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Topic: foo_dsp_effect (Read 275581 times) previous topic - next topic
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Includes the following effects:
  • Chorus (includes a DirectX DMO implementation)
  • Distortion
  • Gargle
  • Compressor
  • Vibrato
  • Tremolo
  • Pitch Shift
  • Tempo Shift
  • Playback Rate Shift
  • Echo
  • Phaser
  • Reverb  (includes a DirectX DMO implementation)
  • WahWah
  • IIR Filter, which includes the following effects:
    • Bandpass Filter (CSG & ZPG)
    • Bass Boost (boosts bass frequencies which are specifically selected.)
    • High Shelf Filter
    • Low Shelf Filter
    • Notch Filter
    • Parametric EQ (single band)
    • Resonant Highpass Filter
    • Resonant Lowpass Filter
    • Allpass Filter
    • RIAA Phono De-emphasis Filter
    • CD De-emphasis Filter


Reply #1
Very creative name BTW

(note to users of foo_dsp_echo: it's bundled in foo_dsp_effect)


Reply #2

Already got some ideas for what to add next. Someone requested a loudspeaker EQ, but thats just a glorified bass boost, which is in there now.


Reply #3
are you talking about foo_dsp_loudspeakereq?
source code is there and author chased to replies


Reply #4
Yes, I am.

It uses the same filter design, except for thier unique mechanical thingymajig emulation


Reply #5
Reverb, that's great! Thank you!


Reply #6
PLEASE implement a configurable subsonic Filter with -24dB!
I am waiting for such a feature for years now


Reply #7
Suppose so. Should have added a highpass filter in the original implementation.


Reply #8
I have a question regarding " (boosts bass frequencies which are specifically selected.)",

If I use any equalizer preset to boost bass, it affects both bass intensive songs (which end up sounding awful in a mega-bass kind of way), and songs in which the bass is somehow soft (which end up sounding better with that EQ). How does the Bass Boost DSP configuration reflect on that? do I have to set the cutoff freq in a high number like 300? or lower as in 80hz?


Reply #9
You just set the frequency to one that works for the track in question. Thats all I do. That way, its tuned to the song. And you can pump up the level of boost if you also desire.


Reply #10
Mainly wanted to get 0.2 out since I didn't like the oversight I made with format_float, etc. The extra DSPs, like the loundspeaker EQ might come around 0.3, when I get time.

To make up for that, I tweaked the Phaser and WahWah filters. Now you can even get gargle style effects out of them.


Reply #11
Any news about Loudspeaker EQ rewriting?


Reply #12
What is stopping the end user from useing that DSP instead.


Reply #13
I had a second look at implementing the loudspeaker EQ.

I rewrote the class. But the resource.h file is missing, so I am unsure on how the configuration with the particular DSP works.


Reply #14
New version 0.3:

* Added bandpass/resonant highpass/lowpass filters
* Added a parametric EQ


Reply #15
I had a second look at implementing the loudspeaker EQ.

I rewrote the class. But the resource.h file is missing, so I am unsure on how the configuration with the particular DSP works.

Try to ask to the original author Esben84 
And can you extend the Parametric EQ frequency range from 0Hz to 20KHz like the bass boost?



Reply #16
Thanks for new filters, mudlord

I added ~100Hz hipass and contrary to expected I experienced bass boost and ugly resonance. I wanted to check out and run it through referenced impulse and at the hipass frequency there is "a boost" after a slow steepless cut, like I've seen in biquad filters. Is this as expected, and can you share your usage scenario?

Bandpass filter is more like Q-pick control. It is narrow

EQ single band... interesting. thanks


Reply #17
Well, I mainly did this filters just to mess around with the sound. I never thought people will use them for other means, so I didn't take into account methods to set the amount of resonance given. Hence the name "resonant highpass/lowpass". So I would have thought by that description, you would have expected at least such.


Reply #18
I had a second look at implementing the loudspeaker EQ.

I rewrote the class. But the resource.h file is missing, so I am unsure on how the configuration with the particular DSP works.

Try to ask to the original author Esben84 
And can you extend the Parametric EQ frequency range from 0Hz to 20KHz like the bass boost?

Sure, why not.


Reply #19
Thanks for the interesting component, mudlord!


Reply #20
Well, I mainly did this filters just to mess around with the sound. I never thought people will use them for other means, so I didn't take into account methods to set the amount of resonance given. Hence the name "resonant highpass/lowpass". So I would have thought by that description, you would have expected at least such.

Of course. What I meant was that I wouldn't expect bass boost from 100 Hz hipass, and the impulse is like an attack:


while I expected:


Reply #21
Ah, thanks for clarifying.
Well the resonant filters are indeed based off a biquad design. I guess I should have explained that earlier. I do hope though to add peaking filters later.
I'd strongly advice reading this to see how the PassFilter class is designed (which indeed implements those filters). Basically, there is a singular output function, and the only real change is the coefficients used.


Reply #22
New version 0.4:

* Added notch and  high/low shelf filters
* Increased range of parametric EQ


Reply #24
Sorry touccer, you were right.

Try the download again, should be fixed this time.