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Topic: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme (Read 118271 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #300
Since Georgia 2.0.0 the Spider Monkey Panel is required instead of the JScript Panel.
See the detailed Georgia installation instructions here.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #301
Version 2.0.3 released.

Also added a video to explain some of the new cdArt options/settings:

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #302
 How to only use the embedded album art ? I try the cdArt setting to but cant seem to work. My folder usually contain many images, I dont want to delete all of them.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #303
 Nevermind, found the setting in .json file.

 Sorry for double post cuz I cant delete it  :'(

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #304
All good. I'm working on something that will hopefully improve the discoverability of some of these settings/features, but we'll see if it makes it off the ground.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #305
All good. I'm working on something that will hopefully improve the discoverability of some of these settings/features, but we'll see if it makes it off the ground.

@MordredKLB Can I change the upper font to look like the one at lower side ? The upper one is not looking good in my language.


Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #306
@MordredKLB Can I change the upper font to look like the one at lower side ? The upper one is not looking good in my language.
If you look closely the bottom one also does not look correct. Those characters just aren't available in the font so it's falling back to a thicker font that does contain them.

Fortunately this can be changed fairly easily. First let's change lines 94-96 to a font that will hopefully work better than either:
Code: [Select]
	ft.title_lrg = font(fontLightAlternate, 34, 0);
ft.title_med = font(fontLightAlternate, 30, 0);
ft.title_sml = font(fontLightAlternate, 26, 0);

If that still doesn't improve things, change them to this which is the font currently being used on the bottom.
Code: [Select]
	ft.title_lrg = font(fontLight, 34, 0);
ft.title_med = font(fontLight, 30, 0);
ft.title_sml = font(fontLight, 26, 0);

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #307

If that still doesn't improve things, change them to this which is the font currently being used on the bottom.
Code: [Select]
	ft.title_lrg = font(fontLight, 34, 0);
ft.title_med = font(fontLight, 30, 0);
ft.title_sml = font(fontLight, 26, 0);

This solution work, not perfect but I'm happy as it is. Thanks you very much ;) .

PS: It's done so pls ignore my PM  :D

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #308
Hello, this is my first post on this forum, so apologies if I am breaking any rule.

Is there any way to remove the big pause icon located at the center of the album cover? I don't want it to show while the song is paused, I want to see that artwork clearly during the pause.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #309
It doesn't look like it's optional so as a workaround for now, you can browse the Georgia folder and browse inside js and open ui-components.js in a text editor.

On line 21, there is a function that starts with

Code: [Select]
    draw(gr) {

Insert this as the first line after it...

Code: [Select]

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #310
Thank you. Definitely needs to be added as an option.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #311
Sorry to necrobump, but has anybody figured out how to get this looking nice on Linux? I was close with adding gdiplus to my wine prefix but now I can't get it to recognize any of the fonts

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #312
Hello Georgia users, this thread has been quiet, but hopefully I'm not the only one of us that's still here.
I've been having this recurring issue where it tends to throw an error on startup/restart. As soon as I reload everything is fine:

Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1 ({2145C8FF-E749-4BAA-BF12-D520F28D0E15}: Georgia v2.0.3 by Mordred)
setInterval failed:
`delay` must be non-zero

File: georgia-main.js
Line: 2104, Column: 22
Stack trace:

It's been happening for quite a while, but since it usually disappears I didn't bother reporting it until now. Not entirely sure if this was caused by something like a component upgrade. I've been upgrading non-beta components as updates get released.

I've also noticed this strange behavior where all of my lyrics seem to be alphabetically sorted before being displayed, resulting in them appearing in a completely nonsensical order. Looks like I've got OpenLyrics 1.4 installed since that seemed to be the most recommended current lyrics module. Use of others seemed to be actively discouraged due to inefficiencies/bugs/etc.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #313
Hello Georgia users, this thread has been quiet, but hopefully I'm not the only one of us that's still here.
I've been having this recurring issue where it tends to throw an error on startup/restart. As soon as I reload everything is fine:

It's been happening for quite a while, but since it usually disappears I didn't bother reporting it until now. Not entirely sure if this was caused by something like a component upgrade. I've been upgrading non-beta components as updates get released.
What file types are you seeing this in? Also is it local or something you're streaming over the internet? Is the file already playing when Georgia loads?

Regardless if you pull down master it should now have a fix to prevent this from ever happening:

I've also noticed this strange behavior where all of my lyrics seem to be alphabetically sorted before being displayed, resulting in them appearing in a completely nonsensical order. Looks like I've got OpenLyrics 1.4 installed since that seemed to be the most recommended current lyrics module. Use of others seemed to be actively discouraged due to inefficiencies/bugs/etc.
This could be caused by unsynced lyrics that it thinks are synced for some reason. Could you send me a lyric file this is happening with? Should be an easy fix.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #314
I've been having this recurring issue where it tends to throw an error on startup/restart. As soon as I reload everything is fine:
What file types are you seeing this in? Also is it local or something you're streaming over the internet? Is the file already playing when Georgia loads?

Regardless if you pull down master it should now have a fix to prevent this from ever happening:

It was occurring with FLACs located on a local Synology NAS connected via SMB.
Replaced 2.0.3 with github master and the problem went away. Thanks!

