Pretty sure this has not existed before??
But it can be done with my component (JScript Panel 3, link in signature) and this code pasted in a panel...
// @name "GetAlbumArtNew"
// @author "marc2003"
// Prefers now playing track if playing, follows playlist selection if not
// Double click panel to view image in fb2k picture viewer
var g_img = null;
var g_metadb = null;
var g_tooltip = window.CreateTooltip('Segoe UI', 16);
g_tooltip.SetMaxWidth(600); // enable multi-line tooltips
g_tooltip.Text = '';
var g_info = '';
var ww = 0, wh = 0;
function update_album_art() {
if (g_img) {
g_img = null;
g_info = '';
g_metadb = fb.IsPlaying ? fb.GetNowPlaying() : fb.GetFocusItem();
if (g_metadb) {
g_img = g_metadb.GetAlbumArt(); // omitting the type defaults to front
if (g_img) {
var path = g_img.Path;
g_info = 'Original dimensions: ' + g_img.Width + 'x' + g_img.Height; // add image dimensions to tooltip
if (path.length) g_info += '\nPath: ' + path; // add path on new line if present
function on_colours_changed() {
function on_item_focus_change() {
if (!fb.IsPlaying) {
function on_mouse_lbtn_dblclk() {
if (g_metadb) {
function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
if (g_info.length && g_tooltip.Text != g_info) {
g_tooltip.Text = g_info;
function on_paint(gr) {
var bg = window.IsDefaultUI ? window.GetColourDUI(1) : window.GetColourCUI(3);
if (g_img) {
var pos_x = 0, pos_y = 0;
var scale = 1;
if (g_img.Width < ww && g_img.Height < wh) {
// image smaller than panel
pos_x = (ww - g_img.Width) / 2;
pos_y = (wh - g_img.Height) / 2;
} else {
// image larger than panel, keep aspect
var scale_w = ww / g_img.Width;
var scale_h = wh / g_img.Height;
scale = Math.min(scale_w, scale_h);
if (scale_w < scale_h)
pos_y = (wh - g_img.height * scale) / 2;
else if (scale_w > scale_h)
pos_x = (ww - g_img.Width * scale) / 2;
gr.DrawImage(g_img, pos_x, pos_y, g_img.Width * scale, g_img.Height * scale, 0, 0, g_img.Width, g_img.Height);
function on_size() {
ww = window.Width;
wh = window.Height;
// get notified of album art changes when listening to a supported stream
function on_playback_dynamic_info_track(type) {
// type 0 is metadata which we're not interested in
if (type == 1) {
function on_playback_new_track() {
function on_playback_stop(reason) {
if (reason != 2) {
function on_playlist_switch() {
if (!fb.IsPlaying) {
Art larger than panel, it touches the edge like default...
Larger panel...