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Topic: Playlist-Tools-SMP (Read 84338 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #400
So please be more specific. Which one is being used in Tooltips?
? Can not be more specific than that.


No complaint. Just a headsup that your Fix is not working anymore on a fully upgraded windows. So maybe update the warning. People might get confused if the fix does not work. And yes I know I can disable it, but I don't like to disable stuff.
It's not "my fix". And it's not a feature I use. It's also not my responsibility to find how things work on Win 11 or any other OS. I just show general info gathered on the forums.

The popup clearly states "none of my scripts use it" -for this particular fature-. I added it to help people recognize why usual features are not working on SMP  (specially using Wine). Whatever users do with it, is their problem. If you don't want to disable it, so be it. If you have any info to "update it" for Win 11, great, but there is nothing more I will do.

About the scaling thing ... I was able to solve it by changing the font in globFonts just as you suggested and restarting fooBar. After that I changed it once more to the exact original values, and restarted fooBar once again. Also no issues.
So it seems as if something (Spidermonkey?) checks if globFonts is changed/touched and issues a kind of reset with the desired result.

I'm quite reluctant to ask this since I don't need it anymore but I have a small suggestion.
Since your Playlist-Tools have an excellent routine to resize buttons and text, would it be an idea to include a touch of the globFonts file (or give a popup with info about globFonts)? You won't be changing any actual data so it would not hurt anything else out there.

Anyway, issue solved for me.

About the SO features popup ...
You mention that Bio Script configuration will not work. I don't know which Bio Script you are referring to, but I use WillB's and I have no issues whatsoever with using that script or it's configuration on the system that gets the SO features warning popup. So if you are referring to WillB's script the SO features warning is in my case a false positive.

Another thing is that the popup is completely random. Only about 50% of the times I start fooBar on that machine I get the popup. Maybe you have an idea why it is a random thing.

I did notice that I had a lot of Windows Defender Controlled Folder Access blocks for powershell.exe (which you can unfortunately only see when you go inside Windows Defender). Don't know if it is related, but I granted powershell.exe full access.

Since I actually do not have any issues I will now change bPopupOnChecksOFeatures. No merit in chasing red herrings.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #401
About the scaling thing ... I was able to solve it by changing the font in globFonts just as you suggested and restarting fooBar. After that I changed it once more to the exact original values, and restarted fooBar once again. Also no issues.
So it seems as if something (Spidermonkey?) checks if globFonts is changed/touched and issues a kind of reset with the desired result.
Obviously that's how it works. There is no need to restart foobar, just reloading the panel works too. Any setting there will be applied at startup in all my scripts as default values. BTW all this is already written on the json file...

Fonts used by scripts at multiple places on UI. File is loaded on the fly at startup, so no hard-saving on properties is involved (thus only requiring a panel reload to use the new values). The fallback font can not be changed, is forced by SMP/foobar2000.

Since your Playlist-Tools have an excellent routine to resize buttons and text, would it be an idea to include a touch of the globFonts file (or give a popup with info about globFonts)? You won't be changing any actual data so it would not hurt anything else out there.
I already said such info will be added on the readme/wiki. It's something globally applicable to all my scripts, not just this one.

You mention that Bio Script configuration will not work. I don't know which Bio Script you are referring to, but I use WillB's and I have no issues whatsoever with using that script or it's configuration on the system that gets the SO features warning popup. So if you are referring to WillB's script the SO features warning is in my case a false positive.
That one. Well something is not working since it warns about it.
Code: [Select]
new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP');
new ActiveXObject('ADODB.Stream');
If there is a problem, one of those, in your system, in a blank panel will make it crash. And all 3 are used on Bio.

Another thing is that the popup is completely random. Only about 50% of the times I start fooBar on that machine I get the popup. Maybe you have an idea why it is a random thing.
Nop. And that's why there is a way to disable it.  I don't care about OS or SMP exotic behavior, it may fail randomly in some cases at startup or because -surprise- win has bugs.
Thing is, if it fails at this point is ok. But if it fails later on panel usage, it crashes. As I said, I don't care about it, people can do whatever they want with it. And if it works fine, just ignore it.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #402
About the scaling thing ... I was able to solve it by changing the font in globFonts just as you suggested and restarting fooBar. After that I changed it once more to the exact original values, and restarted fooBar once again. Also no issues.
So it seems as if something (Spidermonkey?) checks if globFonts is changed/touched and issues a kind of reset with the desired result.
Obviously that's how it works. There is no need to restart foobar, just reloading the panel works too. Any setting there will be applied at startup in all my scripts as default values. BTW all this is already written on the json file...

