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Topic: foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch (Read 159242 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #175
You should set different port numbers for each instance (in case there are multiple foobars on the same machine).
In case all the instances are on the different machines, it should work fine. Just give them different names.

Thanks for your answer, but the problem is, if I change the port number of any instance, I can't open it anymore with apple remote.
(It sees it, but can't connect).

Check the firewall settings. Seems something is blocking incoming connections to the ports you choose.

foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #176
Just to let everyone know...I tested version 4 of Apple's Remote app and it still works well with the TouchRemote.

I think the update was just cosmetic.


foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #177
Just to let everyone know...I tested version 4.1 of Apple's Remote app and it still works well with the TouchRemote.

I think the update was just for the iTunes Radio.


foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #178
Just to let everyone know...I tested version 4.1 of Apple's Remote app and it still works well with the TouchRemote.

I think the update was just for the iTunes Radio.


Thanks for the info! I've been pretty hesitant on updating my iPad because I like this component so much.

foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #179
I'm using the following:

Core (2013-03-29 11:10:54 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.2.4

foo_touchremote.dll (2013-02-03 19:16:52 UTC)
    TouchRemote DACP server for foobar2000

Lately my foobar keeps crashing and the report does show, that the touchremote plugin caused the crash. Any idea on how to fix that?

Another note: When controling foobar with my iPhone4 via remote, lists containing livestreams are empty. Is that fixable, too?

foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #180
I'm using the following:

Core (2013-03-29 11:10:54 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.2.4

foo_touchremote.dll (2013-02-03 19:16:52 UTC)
    TouchRemote DACP server for foobar2000

Lately my foobar keeps crashing and the report does show, that the touchremote plugin caused the crash. Any idea on how to fix that?

Another note: When controling foobar with my iPhone4 via remote, lists containing livestreams are empty. Is that fixable, too?

I don't have this issue, perhaps your install is damaged?

foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #181
Just to let everyone know...I tested version 4.2 of Apple's Remote app and it still works well with the TouchRemote.

I think the update was again mostly just for the iTunes Radio, this time on your AppleTV.


foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #182
Just to let everyone know...I tested version 4.2.1 of Apple's Remote app + iOS 8 + Apple TV 3 v6.2 and it still works well with the TouchRemote.

I think the update was minor.


foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #183
Foo_touchremote works perfectly, except for one thing: Internet radios.

I have a playlist in foobar with a few webradios that I usually listen to, and when I see the list of playlists, it says the Radio playlist should have 16 entries:

But when I click the Radio playlist, it says there's no tunes:

Is there something I need to reconfigure to get my radios to show up?

foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #184
Welp, since you didn't provide what phone or OS your phone is using, nor what app (or its version) on that phone is accessing foo_touchremote, nor providing what foobar2000 version you're connecting to, nor actually contacting the developer of foo_touchremote, what exactly do you expect?

Hint: the developer can only be reliably contacted via his/her website at

foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #185
Hi Everyone,

I wonder if its only me but for a while, I cant get the cover to be displayed on my iOS devices (iOS 8). It shows in the track list view but on the "Now playing" view, cover is grey and title is written in black.
I wonder if touchremote on Foobar is still compatible fully with Foobar? I am on v 1.3.5 

foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #186
I just update foobar from 1.3.1 to 1.3.6.
The foo_touchremote plugin is now causing a crash at startup

I have also tried using 1.3.7.beta but it crashed as well.

Tried both foo_touchremote and but they both failed.

Running Win7x64. I do have bonjour installed, but do not have itunes installed.

Edit: I got it working by installing the addon though the foobar preferences interface. Never had to do that before...
Not actually connecting to devices (I've always had issues with bonjour, not sure if its Windows or my router) but at least its no longer crashing.

foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #187
I have multivalue genre field, which I guess is common scenario.
When I browse my library by genre on my remote app, genre is not multivalue but it's presented as comma separated list. For example I have artist with multivalue genre: "Abstract; Modern Classical; Ambient" and it's shown as single genre on my remote app: "Abstract, Modern Classical, Ambient" instead listing under separated items.

Is this limitation of touchremote server, or maybe limitation of my remote app?

foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #188
^ In most apps I tested you could use $meta_sep(genre) or %<genre>% to split tags. I won't install all the prerequisites needed for this one, so I can't tell where exactly to input these. But I expect there's an option somewhere that regulates how the library is shown within the app.

foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #189
Interesting idea, but it seems that foo_touchremote does not support %<genre>% (like facets does)
$meta_sep() looks like it joins multivalue field in single field with custom separator, and that's not what I'm after...

I ended up using $meta(genre,0) so that at least I don't get crowded genre browser on my phone


Re: foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #190
The newest version of Remote does not work with the plugin. I've tried it on multiple machines, this is a real bummer. Any ideas?

Re: foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #191
and which is the 'newest' version? Mine says it's 4.2.3 and it don't say it's in need of an update so I assume it's same as yours.

Might be something else as for me Remote still works fine.  So instead of Remote version it may be the iOS version... Mine is 9.2.1 (by choice)

Re: foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #192
Hmm. I'm on 9.3.2 iOS and 4.2.3 for Remote.

Very strange that it's working for you but not for me.

Re: foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #193
Thanks for the heads-up then. This means I'll be holding off updating from 9.2.1 to 9.3.1 indefinitely until I see confirmation it's working again on a newer iOS.

Another thing just in case... have you tried both re-pairing and re-adding the library to Remote?

Re: foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #194
Yeah, I've tried doing that. I've tried everything, no dice. I'm hoping a new version of iOS will somehow work with it again. I also sent the person who posted it originally a message... maybe it gets back to them?

Re: foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #195
So, something weird has happened. You can start a playlist, but once it starts playing, you can't change playlists or songs within the playlist itself UNTIL the playlist ends. I'm on the newest version of Foobar (and tried going back as far as 1.3.8), the newest version of iTunes, and the 2.8.4 version of TouchRemote.

Any ideas? I realize I can pay for something like MonkeyMote but the Remote app is really nice to use.

I should also mention that these were working as of recent. If anyone has any working versions of Remote + Foobar + TouchRemote that allows you to change songs, please let me know the versions of what you're running!

Re: foo_touchremote - Remote control for iPhone/iPod Touch

Reply #196
After a bunch of testing, I'm 99% sure that the issue has to do with iTunes and the Remote app -- people are complaining in the reviews of the Remote app in the iTunes store that it doesn't work with old versions of iTunes.


Update for foo_touchremote

Reply #197
I need help on this subject matter:
Not able to load "foo_touchremote.dll ( " after upgrading the PC hardware (Windows 10 remains).
foobar2000 is v1.1.11  (very used to it) to work with iPhone / iPad.

Any way to work this out?
Advice and solutions are much appreciated.