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Topic: Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet (Read 177789 times) previous topic - next topic
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Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet


i'm sorry if this was already asked here, but I couldn't found it with search.

Is there any tool that can convert a multiple files noncompliant cuesheet to a single image one?

The reason for this is that I have some albums stored as multiple files with a noncompliant cuesheet with gaps append to the end of previous track. Now I would like to join the files and create one appropriate cuesheet with all gaps preserved.

I've read the EAC CUE Sheets wiki page, and I see that it contains the method for converting, but it's difficult to apply it to a lot of cues by hand.

So I was thinking on some tool, or other clerver and quicker method to do it.


Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #1
Good question...

Foobar2000 doesn't seems to handle gaps, nor it is possible to "mount" such non-compliant cuesheets into an Alcohol 120% virtual drive. I don't know if it is possible with Daemon Tools.

The ideal would be to have a "virtual burner" that can be seen by EAC and "burn" an image+cuesheet from EAC. I know about EZB Systems Softdisc, but I never tried it and I don't know if its usable from EAC.

Anybody tried it?

... and, BTW, I'm every day happyier to have ripped to Image+Cuesheet ...

M-Audio Delta AP + Revox B150 + (JBL 4301B | Sennheiser Amperior | Sennheiser HD598)

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #2
The only simple solution involves owning the original CD. Otherwise, if any software/tool exists that would make this process easy, they're doing a good job of keeping it a secret.

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #3
actually, just burning the non-compliant cuesheet to a cd-rw and then re-rip at you heart will suffice...
M-Audio Delta AP + Revox B150 + (JBL 4301B | Sennheiser Amperior | Sennheiser HD598)

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #4
Thanks for the replies guys, and sorry for the wrong section...

yes, I guess the burn and re-rip solution is the better, and in that case there's no need to actually rip it again, just extract the cue...

I will keep looking for such tool, maybe some good tool-making guy around here will solve the problem meanwhile 


Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #5
maybe some good tool-making guy around here will solve the problem meanwhile
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=364703"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Maybe .  No promises though .

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #6
I got a good start on it tonight.  I should have something to share soon .

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #7
You're keen as a jellybean!

Will the app take a list of files and a non-compliant cuesheet, and return a single file cuesheet calculated from the original cuesheet data and track lengths, or will there be other features?

Is it worth sharing your thoughts now so that users can make requests?

Am I right in remembering that you use C#?
I'm on a horse.

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #8
@Synthetic Soul:  Yes, it will read a CUE sheet (any of the 4 types that EAC makes) and get the track lengths from the WAV files (you'll have to make sure they're present and named properly).  Then it will output a single-file CUE sheet, and I could add some of the other types later.  It won't mess with the WAV files (splitting/joining) but it's not out of the question in the future.  For now you can use WAV Tools to join the files.  It's written in C# and will require the .NET Framework v2.0.

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #9
Thanks for the reply.

Looking forward to playing with it.
I'm on a horse.

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #10

Moitah, thank you so much

Somehow the mail notifications are not working for me and saw this only now...

Will keep an eye in the thread to see what comes out

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #11
[Link removed, see here for updated link] - .NET Framework 2.0 required.  Source code will be released soon.

Please help me test it by inspecting the new CUE sheet for anything strange.  The time calculations should be correct, but look for any out-of-place items (commands other than FILE, TRACK, INDEX, and PREGAP are passed through as-is, hopefully in the right location ).

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #12
Thanks Moitah!

I will make some tests and report it back here.

For now I'm getting connection refused on your site. Hopefuly it will come back soon

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #13
@DrGreen: That's strange, usually my hosting is very stable.  I can connect to the server via FTP but the HTTP part is down.  Anyway, it's now mirrored at my ISP web space: [Link removed, see here for updated link].

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #14
Got it now!

Ok, I've made a test rip to disk. Now I'm having a problem. I always have a "Unable to get length of WAV file" error. Checked the files inside cue and they seem to be fine, also tried with full path and got the same error.

Am I missing something here?

btw, are you going to release the source? It would be easier to me to check if is a bug or not.

Thanks mate!

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #15
@DrGreen:  Full paths don't work right now, I'll have to fix that (I'd like to just ignore the directory part, does anyone have the CUE and WAVs in different directories?).  When testing I had that problem because EAC doesn't replace spaces with underscores for the filenames inside the CUE sheet, make sure that's not the problem.  If that's not it, I'll post a build that will give me more detail about this error (and the source too).

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #16
Yeah! I guess we have a winner!

