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Topic: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls (Read 452826 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #750
Bero1707 : Nice one. Need to rewrite UI in WPF or Avalonia.. Maybe some time in the future..

This happens when I turn my PC first and than display later.
When I turn my display first the settings window looks normal but hand icon (pointer finger) on seekbar looks very small.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #752
Hi eldarien, how do I change the settings so the displaying text on the desktop bar would be the file name of the audio file and not the Artist and Track tags?

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #753
Hi eldarien, how do I change the settings so the displaying text on the desktop bar would be the file name of the audio file and not the Artist and Track tags?
Replace [%artist% - ]%title% with %filename% in settings/texts/default text/format.
You can access settings with right click on DeskBand Controls on desktop bar.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #754
Replace [%artist% - ]%title% with %filename% in settings/texts/default text/format.
You can access settings with right click on DeskBand Controls on desktop bar.
Thank you! :)

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #755
I made this account to thank you for making this wonderful plugin. It's exactly what I'm looking for, and the customizability is wonderful!
Attached is my current implementation of the toolbar:

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #757
Any plans about Windows 11 since they've apparently removed the ability to have toolbars in the new taskbar?

I upgraded my laptop to check if everything still works properly before upgrading the main PC and... I'm already missing deskband very much :'(

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #758
Other than a floating window completely independent from the actual taskbar, I don't see what else can be done??

The taskbar is utterly gimped in windows 11. You can't drag files from fb2k to another app by hovering over the icon and vice versa. The notification area tooltips are ruined too. They have a very low fixed width and the display of ampersands is totally broken.
During beta, they even managed to break the taskbar entirely just by pushing out a bad advert. Yeah, you read that right.

And then there are context menus in Explorer which have to be rewritten from scratch just to get new entries added. The old options are hidden behind a "more options" so now everything takes more clicks. And setting defaults by app? Forget it. Then you have ugly scrollbars, menus and checkboxes and it's starts looking very unappealing for fb2k users.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #759
Yeah that's what I'm afraid of :/

The OS upgrade itself went surprisingly smoothly, but this taskbar... brings nothing new and only removes useful functionality and user control, with the scrollbars and menus adding insult to injury.

I don't know what they've been smoking, but the dosage was too high.

Hopefully there will be an OpenShell-like utility for the taskbar at some point...

Edit: ah, I've just tried and the 'enhanced classic taskbar' restores the toolbar functionality, which makes DeskBand appear again \o/

I'll add that to my default installs up until the hypothetical day when MS decides to fix what they broke...

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #761

Edit: ah, I've just tried and the 'enhanced classic taskbar' restores the toolbar functionality, which makes DeskBand appear again \o/
Good to know actual toolbar functionality is still there.. For now.
Personally, I will not upgrade to 11 it seems. I'm still on 7 and happy.
Also they have decided that my machine with QuadCore Intel Core i5-4690K and 32Gb RAM is not good enough, so you know..

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #762
Microsoft are now giving instructions on how to bypass the TPM requirements but avoiding it in general is a much better idea!

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #763
Microsoft are now giving instructions on how to bypass the TPM requirements . . .
Looks like only a CPU thing.  Or TPM 1.2 if you want, but I know of no fTPM that is 1.2, only discrete TPM (chip).  TPM 2.0 has been around since before Intel put a fTPM in ME so no fTPM 1.2 is around (and it'd have been updated if there had been).  If a TPM is holding you back, you can't use that method from Msft.  There is one method that gets around that, but it's a youtube thing and . . . need I say more?  For the Go_To_11 crowd (good for you), I present

Good luck!  Oh, well, let's hope you have auto-start-AV off.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #764
Also they have decided that my machine with QuadCore Intel Core i5-4690K and 32Gb RAM is not good enough, so you know..
Yeah the hardware 'requirement' thing is just about as nonsensical as straight-up removing useful functionality and user control for no reason whatsoever... (you can't even move the taskbar to a non-primary monitor... which fortunately startallback restores as well because that would have been a *major* annoyance on the main PC and its 3 monitors...)

The i7-7820k of my laptop is officially unsupported, even though the Q and X versions are on 'the list'. I upgraded from the ISO anyway since there's technically no reason for this CPU to have any issue, and it went just fine.

It would have been a pretty seamless upgrade from Win10 if they hadn't broken the main UI element used to interact with the OS...

Oh well, it's workable enough for me now with startallback, we'll see what they do moving forward (not holding my breath). As long as there's still a way to get DeskBand to work, life can go on :)

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #765
I use the floating window mode, but the toolbar component still occupies a blank area in the taskbar. Is there a way to remove it?

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #766
Hi, Is there an option to reset as defaults the settings of the complement more than delete the JSON file in "AppData\Roaming\DeskbandControls"?
Have you tried turning it off and on again??

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #767
I use the floating window mode, but the toolbar component still occupies a blank area in the taskbar. Is there a way to remove it?
It should not use any space except 10 pixels wide section - it is reserved for context menu access.
If you need more help on your case please post a screenshot and json config file.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #768
Hi, Is there an option to reset as defaults the settings of the complement more than delete the JSON file in "AppData\Roaming\DeskbandControls"?
No other way right now.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #769
Well, I don't know how they do it (when I develop Windows apps it's using Python and Qt, so Windows widgets in C++ are a bit beyond me), but there's at least one project I've found that manages to have controls embedded in the Windows 11 taskbar (or at least they achieve a close enough facsimilie that I can't tell the difference):
So maybe they've got something in there that can be used to figure out how to make this function in Windows 11 as well. From attempting to skim through the code (with Google Translate so as to read the comments, as they're all in Chinese) I think the useful stuff is in TaskBarDlg.cpp ( but I don't really know for sure as this isn't something I've worked with before.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #770
Just wondering if there are any plans to update this amazing component for Foobar 2 64-bit.  It would be greatly missed, if not.  N.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #771
Just wondering if there are any plans to update this amazing component for Foobar 2 64-bit.  It would be greatly missed, if not.  N.
It is in plans, but due to current situation can't promise anything.

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #772
Hi eldarien,

Windows 11. Nothing that I do gives me an option in the Taskbar to display Deskband controls?

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #773
Hi @eldarien I tried various sets of buttons icons and when I want restore to the defaults it was impossible, the only way was delete the JSON config file and reinstall the component. ¿Where the complement gets the icons from? My situation is similar to @stevehero who posted about that sometime ago.

It would be nice if in the near future you can implement a restore to defaults / reset button per page or to the whole configuration. Sometimes users change things to adjust the customization of the themes and I think it would be very helpful if that option is available. Apart of that the complement works flawless, I like a lot the peak meter 📊👍‍    
Have you tried turning it off and on again??

Re: foobar2000 DeskBand Controls

Reply #774
Hi Gabohar.
Default icons are built-in. To reset you don't have to delete the whole JSON file,
just hide deskband from taskbar, open file in the text editor and remove the line with "Icon1Path"
parameter in the button section.