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Topic: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme (Read 118271 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #50
Hi, nice theme you have here, i'd love to try it out, but so far i'm just getting this error once i've entered the TXT lines into the JS Panel

JScript Panel v2.3.0-Beta.2 (Georgia by Mordred)
jscript 2.3.x has breaking changes. I'll be updating the script in the next day or two to support it, but for now, stick with v2.2.2.4 and you should be fine.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #51
Thanks for the updates! I'm still getting used to the new dark mode but I'm sure I'll prefer in the end.

I'm keen to see what you might add from here. I do use a totally different tab for my library and browsing through albums, I do feel that the built-in feature isn't great, mainly because it seems to lag so much when opening it (I think it's to do with loading the art?), it would be amazing to have a way to browse albums that's as pretty as the rest of the theme!

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #52
I've had a semi-persistent problem of Georgia crashing on startup with the "Aw, Crashed :(" on startup.

Just tried upgrading(Georgia -> 1.1.4, JScriptPanel ->, but it's still happening.

Also, I poked around in my console and noticed the following even though I re-installed all of my fonts and everything looks OK.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I did notice from my font viewer that the names seem to be ever so slightly different than the strings in my console:
Code: [Select]
Full Name: HelveticaNeueLTStd-Th
Full Name: HelveticaNeueLTStd-Lt
Full Name: HelveticaNeueLTStd-Md
Full Name: HelveticaNeueLTStd-Bd

I tried changing them all to have spaces (Ex. 'Helvetica Neue LT Std'), but that didn't seem to help.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #53
It crashes for me on startup or a little after startup too, but after I "Reload" the panel it doesn't do it again, so it's never bothered me much.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #54
It crashes for me on startup or a little after startup too, but after I "Reload" the panel it doesn't do it again, so it's never bothered me much.
If you send me the error line from the console, I can fix that for ya :)

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #55
I've had a semi-persistent problem of Georgia crashing on startup with the "Aw, Crashed :(" on startup.
Again, send me the error from the console and I can fix it.

Also, I poked around in my console and noticed the following even though I re-installed all of my fonts and everything looks OK.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I did notice from my font viewer that the names seem to be ever so slightly different than the strings in my console:
Code: [Select]
Full Name: HelveticaNeueLTStd-Th
Full Name: HelveticaNeueLTStd-Lt
Full Name: HelveticaNeueLTStd-Md
Full Name: HelveticaNeueLTStd-Bd

I tried changing them all to have spaces (Ex. 'Helvetica Neue LT Std'), but that didn't seem to help.
The font names of the files is not what Windows reports as the names. To see those, you need to open up "Font Settings" (on Windows 10 at least) and then find the font in the list there. Things might look okay, but if the test is failing then you aren't seeing the correct fonts and are probably falling back to Arial or something.

There will be a new release in a couple days to handle JScript 2.3.x and fix a couple other minor issues. As part of that release I will be including brand new fonts which will hopefully make things a little simpler.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #56
It crashes for me on startup or a little after startup too, but after I "Reload" the panel it doesn't do it again, so it's never bothered me much.
If you send me the error line from the console, I can fix that for ya :)

This is the error that appears:

Error: JScript Panel v2.1.8 (Georgia by Mordred)
JavaScript runtime error:
Unable to get property '0' of undefined or null reference
File: C:\foobar2000x\georgia\js\georgia-main.js
Line: 2991, Col: 2
<source text only available at compile time>

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #57
Also, I poked around in my console and noticed the following even though I re-installed all of my fonts and everything looks OK.
Are you using foo_ui_hacks? Marc2k3 pointed out to me there's an issue where if you're using the UI Hacks method to load fonts locally that Utils.CheckFont returns false even though the font is available to foobar. If that's the case you can safely ignore that warning.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #58
Also, I poked around in my console and noticed the following even though I re-installed all of my fonts and everything looks OK.
Are you using foo_ui_hacks? Marc2k3 pointed out to me there's an issue where if you're using the UI Hacks method to load fonts locally that Utils.CheckFont returns false even though the font is available to foobar. If that's the case you can safely ignore that warning.

Yeah, I think that's installed as part of my setup.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #59
Yeah, I think that's installed as part of my setup.
I was actually asking @f9fb4d656d but that's a good datapoint. What version of Windows are you on? If it's XP or Vista I've got an idea of what's going wrong.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #61
I'm bad at this...
How do I extract the component?

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #62
Wow! Working now with Spotify and showing the Spotify art!!! Also working the flags, band logos etc.

I'll tell you if something doesn't go.

Updated to last version. Everything working fine except importing foo-spotify art


Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #63
Updated to last version. Everything working fine except importing foo-spotify art
What do you mean by "importing" exactly? Just that art isn't showing up from foo_input_spotify?

Also were you coming from Georgia 1.1.4 or an earlier version?

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #64
Updated to last version. Everything working fine except importing foo-spotify art
What do you mean by "importing" exactly? Just that art isn't showing up from foo_input_spotify?

