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Topic: Chronflow (Read 482467 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #475
Development of this component has stopped (read above). ;-)


Reply #476
When did Chronial say that?


Reply #477
When did Chronial say that?

Just wanted to ask, if it is possible to display more then one picture in the folder. I use the discogs plugin and album art ist usually more than one cover or label sticker. I could imagine drawing a slowly spinning cube with covers on each sides (spinning just round, you can't see the top or manipulate the cube). Does this work or is it impossible to do?
This would work of course. You could even render a 3d-cover with reflections and all the nice stuff. It's just a completely different plugin.


Reply #478
I thought as much. I think McMusic just mixed up the Coverflow threads .


Reply #479
you can open it as a window in Default UI with dockable panels plugin
in columns UI, you add it in the layout page
in panelsUI you add it as a panel

And sorry for being noob but how do I do that? I got colums UI and panelsUI????


Moderation: moved posts into this thread.


Reply #480
why not showing a picture when I use

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]

what I should write in 'sources' to show covers from a folder, but the covers have different names?


Reply #481
Moderation: moved posts into this thread.
Why do I get the stupid questions moved to my Thread?

what I should write in 'sources' to show covers from a folder, but the covers have different names?
Could someone please explain the not-existing wildcard support to him and give him a link to my step-by-step explanation (I don't want to look for it again...)? Thanks.


Reply #482
Hi there

Hope everything is alright, it is my first posting on hydrogenaudio.

I use Chronflow with the Reflex 1.7a config. I dont know why, but there is no "movie effect", when I click another album, it just switches the picture, it doesnt show how the album moves over.

I'm really sorry, I'm completely new to themeing foobar and not a programer, I think it is something in the script of chronflow, but even there I dont see what or where I could set it:

// General Notes:
// Most of these functions return an array with 3 elements
// These are the x,y,z coordinates in 3d-space
// x is left to right
// y is bottom to top
// z is front to back

/************************* COVER DISPLAY *****************/
// These functions define the Display of the single Covers
// The given parameter coverId is a floating point number.
// It is 0 for the center cover, 1 for the one right
// beneath it, -1 for the one on the left side and so on.
// During movement the values float between the integer
// values.
function coverPosition(coverId){
var x, y, z;
y = 0;
if (Math.abs(coverId) <= 1){ // The centered cover
z = 1 + 2.7 * (1 - Math.abs(coverId));
x = coverId;
} else { // The covers on the side
z = 1 - (Math.abs(coverId)-1) * 0.15;
x = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.abs(coverId)-1);
if (coverId < 0)
x *= -1;
return new Array(x, y, z);
// return array is (angle, x, ,y, z) - this rotates
// the cover *angle* degrees around the vector (x,y,z)
// With (0,0,0,0) the cover is parallel to the y-z-Plane
function coverRotation(coverId){
var angle;
if (Math.abs(coverId) < 1){ // The centered cover
angle = coverId * -70;
} else { // The covers on the side
if (coverId > 0)
angle = -70;
angle = 70;
return new Array(angle, 0, 1, 0);

// Sets which point of the cover coverPosition() defines
// (-1,-1) means bottom left, (0,0) means center,
// (1,1) means top right, (0, -1) means bottom center etc.
// The cover is also rotated around this point.
function coverAlign(coverId){
return new Array(0, -1);

// Defines the the size boundaries for the cover.
// Aspect ratio is preserved.
// Return Array is (widht, height)
function coverSizeLimits(coverId){
if (Math.abs(coverId) < 1){ // The centered cover
var w, h;
w = 1;
h = 1;
// Shrinks the centered cover to a height of 1
if (Math.abs(coverId) > 0.5)
h = 1 + (Math.abs(coverId) - 0.5)*2;
// Allows the centered cover to have a width of 2.5;
if (Math.abs(coverId) < 0.5)
w = 1 + (0.5 - Math.abs(coverId))*3;
return new Array(w, h);
} else { // The covers on the side
return new Array(1, 2);

// Defines the range of covers to draw.
// Return array is (leftmostCover, rightmostCover)
// This interval shouldn't be larger than 80
// The center cover is 0.
function drawCovers(){
return new Array(-20, 20);

// In which direction should the fov be expanded/shrinked
// when the panel is resized?
// If this returns (0,1), the height is fixed.
// If this returns (1,0), the width is fixed.
// You can also return stuff like (0.5,0.5) or (7, 3)
// The values determine how important it is for this
// dimension to stay fixed.
function aspectBehaviour(){
return new Array(0,1);

/************************** CAMMERA SETUP ****************/
// Position of the viewport
function eyePos(){
return new Array(0, 0.76, 5.7);
// Defines the point for the eye to look at
function lookAt(){
return new Array(1.02, -0.5, 0);
// Used to rotate the view.
// The returned Vector points upwards in the viewport.
// This vector must not be parallel to the line of sight from the
// eyePos point to the lookAt point.
function upVector(){
return new Array(0, 1, 0);

/************************** MIRROR SETUP *****************/
function showMirrorPlane(){
return true; // return false to hide the mirror
// Any Point on the Mirror Plane
function mirrorPoint (){
return new Array(0, 0, 0);
// Normal of the Mirror Plane
function mirrorNormal (){
return new Array(0, 1, 0);

Hope someone could help me out in this.