I'm still confused. The information in globFonts with correctly scaled tooltip is exactly the same as it was before with wrongly scaled tooltip. Only difference is the filedate.
So is the info in globFonts always applied when a panel is reloaded (with starting fooBar?) or is it only applied if the filedate is touched?

Code: [Select]
new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP');
new ActiveXObject('ADODB.Stream');
If there is a problem, one of those, in your system, in a blank panel will make it crash. And all 3 are used on Bio.

No crash. So in my case a false positive.


Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #403

Case made a nice tool to scan for Truepeaks and number of clipped samples which integrates with the Replaygain context menu.

Would you consider to add this utility to be selectable in the button_automation_tags.js script?

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #404
So this plugin only works if using 32-bit Foobar, and not 64 (v2), is that correct?

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #406

Case made a nice tool to scan for Truepeaks and number of clipped samples which integrates with the Replaygain context menu.

Would you consider to add this utility to be selectable in the button_automation_tags.js script?
That plugin also has 3 different settings for tags usage and all tags are customizable... which means I would have to add all those possibilities on the script. That's a nope. Specially since that script is just meant for my personal usage.

I may add a single option using the default custom tags and nothing more. People may edit the script to change the tags though.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #407

Case made a nice tool to scan for Truepeaks and number of clipped samples which integrates with the Replaygain context menu.

Would you consider to add this utility to be selectable in the button_automation_tags.js script?
That plugin also has 3 different settings for tags usage and all tags are customizable... which means I would have to add all those possibilities on the script. That's a nope. Specially since that script is just meant for my personal usage.

I may add a single option using the default custom tags and nothing more. People may edit the script to change the tags though.

Would be great just to hit one button that does all things I want to scan, instead of one button and a couple of context clicks.

If you are referring to edit either tags_automation or buttons_tags_automation, I have to admit I had a look and those two scripts are way above my level to make changes unless I get specific instructions where to make those changes.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #408

Case made a nice tool to scan for Truepeaks and number of clipped samples which integrates with the Replaygain context menu.

Would you consider to add this utility to be selectable in the button_automation_tags.js script?
That plugin also has 3 different settings for tags usage and all tags are customizable... which means I would have to add all those possibilities on the script. That's a nope. Specially since that script is just meant for my personal usage.

I may add a single option using the default custom tags and nothing more. People may edit the script to change the tags though.

Would be great just to hit one button that does all things I want to scan, instead of one button and a couple of context clicks.

If you are referring to edit either tags_automation or buttons_tags_automation, I have to admit I had a look and those two scripts are way above my level to make changes unless I get specific instructions where to make those changes.
Not gonna happen. As I said (and the readme states), this script is for my personal usage. If people want to tweak it, great, but not gonna help with that.

EDIT: The single entry without extra things seems to work fine, will upload it later.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #409

Case made a nice tool to scan for Truepeaks and number of clipped samples which integrates with the Replaygain context menu.

Would you consider to add this utility to be selectable in the button_automation_tags.js script?
That plugin also has 3 different settings for tags usage and all tags are customizable... which means I would have to add all those possibilities on the script. That's a nope. Specially since that script is just meant for my personal usage.

I may add a single option using the default custom tags and nothing more. People may edit the script to change the tags though.

Would be great just to hit one button that does all things I want to scan, instead of one button and a couple of context clicks.

If you are referring to edit either tags_automation or buttons_tags_automation, I have to admit I had a look and those two scripts are way above my level to make changes unless I get specific instructions where to make those changes.
Not gonna happen. As I said (and the readme states), this script is for my personal usage. If people want to tweak it, great, but not gonna help with that.

EDIT: The single entry without extra things seems to work fine, will upload it later.

Thank you.

My first try was not successful. Added a TruePeak option with 4 tags defined, can run it but tags where not written.

I will patiently await your upload.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #410
Should be working now. Also fixed a long time bug with Chromaprint requiring manually running next step in some cases.

