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Topic: How do I include discnumber in flac metadata? (Read 2264 times) previous topic - next topic
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How do I include discnumber in flac metadata?

I'm using %discnumber% in my template for output directories, but it is not included in the flac files that are created. Is there a way of including it?


Re: How do I include discnumber in flac metadata?

Reply #1
Not included in metadata tags or path?
CUE Paths Output Template is for the path to files, i.e. path\folder\filename.cue (tells CUETools where to put the flac files)
Advanced Settings >CUETools > Audio Filenames > Track format: (template names the flac files).
Please post template.

discnumber in metadata is added here if not included from source


Re: How do I include discnumber in flac metadata?

Reply #2
It's in the pathnames correctly, but not the metadata.
Other metadata is good

Re: How do I include discnumber in flac metadata?

Reply #3
see pic in previous
You didn't provide any info about the source, if the discnumber is included in source or if you're running in a batch (thus suppressing pop-up windows).
Tags written in the picture above

Re: How do I include discnumber in flac metadata?

Reply #4
Is there a way of including it

Almost any media player allows you to do so. Foobar, Musicbee, etc.
However, if it is a single disc discnumber if often empty.
You might populate it ,manually using any tagger
If your template supports logic you can do something like "if DISCNUMBER=empty then 1 else DISCNUMBER"

Re: How do I include discnumber in flac metadata?

Reply #5
I verified that disc number is in the file using foobar2000. Then discovered my mistake; I had added ‘Disc’ to windows explorer columns  to display the disc number. This is not the correct item of metadata to do that - ‘Part of’ is the one to use!
(No idea what ‘disc.’ Corresponds to…)

Thanks to all for the help