Thanks a lot



Reply #483
I'm really sorry, I'm completely new to themeing foobar and not a programer
Firstly, when posting code, use the "codebox" tag to wrap the code so that it doesn't take up a chunk of space. So that it looks like this:
Code: [Select]
// General Notes:
// Most of these functions return an array with 3 elements
// These are the x,y,z coordinates in 3d-space
// x is left to right
// y is bottom to top
// z is front to back

/************************* COVER DISPLAY *****************/
// These functions define the Display of the single Covers
// The given parameter coverId is a floating point number.
// It is 0 for the center cover, 1 for the one right
// beneath it, -1 for the one on the left side and so on.
// During movement the values float between the integer
// values.
function coverPosition(coverId){
var x, y, z;
y = 0;
if (Math.abs(coverId) <= 1){ // The centered cover
z = 1 + 2.7 * (1 - Math.abs(coverId));
x = coverId;
} else { // The covers on the side
z = 1 - (Math.abs(coverId)-1) * 0.15;
x = 1 + 0.5 * (Math.abs(coverId)-1);
if (coverId < 0)
x *= -1;
return new Array(x, y, z);
// return array is (angle, x, ,y, z) - this rotates
// the cover *angle* degrees around the vector (x,y,z)
// With (0,0,0,0) the cover is parallel to the y-z-Plane
function coverRotation(coverId){
var angle;
if (Math.abs(coverId) < 1){ // The centered cover
angle = coverId * -70;
} else { // The covers on the side
if (coverId > 0)
angle = -70;
angle = 70;
return new Array(angle, 0, 1, 0);

// Sets which point of the cover coverPosition() defines
// (-1,-1) means bottom left, (0,0) means center,
// (1,1) means top right, (0, -1) means bottom center etc.
// The cover is also rotated around this point.
function coverAlign(coverId){
return new Array(0, -1);

// Defines the the size boundaries for the cover.
// Aspect ratio is preserved.
// Return Array is (widht, height)
function coverSizeLimits(coverId){
if (Math.abs(coverId) < 1){ // The centered cover
var w, h;
w = 1;
h = 1;
// Shrinks the centered cover to a height of 1
if (Math.abs(coverId) > 0.5)
h = 1 + (Math.abs(coverId) - 0.5)*2;
// Allows the centered cover to have a width of 2.5;
if (Math.abs(coverId) < 0.5)
w = 1 + (0.5 - Math.abs(coverId))*3;
return new Array(w, h);
} else { // The covers on the side
return new Array(1, 2);

// Defines the range of covers to draw.
// Return array is (leftmostCover, rightmostCover)
// This interval shouldn't be larger than 80
// The center cover is 0.
function drawCovers(){
return new Array(-20, 20);

// In which direction should the fov be expanded/shrinked
// when the panel is resized?
// If this returns (0,1), the height is fixed.
// If this returns (1,0), the width is fixed.
// You can also return stuff like (0.5,0.5) or (7, 3)
// The values determine how important it is for this
// dimension to stay fixed.
function aspectBehaviour(){
return new Array(0,1);

/************************** CAMMERA SETUP ****************/
// Position of the viewport
function eyePos(){
return new Array(0, 0.76, 5.7);
// Defines the point for the eye to look at
function lookAt(){
return new Array(1.02, -0.5, 0);
// Used to rotate the view.
// The returned Vector points upwards in the viewport.
// This vector must not be parallel to the line of sight from the
// eyePos point to the lookAt point.
function upVector(){
return new Array(0, 1, 0);

/************************** MIRROR SETUP *****************/
function showMirrorPlane(){
return true; // return false to hide the mirror
// Any Point on the Mirror Plane
function mirrorPoint (){
return new Array(0, 0, 0);
// Normal of the Mirror Plane
function mirrorNormal (){
return new Array(0, 1, 0);
As to why your coverflow doesnt "flow", it could be that you need microsoft's script control dll to get the JScript working. I recommend that you go through the thread from the beginning, there should be a link to its download. And while reading through the entire thread you might come across answers to questions you haven't asked yet, believe me you will.
A teacher is a student in denial.


Reply #486

You are not using chronflow, but foo_bubble_coverflow. Please ask in the Reflex thread how to switch:

Ups, sorry, your right, and thanks, I wasnt sure if the Reflex Thread is the right way.

to use chronflow in Reflex conifg, just check the option in the settings of the config (engine button at the top left corner to enter settings screen!)


Reply #487
I recognized something strange. I have some .wma the had only a Artist tag and no album tag. But it showed unknon artist. That's strange.
When I added the album name %artist% -%album% showed correctly.

Is this intended? A bug?


Reply #488
This thread is a mess.

It is almost impossible for readers to find an introduction on the component, let alone a link to the latest version.

I would like to ask Chronial to start a new thread with proper information in the first post.