I may think about adding fingerprints to a json database instead of files, considering the problems on x32 foobar v2 and tag caching.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #411
Should be working now. Also fixed a long time bug with Chromaprint requiring manually running next step in some cases.

I may think about adding fingerprints to a json database instead of files, considering the problems on x32 foobar v2 and tag caching.

Great. Where can I find it? Checking for updates does not find it.

Yes, I also ran into the chromaprint thingy. Nice that it is solved.
Another thing is if I remember correctly that it is mentioned somewhere in your documentation that in order to get FooID running you have to put FooID.dll in the root folder of %fb2k_profile%. I had to put in user_components\foo_biometrics to get it working.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #412
Great. Where can I find it? Checking for updates does not find it.
If there is no update, it's because there is no update. Obviously. I don't create an update for every minor thing I change.

Check the Nightly. As shown at the wiki.

Another thing is if I remember correctly that it is mentioned somewhere in your documentation that in order to get FooID running you have to put FooID.dll in the root folder of %fb2k_profile%. I had to put in user_components\foo_biometrics to get it working.
That's not what the instructions say about FooID.dll. Nothing goes to the profile root.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #413
Great. Where can I find it? Checking for updates does not find it.
If there is no update, it's because there is no update. Obviously. I don't create an update for every minor thing I change.

Check the Nightly. As shown at the wiki.

Another thing is if I remember correctly that it is mentioned somewhere in your documentation that in order to get FooID running you have to put FooID.dll in the root folder of %fb2k_profile%. I had to put in user_components\foo_biometrics to get it working.
That's not what the instructions say about FooID.dll. Nothing goes to the profile root.

Nightly. Thx!

Biometrics. I misread/was confused by your instructions I guess. English is not my native language. Maybe an idea to just put FooID,dll in the foo_biometric folder just like foo_biometrics_dll on the wiki to avoid confusion?

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #415
So, the second issue, I have this :

Code: [Select]
Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.6.1-mod (ListenBrainz Tools Button: Playlist Tools: Buttons Bar v1.1.0 by regorxxx)
include failed:
themedButton is not defined

File: buttons_others_device_selector.js
Line: 30, Column: 2
Stack trace:

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #416
There is something wrong on your installation. That's simply impossible.

EDIT: This is what happens when someone doesn't read the changelog..
- Buttons: changed filename for 'buttons_others_device_selector.js' to 'buttons_device_selector.js' and 'buttons_others_main_menu.js' to 'buttons_utils_main_menu.js'. Before updating, rename all instances of these names at '[foobar2000 profile]\js_data\buttons_XXXXX.json' with the new names. 'buttons_XXXXX.json' are all json button toolbar files.

I follow Semantic Versioning, so if you go from 3.7 (or lower) to 4.X... and people don't read the changelog, then it's a miracle things work as they should be. xd Since I'm stating some things have been removed or changed in a major version change.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #417
Well, actually you're a bit wrong here, haha :) I did read the change log at the time but I simply forgot to do those changes later when I updated, I assumed I already made those changes....I guess lately I was frustrated by so many annoyances...Foobar v2, foo_plorg, and the list is very very long...Or as you saw recently foo_skipcount....where you helped the developer with those bugs, some of them I've also noticed...When you have many components it's hard to keep track with so many changes , especially now with Foobar v2...

I solved the problem by resetting the toolbar, then I reimported the user presets for the Playlist Tools, the other buttons didn't have many settings, so nothing is lost.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #418
Well, actually you're a bit wrong here, haha :) I did read the change log at the time but I simply forgot to do those changes later when I updated, I assumed I already made those changes....I guess lately I was frustrated by so many annoyances...Foobar v2, foo_plorg, and the list is very very long...Or as you saw recently foo_skipcount....where you helped the developer with those bugs, some of them I've also noticed...When you have many components it's hard to keep track with so many changes , especially now with Foobar v2...