Did a quick test and the calculated cue is exactly the same as EAC one.

The problem was with the spaces. May I ask you why is there such problem?

Anyway, you made my day  Thanks!

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #17
Glad it's working now .  I guess the space thing is a bug in EAC.  I'll make it replace spaces with underscores or vice-versa if it can't load the file the first time.

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #18
I guess I misunderstood you when you talked about spaces and underscores.

If I use a rip with track names without spaces (Track01...) it works well. Now if I use a rip with proper filenames it will give the error mentioned before.

In both cases the tracknames inside the cue match the tracks filenames.

Here's the cue (of course it is useless without the files but...)
Code: [Select]
REM COMMENT "ExactAudioCopy v0.95b3"
PERFORMER "Peter Erskine"
TITLE "As It Is"
FILE "Glebe Ascending.wav" WAVE
   TITLE "Glebe Ascending"
   PERFORMER "Peter Erskine"
   INDEX 01 00:00:00
   TITLE "The Lady In The Lake"
   PERFORMER "Peter Erskine"
   INDEX 00 07:03:21
FILE "The Lady In The Lake.wav" WAVE
   INDEX 01 00:00:00
   TITLE "Episode"
   PERFORMER "Peter Erskine"
   INDEX 00 07:57:67
FILE "Episode.wav" WAVE
   INDEX 01 00:00:00
   TITLE "Woodcocks"
   PERFORMER "Peter Erskine"
   INDEX 00 04:28:35
FILE "Woodcocks.wav" WAVE
   INDEX 01 00:00:00
   TITLE "Esperança"
   PERFORMER "Peter Erskine"
   INDEX 00 07:12:36
FILE "Esperança.wav" WAVE
   INDEX 01 00:00:00
   TITLE "Touch Her Soft Lips And Part"
   PERFORMER "Peter Erskine"
   INDEX 00 03:57:23
FILE "Touch Her Soft Lips And Part.wav" WAVE
   INDEX 01 00:00:00
   TITLE "Au Contraire"
   PERFORMER "Peter Erskine"
   INDEX 00 04:52:39
FILE "Au Contraire.wav" WAVE
   INDEX 01 00:00:00
   TITLE "For Ruth"
   PERFORMER "Peter Erskine"
   INDEX 00 10:17:29
FILE "For Ruth.wav" WAVE
   INDEX 01 00:00:00
   TITLE "Romeo And Juliet"
   PERFORMER "Peter Erskine"
   INDEX 00 06:43:46
FILE "Romeo And Juliet.wav" WAVE
   INDEX 01 00:00:00

I'm used to C#, so if you could make the source available I guess I would be able to track down the problem.

Thanks again mate!

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #19
I fixed the full path issue, added the space/underscore thing, added the ability to drag/drop CUE files onto the path text boxes, and added prompt for overwrite if the output CUE exists.  I think it's good enough to call "one-point-oh", so here it is:

[Link removed, see here for updated link]

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #20
found the problem with my cuesheet.

It was a non ASCII character in file Esperança.wav

Everything is working now!

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #21

Moitah you've done a terrific job! There has been a real need for a tool that does what yours does, and I think quite some people will take advantage this.


Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #22
Awesome work! 

Any chance this could be made to follow the relative subdirectories in the CUE sheet to find the source WAV files?  It copies over the information properly linking to the right location, but only if you move them to the directory of the cuesheet temporarily.

Also, might I be the one to request support for FLAC files?  I believe a length string is stored inside the FLACs.
WARNING:  Changing of advanced parameters might degrade sound quality.  Modify them only if you are expirienced in audio compression!

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #23
Thanks for the feedback .

@mmortal03:  I can fix that.  I'd like to have it check in the same directory as the CUE first, but if that doesn't work I could use the directory provided in the CUE sheet (absolute or relative).  As for FLACs, I'll see how much work it would be.  Do the filenames inside the CUE sheet have ".flac" or ".wav" extension?

Noncompliant to single wav cuesheet

Reply #24
Thanks for the feedback .

@mmortal03:  I can fix that.  I'd like to have it check in the same directory as the CUE first, but if that doesn't work I could use the directory provided in the CUE sheet (absolute or relative).  As for FLACs, I'll see how much work it would be.  Do the filenames inside the CUE sheet have ".flac" or ".wav" extension?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=365888"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I edit my cue sheets so that they have a ".flac" extension, because EAC doesn't do it on its own.
WARNING:  Changing of advanced parameters might degrade sound quality.  Modify them only if you are expirienced in audio compression!