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Topic: Seems v2.7-2024-08-31 killed HDMI sound on Mac Mini (Read 2173 times) previous topic - next topic
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Seems v2.7-2024-08-31 killed HDMI sound on Mac Mini

I've been a FB2K lover from way back in '03. But I'm new to FB2K for Mac. And I'm only a day old user of any Apple product, now a Mac Mini M1.

The default recommended FB2K4mac version I 1st downloaded had no settings at all on its GUI. Reading where people were discussing preferences and a graphics EQ, I found, downloaded and installed v2.7-2024-08-31. Testing the only settings I found, output devices, I went ahead and tested each device listed. The one I rely on is the connection to my Denon AVR3310CI which the Mini is connected to via HDMI for both audio and video.

At some point during testing the audio out from Mac to the AVR died, and after a half day of troubleshooting I've found no solution. All solutions I could find on the net were related to common Mac settings, So I'm here hoping to get feedback here on possible problems the output devices for the  v2.7-2024-08-31 may have caused.

Sound on the Mac Mini does work when I choose it in the system settings for sound. But now when I choose Denon AVR3310CI from FB2K4mac's output devices, the AVR forces the display to go black and exit the Mini support. I have to use the AVR's remote to select the Mini input to get back to the Mini's desktop. In the process the Mini's desktop underscan level that I have to set to see the Mini's Menu, is reset to default. I have to enable and increase the uderscan every time that happens.

I've just signed up over at the Apple forums and have a few other issues to ask about there. Meanwhile I'm wondering if someone here may have seen this and can suggest a fix.

Thanks all!  :)
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