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Topic: Add MediaBrowserService or MediaSessionService to foobar functionality please (Read 3962 times) previous topic - next topic
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Add MediaBrowserService or MediaSessionService to foobar functionality please

I'm using the world's best equalizer Wavelet (also because foobar2000 mobile doesn't have EQ-presets ...) on my mobile phone. Wavelet and foobar work well together except for one thing, I can't make Wavelet start automatically when listening to music with foobar.
The developer of wavelet gave me this information:

"Wavelet does not detect foobar2000 playback because the player does not implement a MediaBrowserService or MediaSessionService. Wavelet needs to be able to query its package to obtain the uid.
Maybe the developer will add it in a future update."

Any chance foobar would implement this function?