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Topic: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP (Read 4076 times) previous topic - next topic
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Spider Monkey Panel Script for foobar2000, built within a button. ChromaPrint and fooID tools to compare fingerprints, search on library or tagging. Carefully read the readme within foobar2000 to understand usage and limitations on 32 bit foobar2000 builds.


  • ChromaPrint support: tagging (with fpcalc) and full processing without binaries.
  • fooID support: tagging (with original plugin) and full processing without binaries.
  • Tagging: tag your files with any of the supported fingerprint methods.
  • Read from files: fingerprints may be read from library (provided by foobar2000 cached tags values) or directly from files (using ffprobe) to minimiz RAM usage.
  • Searching on library: find similar tracks by fingerprint on your library.
  • Fingerprint comparison: report the similarity between the selected tracks.
  • Fast processing: fingerprint processing is entirely done within the script files, without other dependencies, and heavily optimized to be as fast as possible.
  • Toolbar: the button can be loaded within a toolbar or as an independent button. It's fully compatible with my other scripts which also use a toolbar (see at bottom), so the button can be simply merged with your already existing toolbar panel easily.

Compatible with (toolbar):
  • Search-by-Distance-SMP: creates intelligent "spotify-like" playlist using high-level data from tracks and computing their similarity using genres/styles.
  • Playlist-Tools-SMP: Offers different pre-defefined examples for intelligent playlist creation.
  • Autobackup-SMP: Automatic saving and backup of configuration and other data in foobar2000.
  • Device-Priority-SMP: Automatic output device selection.
  • ListenBrainz-SMP: Integrates Listenbrainz's feedback and recommendations.
  • Wrapped-SMP: User listening statistics and recommendations.


See _TIPS and INSTALLATION (txt) and the Wiki. Not properly following the installation instructions will result in scripts not working as intended. Please don't report errors before checking this.

Download latest release (or nightly releases) at github:

Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #1
Not complete sure if it is related to the new chromaprint but I have had random crashes in SMP panels with a message warning about an out of memory issue. The more frecuent is world map
Code: [Select]
  Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod ({8620B230-E075-42D1-9966-A4DD7893F3E7}: World-Map-SMP v3.10.0 by Regorxxx)
ApplyMask failed:
GdiPlus error: mask::LockBits failed with error (0x3): OutOfMemory

File: main.js
Line: 446, Column: 16
Stack trace:
but also the biography panel and sometimes foobar2000 itself (the crash log and dump are empty)
I have chroma print configure to read only for tags

Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #2
Not related at all, fingerprint only has memory issues while using it to find matches against the library as the readme states, and that's why it uses an external tool to load the fingerprint tags. Otherwise its mem usage is zero.

There is nothing I can do about this. It' s a SMP thing. Or don't use country layers, just points, which uses less memory. And background with a single color. Every user should adjust scripts to find their best settings. I can add this info to the wiki and the txt readme opened when installed the script.

Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #3
Not related at all, fingerprint only has memory issues while using it to find matches against the library as the readme states. Otherwise its mem usage is zero.

There is nothing I can do about this. It' s a SMP thing. Or don't use country layers, just points, which uses less memory. And background with a single color. Every user should adjust scripts to find their best settings.

I'll try without the layer.
We need a SMP 64 version, having RAM issues with more than 20Gb free to use......

Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #4
Does this work in the FB2K 64-bit?  I know Spider Monkey Panel is only 32-bit.  The Github page says v1.4.0 - JSplitter (SMP and x64) support under releases.
Windows 10 | Foobar2000 v2.0 Portable | Columns 2.1.0 | SQLite Utilities 3.0.4 | SQLite Tree 4.0.6

Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #5
I think you can use it by using JSplitter.

JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative),126743.0.html
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH1000XM5 (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #6
Yep, use that.

Using x64 It's possible that there is no need to use the setting "Read directly from files" to avoid crashes.

Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #7
I installed JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative), I added a JSplitter to the toolbar, how to I add the Fingerprint tool?  You can just point me to the right documentation, I can't figure it out from what's on the Github.
Windows 10 | Foobar2000 v2.0 Portable | Columns 2.1.0 | SQLite Utilities 3.0.4 | SQLite Tree 4.0.6

Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #9
Sorry for the late reply.  Yeah, I read those a bunch of times.  I think you need a section like "Do This for 64-bit Versions".  I also got confused about which install to use, I kept trying to use the files in the component version after I unzipped it.  It was awhile before I used the Source code (zip) version.  But, I think that didn't work either until after I installed JSplitter AND Playlist Tools THEN Fingerprint.  I feel like all the necessary info is in the _TIPS and INSTALLATION doc and the Wiki, but I think they really need a "64-bit Section" that lays out the special instructions.  Some of us, on some days, are just dumb; so we need all the helping hands we can get.  :oD

Thanks for the great script!
Windows 10 | Foobar2000 v2.0 Portable | Columns 2.1.0 | SQLite Utilities 3.0.4 | SQLite Tree 4.0.6

Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #10
Sorry for the late reply.  Yeah, I read those a bunch of times.  I think you need a section like "Do This for 64-bit Versions".  I also got confused about which install to use, I kept trying to use the files in the component version after I unzipped it.  It was awhile before I used the Source code (zip) version.  But, I think that didn't work either until after I installed JSplitter AND Playlist Tools THEN Fingerprint.  I feel like all the necessary info is in the _TIPS and INSTALLATION doc and the Wiki, but I think they really need a "64-bit Section" that lays out the special instructions.  Some of us, on some days, are just dumb; so we need all the helping hands we can get.  :oD

Thanks for the great script!
I am not sure what differences are between x64 an x32, if there is any at all. You obviously have to install a component according to the architecture you use, but that's not a requirement of my scripts, it's a foobar thing.

The way scripts are added it's the same, whether you use x64 or x32. Also, how scripts are loaded is a thing which should be covered by the components, I added instructions for that, but anyway that's also outside the scope of my instructions.  Is there anything else I am missing? If you mention the points you missed, I may add them. (I'm open to clarify my instructions, just saying I don't want to take responsibility of things which should be handled by other people -like component devs-)

Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #11
I think there is a core idea that I don't understand.
I thought the only way to install Fingerprint for 64bit was to copy the installation files to the ...profile\scripts\SMP\xxx-scripts folder. 
Also, I assumed that you're the component developer.  But, I guess the components are SMP (32bit) and JSplitter (64bit), and you wrote a scripts for someone else's components.  Am I getting that right?
Windows 10 | Foobar2000 v2.0 Portable | Columns 2.1.0 | SQLite Utilities 3.0.4 | SQLite Tree 4.0.6


Re: Fingerprint-Tools-SMP

Reply #12
I thought the only way to install Fingerprint for 64bit was to copy the installation files to the ...profile\scripts\SMP\xxx-scripts folder. 
Nope, just copying the files does nothing. Scripts have to be loaded by a JS component (there are multiple ones available).

Yes, I only offer the scripts (and links or binaries to not available components to simplify things), the components are developed by other people (which don't have a wiki explaining how to do things, I agree xd)

Will try to further clarify those points in the wiki.