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Topic: Chronflow (Read 482473 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
Now i tried not to get my hope up. This seem too good to be true. Cover flow for foobar. 

Is this real? 


Reply #26
I have a question,
The source of picture are only tag or can we choose where he must search ?
It's a really beautiful work, I wait for the foobar integrated version

It will be really important to allow users to specify where their images are located, as so many people (me included!) store cover images as separate files not as embedded tags - BUT, if you do provide this functionality then users could have another instance of the add-in in another panel to browse by, say, ARTIST images! Fantastic!!

I can't wait to try this...


Reply #27
any updates?

the pi


Reply #28
Any news ??


Reply #29


Reply #30
Chronial ! Wake up !! 


Reply #31
Sounds like a great idea


Reply #32
What's happening here ? Chronial is not active since Sept. 17th... 


Reply #34
Maybe he fell... period.


Reply #35
Maybe Apple got to him


Reply #36
Maybe it was a hoax?


Reply #37
i don't think so because the video seems to be real
he is certainly occupied so he can't come on the forum


Reply #38
I believe CoverFlow under foobar is technically feasible. We only need a serious developer to do it. Then we will be happy.


Reply #39
There is good developers here, and chronial is one of the best.
I am certain it is not an hoax.
And I am certain too, that letting him the time to work, he will release a very good component.
Patience so...
Cheers to all.
Special smile to chronial


Reply #40
Thanks kabuki ! (nice cat BTW, reminds me of mine  )

And thanks in advance to chronial of course. CoverFlow under foobar would be just... totally awesome.


Reply #42
Although it's not released yet, I have a small idea that could make this suprerior to the Apple version:

Add small icons when the mouse is hovered f.ex. at the bottom of a cover, displaying if the album consists of multiple discs. It could even read a "DISCTITLE" tag to show the name of each disc (Bonus CD, Remixes CD or other cases where discs distinguish from the other in an album).

It could show icons like:

CD 1  CD 2  Bonus CD    Play All
(  )      (  )      (  )            (  )))

This would bring back the "manual" feel of CD's in a digital form.

Edit: I'm sure many people would like a custom defined action for left mouseclick on links.
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P


Reply #43
I'm not sure it would be a good addition, but if it's optional and if it can make people happy, then no problem for me.

Another thing that could eventually make this CoverFlow superior to the Apple version would be 3D-displaying of the real CD cases, not just the covers. I'm talking about the covers, but also the CD names on the case sides, and also the back covers if we decide to flip the CDs.

There is an excellent iTunes plugin (for Mac OS) called JewelCase that does something similar when the music is playing. Look here :

For the back covers, JewelCase can do two different things to create them :
1/ It can take the front cover, zoom on it, flip it horizontally, and add the track names (see up here).
2/ It can take the front cover, make some kind of "blur" (like if the whole case was transparent), and add the track names (see below) :

We could imagine a third possibility : show the real back cover when the jpg exists.

Of course it would be even better if we could choose, on a CD by CD basis, if we want the "real back cover", the "front cover zoom", or the "blur effect". That would be totally awesome. 

What do you think guys ?


Reply #44
What do you think ?

Sounds like a good idea, but needs a lot of maintenance (i would need to scan all my covers by myself, whereas today, I just grab them from iTunes).

Also I think it should take into account, if the cover (depending on the dimensions) belongs to a Digipack like many CD's are released today.
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P


Reply #45
Hi odyssey. Why would you need to scan all your covers ?    I also grab them from iTunes (600x600), and then like you know, I use the excellent iTSfv to get them out of iTunes. So I end with a lot of jpgs that are perfectly usable. No need to rescan anything...


Reply #47
Um, yes, but it's absolutely not necessary. Personally I find the effect achieved with options 1/ and 2/ even better than a real back cover !


Reply #48
Um, yes, but it's absolutely not necessary. Personally I find the effect achieved with options 1/ and 2/ even better than a real back cover !

I'm a perfectionist
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P


Reply #49
All cool ideas, I don't know about the original coverflow but is it possible to still browse a really large music collection efficiently?

Cause at first sight it looks like you don't have anything that separates albums from other albums. I mean like in the album list you can choose to sort everything on album artist, year, label, etc etc

At first sight it seems that coverflow just throws everything on one big pile. I'm afraid it's going to get one big mess for huge collections. Or is there some kind of structure? I have not used Itunes recently so can somebody tell me?