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Topic: Adding a UPnP Server via URL (Read 27931 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Adding a UPnP Server via URL

Reply #25
Noted, thanks for the details.

Regarding sharing library over the internet, lots of these issues go away if you just run your own VPN server, such as Wireguard, have full connectivity to LAN IPs from your phone at all times, without actually exposing any of these on your public IP. At least that's what I do.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Adding a UPnP Server via URL

Reply #26
Actually yes, it might be a better solution, I need to give it a try. Looks like my router supports Wireguard out of the box so it should be easy to do. Thanks for the suggestion =)

I use Karma Firewall on my Android that is implemented as a VPN program that works as a firewall that blocks internet access for specific apps and doesn't require root. I guess I won't be able to combine it with Wireguard, but maybe I'll find some other solution.

Re: Adding a UPnP Server via URL

Reply #27
Relative paths in UPnP replies should be now accepted, since yesterday's build, taking UPnP control URL as reference.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.


Re: Adding a UPnP Server via URL

Reply #28
Just tested it and it works as expected. The track is correctly switched to the next one, and relative paths are supported. Thanks!