I solved the problem by resetting the toolbar, then I reimported the user presets for the Playlist Tools, the other buttons didn't have many settings, so nothing is lost.
Understandable hahaha nothing to add. Glad you got it working.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #419
Good afternoon. I'm looking for a solution for one problem using foobar2000. What if your wonderful development solves this as well) (or maybe you can suggest how this can be done): I need to add dozens short text notes (tags) for playlists.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #421
Аt tango parties (milongas) music is played by "tandas" - groups of compositions, 3 or 4 in a row. "Tanda" is a small playlist, an element of a whole milonga playlist.
I need to store information about the tanda as a tag for it as a playlist. For example, it is important for me to know where I played a particular tanda.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #422
Your question has nothing to do with SMP or these scripts, so I would recommend you to open a new thread at the suppor forum and ask there for help. It seems you only need tagging multiple tracks with specific values, so I would say the masstagger component would help you there (which can be bound to a key shortcut).

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #423
Thank you so much for your reply.
Regarding adding tags to tracks, this is an understandable wrong decision), because, for example, the place where the track is played is not a property of the track itself.
I'm looking for a way to add tags to playlists or folders in playlists.

Re: Playlist-Tools-SMP

Reply #424
Hello, just found out this plugin and I am thinking whether I can move over from Random Pools and completely use this plugin alone. I currently have some SQL queries which run after a track finishes. It's basically two pools which consist of Least Recently Played (LRP) and Lowest Play Count (LPC). Both of these random pools have a 1/2 chance of being elected.

Least Recently Played:
Code: [Select]
-- Create temporary table tmpMediaLibraryFLRP
    [album artist],
    COALESCE(DATETIME(NULLIF([%jsp3_last_played%], '')), '1970-01-01 00:00:00') AS [%jsp3_last_played%]
FROM MediaLibrary
WHERE (codec <> 'TAGS' AND [%jsp3_loved%]) AND [%jsp3_last_played%] < datetime('now', '-300 minutes', 'localtime')
ORDER BY [%jsp3_last_played%];;

    FROM tmpMediaLibraryFLRP
SELECT path,

Lowest Play Count:
Code: [Select]
-- Create temporary table tmpMediaLibraryFLPC
    [album artist],
CAST(COALESCE(NULLIF([%jsp3_playcount%], ''), 0) AS INTEGER) AS [%jsp3_playcount%],
COALESCE(DATETIME(NULLIF([%jsp3_last_played%], '')), '1970-01-01 00:00:00') AS [%jsp3_last_played%]
FROM MediaLibrary
WHERE (codec <> 'TAGS' AND [%jsp3_loved%]) AND [%jsp3_last_played%] < datetime('now', '-300 minutes', 'localtime')
ORDER BY [%jsp3_playcount%];;

    FROM tmpMediaLibraryFLPC
SELECT path,

I am using JScript 3 Panels in tandem to automate the process of randomly choosing between those two pools. [PS: currentPlaylist can be ignored since I am running the above two pools if I want to shuffle my favourite tracks or my entire library.]
Code: [Select]
// Code below is related to Random Pool's Autoadd.
function on_playback_time(time) {
//console.log("Time: ", time);
var finished = Math.floor(fb.PlaybackLength) - 1;
//console.log("Finished: ", finished);
if (time != finished) return;

function on_playback_starting(cmd) {
console.log("Error Checking: ", cmd);
if (cmd !== 2 && cmd !== 3) return;

function random_pool_autoadd() {
    var currentPlaylist = plman.PlayingPlaylist;
    var command = "";
    if (currentPlaylist === 1 || currentPlaylist === 2) {
      if (currentPlaylist === 1) {
        command = "File/Random pools/Assign keyboard shortcuts/GensokyoRadio Algorithm [Favourites]: All pools";
      } else {
        command = "File/Random pools/Assign keyboard shortcuts/GensokyoRadio Algorithm [All]: All pools";
// Code above is related to Random Pool's Autoadd.

This implementation sort of works but tracks which are totally new (the date is set as the earliest UNIX timestamp and the play count is 0) all the tracks end up from the same album grouped. I want to effectively break this grouping by spacing out how often the same album gets played. There's a small limitation to this however as I am using two different random pools, consider this:

Pool A -> Album A gets picked
Pool A -> Now since it's the same pool the shuffle algorithm can space out Album A from being repeated again
However, if Pool B gets selected -> It's impossible to know what the album was in the previous pool (Pool A).

I'm not sure if this plugin would aid in this minor issue but if I can just get the spacing off albums within the same pool it'd be a-lot more better as I've been figuring out how to configure this without Playlist-Tools-SMP (didn't know about this plugin) before and it was a total flop.