I've also noticed this strange behavior where all of my lyrics seem to be alphabetically sorted before being displayed, resulting in them appearing in a completely nonsensical order. Looks like I've got OpenLyrics 1.4 installed since that seemed to be the most recommended current lyrics module. Use of others seemed to be actively discouraged due to inefficiencies/bugs/etc.
This could be caused by unsynced lyrics that it thinks are synced for some reason. Could you send me a lyric file this is happening with? Should be an easy fix.

Doh. I can't remember which songs I was listening to the other day that reproduced this and now all of the ones I'm picking are working. I'll let you know if I find it again.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #315
Stumbled across a different problem. Almost all of my library has been tagged using MusicBrainz Picard, so I have metadata in the following fields:

The displayed titles in the library view appear correct, but the sort is not. The display appears to be using one of:
but the sort appears to be using:

I glanced at the code and it appears to be correct:

Any ideas?

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #316
The displayed titles in the library view appear correct, but the sort is not. The display appears to be using one of:
but the sort appears to be using:
In your georgia-config-xxx.jsonc file change this line:
Code: [Select]
"defaultSortString": "$if2(%artist sort order%,%album artist%) $if3(%album sort order%,%original release date%,%date%) %album% %edition% %codec% %discnumber% %tracknumber%", // Default sort playlists generated from Library selections or clicking on playlist Hyperlinks
to this and let me know if that fixes the problem:
Code: [Select]
"defaultSortString": "$if2(%artist sort order%,%album artist%) $if3(%album sort order%,%original release date%,%originaldate%,%originalyear%,%date%) %album% %edition% %codec% %discnumber% %tracknumber%", // Default sort playlists generated from Library selections or clicking on playlist Hyperlinks

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #317
I've also noticed this strange behavior where all of my lyrics seem to be alphabetically sorted before being displayed, resulting in them appearing in a completely nonsensical order. Looks like I've got OpenLyrics 1.4 installed since that seemed to be the most recommended current lyrics module. Use of others seemed to be actively discouraged due to inefficiencies/bugs/etc.
This could be caused by unsynced lyrics that it thinks are synced for some reason. Could you send me a lyric file this is happening with? Should be an easy fix.

So I was able to reproduce this behavior. Strangely I have no lyrics file saved. After looking at a few entries in an OpenLyrics search, I'm pretty sure this is the one being automatically used based on some of the partial lyric snippets. It appears to be coming from and shows up in my tool as unsynced (no timestamps).

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #318
The displayed titles in the library view appear correct, but the sort is not. The display appears to be using one of:
but the sort appears to be using:
In your georgia-config-xxx.jsonc file change this line:
Code: [Select]
"defaultSortString": "$if2(%artist sort order%,%album artist%) $if3(%album sort order%,%original release date%,%date%) %album% %edition% %codec% %discnumber% %tracknumber%", // Default sort playlists generated from Library selections or clicking on playlist Hyperlinks
to this and let me know if that fixes the problem:
Code: [Select]
"defaultSortString": "$if2(%artist sort order%,%album artist%) $if3(%album sort order%,%original release date%,%originaldate%,%originalyear%,%date%) %album% %edition% %codec% %discnumber% %tracknumber%", // Default sort playlists generated from Library selections or clicking on playlist Hyperlinks

That did the trick, thanks.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #319,126830.0.html posted my problem here originally.

I have been using the georgia theme for going on 2 years now and it had been, up until recently, working flawlessly. About 3 days ago, I started having random crashing. Sometimes it'll crash foobar right when I try to start it up, most of the times a couple seconds or a minute into playing a track foobar completely crashes. It happens EVERY time I use foobar now. Is SMP the reason for this? I installed a new portable 64bit instance of foobar separately and it has not crashed yet. I'm just trying to figure out what the problem is. Attaching last 3 crash logs, a one-time crash of SMP right at startup that I haven't been able to recreate and also memory usage at the time of crash.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #320
I now run Georgia Reborn which uses plugins that are not compatible with the 64 bit version of foobar. Since there is a lot of plugin overlap with Georgia, it might also not be compatible. I'd just run the 32 bit version and call it a day.

Re: Georgia: A dynamically generated fb2k theme

Reply #321,126830.0.html posted my problem here originally.

I have been using the georgia theme for going on 2 years now and it had been, up until recently, working flawlessly. About 3 days ago, I started having random crashing. Sometimes it'll crash foobar right when I try to start it up, most of the times a couple seconds or a minute into playing a track foobar completely crashes. It happens EVERY time I use foobar now. Is SMP the reason for this? I installed a new portable 64bit instance of foobar separately and it has not crashed yet. I'm just trying to figure out what the problem is. Attaching last 3 crash logs, a one-time crash of SMP right at startup that I haven't been able to recreate and also memory usage at the time of crash.
Nice to see that somebody besides me is still using this :D

Yeah, probably the culprit is SMP itself which doesn't work in x64. Do you have a very large library? A single massive playlist that everything goes in?
Regardless, you can go into settings > Advanced > Spider Monkey and increase the heap size (I think it defaults to ~100MB?). Maybe double that and see if that makes the problems go away.