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Topic: Can't update forum profile (Read 2325 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can't update forum profile

Wanted to change some settings in my forum profile and every time I attempt to save the changes, a red box flashes at the top and then disappears before I get a chance to read it. I've tried changing birthdate, forum signature, gender, location, and nothing sticks.

Re: Can't update forum profile

Reply #1
Works for me? Try again? Which browser are you using?

I also note that browser sessions time out incredibly quickly on pages with submission forms. This can be about one to two minutes, maybe more.


Re: Can't update forum profile

Reply #2
Weird, it's working for me now. Might have been a really short timeout, I was trying to add a single line to my forum signature but that could have taken me more than a minute to type up.