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Topic: Is Radio streaming available again on ios Foobar? (Read 4742 times) previous topic - next topic
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Is Radio streaming available again on ios Foobar?


I saw foobar v 1.6.2 was just released for ios.

The release notes included a note about Radio:
"If internet radio stream is stuck at 0:00, clicking same radio station again restarts it rather than doing nothing."

Is this now possible again on ios foobar?

I looked in the app but did not find it.
iOS device with Foobar.  Internet Radio sought: Please

Re: Is Radio streaming available again on ios Foobar?

Reply #1

Found it!

Settings ->  Play Location

Plays this perfectly well.

Have to add it to a playlist and the  rename the playlist to ABC News.
iOS device with Foobar.  Internet Radio sought: Please

Re: Is Radio streaming available again on ios Foobar?

Reply #2
I added an HLS stream, which played.

But when I tried to add this URL to a Playlist the message "**no music tracks found**" was displayed.

Is there a way around this?

URL is:
iOS device with Foobar.  Internet Radio sought: Please

Re: Is Radio streaming available again on ios Foobar?

Reply #5
I tried this with foobar2000 1.6.3 (1) mobile iOS since that's the version I'm currently using.

Possible workarounds:
Paste the link in Settings -> Play Location and press Create New Playlist.
Play the new playlist.
Save the stream to your preferred playlist (Three dot menu).

Create a playlist.m3u on you PC and paste the links into that playlist.
Copy the playlist to your iPhone using your preferred method, and move the playlist to the foobar2000 folder on your iPhone.

Create a playlist.txt on your iPhone using your preferred editor.
Paste the links into that file.
Rename the file to playlist.m3u
Move the playlist to the foobar2000 folder on your iPhone.

Re: Is Radio streaming available again on ios Foobar?

Reply #6

Just got it working with option # 1.

iOS device with Foobar.  Internet Radio sought: Please