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Topic: Possible to disable tag scanning for folders? (Read 2255 times) previous topic - next topic
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Possible to disable tag scanning for folders?

Hi! I like foobar because it's one of the only apps that lets me stream files from iCloud, and I use the Folder browser a lot. However, every time I open a folder, the app hangs for up to 10 seconds if the album art wasn't pre-loaded. I'd rather it didn't scan for any meta info, it's not useful to me and might improve the load times. Would it be possible to add a control to disable tag scanning for the Folder browser?

(iOS 18.1, foobar v1.6.3)

Re: Possible to disable tag scanning for folders?

Reply #1
Please try new beta build, I just added a tweak option to disable all picture loading in folder browsing, which should improve this specific scenario a lot.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Possible to disable tag scanning for folders?

Reply #2
this worked great, thank you for reacting so quickly!


Re: Possible to disable tag scanning for folders?

Reply #3
You're welcome. I've been planning to add something like this for a while already, as lo-fi view mode for slow devices.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.