Also were you coming from Georgia 1.1.4 or an earlier version?

Actually I was using a previous versione. When updated to 1.1.5, it loads but then js panel crash. My foobar right now is a little bloated, will try with a fresh install with only the needed components.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #65
Actually I was using a previous versione. When updated to 1.1.5, it loads but then js panel crash. My foobar right now is a little bloated, will try with a fresh install with only the needed components.
Darn. Probably no easy way to determine what that version was then, unless you still have the old .zip file and can check out the top of globals.js.

When you say the js panel crashes, do you mean all the time (some are reporting a single crash at startup that I can't reproduce) or just when loading images from foo_input_spotify?

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #66
Oki, I did a fresh install.
1.1.5 loads then crash, lods crash load crash, message is:
JScript Panel v2.3.1 (Georgia by Mordred)
Error en tiempo de ejecución de JavaScript:
El objeto no acepta la propiedad o el método 'GetLibraryRelativePath'
File: C:\Users\puran\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\georgia\js\CaTRoX_QWR\Panel_Library.js
Line: 1205, Col: 224

It could be that Foobar is still scanning the library hard disk?
Windows 10, Foobar 1.5.beta 20

Ps. Tried with a previous version of Jscript Panel v.2.2.2 and the crash is no more.
Now it crashes when loading music from foo-input-spotify, and no spotify images are seen.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #67
GetLibraryRelativePath, which is causing the error, is incompatible with JScript panel v2.3.1. The new replacement method is significantly faster :) , but until its changed you can't use view by folder structure in the library panel. Since it's originally my panel I did offer to send @MordredKLB a version with the needed fixes a while ago. But it seems he wanted to wait until I released an updated version with the solution, or there was some confusion over the matter???

To stop Georgia 1.1.5/JScript panel v2.3.1 locking you out now, you can open (panel) properties, find SYSTEM.View By (its likely to be near the bottom of properties) and change it to 1. You will then be able to choose any of the available library views except View by Folder Structure because that will error.


Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #68
GetLibraryRelativePath, which is causing the error, is incompatible with JScript panel v2.3.1. The new replacement method is significantly faster :) , but until its changed you can't use view by folder structure in the library panel. Since it's originally my panel I did offer to send @MordredKLB a version with the needed fixes a while ago. But it seems he wanted to wait until I released an updated version with the solution, or there was some confusion over the matter???
I had to make significant changes to your panel to get it to work in the theme (this is the issue with not using separate WSH panels for each piece of the theme). If you can send me the relevant changes I'll get them fixed ASAP, but unfortunately I can't just replace the file and have things work.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #69
The crash message with foo-input-spotify is:

JScript Panel v2.2.2.2 (Georgia by Mordred)
Error en tiempo de ejecución de JavaScript:
No se puede obtener la propiedad 'setColors' de referencia nula o sin definir
File: C:\Users\puran\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\georgia\js\georgia-main.js
Line: 1835, Col: 4

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #70
The crash message with foo-input-spotify is:

JScript Panel v2.2.2.2 (Georgia by Mordred)
Error en tiempo de ejecución de JavaScript:
No se puede obtener la propiedad 'setColors' de referencia nula o sin definir
File: C:\Users\puran\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\georgia\js\georgia-main.js
Line: 1835, Col: 4

Thanks for the debug help. Can you download this file and replace your existing georgia-main.js with it? Restart foobar and let me know if that fixes your problem with spotify. It might actually expose another issue so if you get a crash again, please post the file and linenumber like you did this time.

Unfortunately I don't have a Spotify premium account so I can't test this myself.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #71
Replaced Georgia.main.js.
Crashed when loading spotify album:

JScript Panel v2.2.2.2 (Georgia by Mordred)
Error en tiempo de ejecución de JavaScript:
No se puede obtener la propiedad 'setPlayTimes' de referencia nula o sin definir
File: C:\Users\puran\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\georgia\js\georgia-main.js
Line: 2610, Col: 2


Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #72
Yeah, I think that's installed as part of my setup.
I was actually asking @f9fb4d656d but that's a good datapoint. What version of Windows are you on?

I do not have foo_ui_hacks. I'm on Windows 10.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #73
Installed 1.1.5, new jscript panel, and all the new fonts. Still crashes on startup, but seems to work after a reload.

New dump of my console:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #74
Replaced Georgia.main.js.
Crashed when loading spotify album:

JScript Panel v2.2.2.2 (Georgia by Mordred)
Error en tiempo de ejecución de JavaScript:
No se puede obtener la propiedad 'setPlayTimes' de referencia nula o sin definir
File: C:\Users\puran\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\georgia\js\georgia-main.js
Line: 2610, Col: 2


I thought it might crash there. For some reason it seem on_playback_new_track() is not being called from foo_input_spotify. I'm gonna see if I can't borrow someones premium account for a day and try and figure this out.