuff with "nocover" and then exchange the one line that draws the cover in the track list as well as in the group header tab. The group header entry has to be exactly this (no $get(path) but %path%!!):


For other skins you just have to change the first four values by the appropriate variable. By the way, hope Falstaff is implementing this in the next release of his great skins

thanx a lot for the right syntax, work like a charm, very very good news radio plugin which grab covers from wotks so fine now with ELP or PSS cover display

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #273

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #274
It's working indeed...