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Topic: Nero AAC Recommended Settings (Read 106521 times) previous topic - next topic
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Nero AAC Recommended Settings

can anyone recommend a string to get this working in EAC? Please?

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #2
aha, thanks. i missed out the %s (doh!)

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #3
so is the latest encoder included in Nero 7 or do I have to install the software linked above?

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #4
so is the latest encoder included in Nero 7 or do I have to install the software linked above?

You don't even need Nero 7 to run that software. So I'd say just use the new program and leave Nero alone.

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #5
Just to clarify, what are the options to set for the foobar CLI interface (0.83 and 0.9x)

I'm thinking stuff like 16/24 bit, floating point, accurate length and tagging issues.

And please write in large and coloured text "do not use 2pass with pure VBR mode it makes no sense". Or disable that combination in next release.

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #6
so is the latest encoder included in Nero 7 or do I have to install the software linked above?

Nero has a slightly older version of the encoder above, but it is safe to use if you for example feel uncomfortable using a command line utility. There are no significant quality differences.

Just to clarify, what are the options to set for the foobar CLI interface (0.83 and 0.9x)

I'm thinking stuff like 16/24 bit, floating point, accurate length and tagging issues.

Options given are for 0.9.x, I'll clarify that. The encoder will accept any input format.

For 0.8.3, you can enable accurate length, or disable it and use "-ignorelength". As far as I understand, the latter option is actually preferred.

There are some reports that 0.8.3 might have broken MP4 tagging, so using 0.9.x is recommended.

And please write in large and coloured text "do not use 2pass with pure VBR mode it makes no sense". Or disable that combination in next release.

We will probably just disable it. I certainly didn't anticipate that people would try to do that!

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #7
Code: [Select]
                Note that the above switches (-lc, -he, -hev2) should not be
                used; optimal AAC profile is automatically determined from
                quality/bitrate settings when no override is specified.

By default, what quality/bitrate settings result in LC/HE/HEv2 profile being used?

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #9
By default, what quality/bitrate settings result in LC/HE/HEv2 profile being used?

Sorry, but this was changed in the meantime based on test feedback.

Currently, the switching is at <40kbps (PS enabled) and <85kbps (SBR enabled).

The quality levels are -q 0.16 and -q 0.31 (from memory, may be wrong).

Note that this all may change from update to update as we change or improve various parts of the encoder, so relying on this is not a good idea. ("The Link" already unwillingly demonstrated this  )

This is also only valid for stereo. Mono and multichannel work differently yet again.

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #10
Mhmm floating point input, nice

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #11
Sorry, but this was changed in the meantime based on test feedback.

Currently, the switching is at <40kbps (PS enabled) and <85kbps (SBR enabled).

The quality levels are -q 0.16 and -q 0.31 (from memory, may be wrong).

whoooooo , that's what I wanted .... settings are right (0.159 = ps enabled, 0.309 = sbr enabled) ......

Note that this all may change from update to update as we change or improve various parts of the encoder, so relying on this is not a good idea. ("The Link" already unwillingly demonstrated this  )

if you change this "parameters" can you put it in the readme.txt or in a changelog ?

thanks in advance

    <-- nero acc devs
  <-- users
An interested Niph :D

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #12
i cant seem to find that 'quality <-> bitrate' table anymore? (were quality switches changed as well?)
PANIC: CPU 1: Cache Error (unrecoverable - dcache data) Eframe = 0x90000000208cf3b8
NOTICE - cpu 0 didn't dump TLB, may be hung

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #14
oh, tnx.
PANIC: CPU 1: Cache Error (unrecoverable - dcache data) Eframe = 0x90000000208cf3b8
NOTICE - cpu 0 didn't dump TLB, may be hung

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #15
Possible to add switch for wav input chanel order like for example faac. It's very usefull setting.

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #16

can anyone recommend a string to get this working in EAC? Please?

-q 0.5 -if %s -of %d

Thanks to Nero for that decission (releasing the encoder for free) :up: !

So far I used nero_fends as a command line tool together with my nero6 dlls - and I am more than glad to switch now to the new encoder version - only question is - how can I tag the files via EAC? So far I was used to just provide the tags through the command line and those switches am I missing now.

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #17
I'm a Lame --preset extreme kind of guy normally, what would be an similar setting in Neroenc? .6 ? or is that too much?

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #18
I'm a Lame --preset extreme kind of guy normally, what would be an similar setting in Neroenc? .6 ? or is that too much?

I would like to know as well.  The jump between .5 and .55 seems a bit high, or maybe it was just the music I selected.  Don't know where standard or extreme would actually land.  Or the previous AAC Normal/High settings.

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #19

can anyone recommend a string to get this working in EAC? Please?

-q 0.5 -if %s -of %d

Thanks to Nero for that decission (releasing the encoder for free) :up: !

So far I used nero_fends as a command line tool together with my nero6 dlls - and I am more than glad to switch now to the new encoder version - only question is - how can I tag the files via EAC? So far I was used to just provide the tags through the command line and those switches am I missing now.

Get AtomicParsley. Make sure to download v0.8.0, and not the latest one (buggy).

File extension: .m4a

Program used for compression:  c:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe

Additional command line options:
    /c c:\Encoders\neroAacEnc.exe -q 0.5 -if %s -of %d && c:\Encoders\AtomicParsley.exe %d --writeBack --artist "%a" --album "%g" --tracknum "%n/%x" --title "%t" --genre "%m" --year "%y"

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #20
could we use this AtomicParsley to tag from EAC? I can't get EAC to insert the tags.

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #21
take a look at MAREO, it works fine with the conbination.

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #22
the Atomic Parsley method (above) works fine. I couldn't get Mareo to tag.... It would encode the Flac, encode the mp4, then say something about "file already exists" when it comes to tagging.

But we're going off topic, apologies

When I encode a file using -q .55 (latest Nenc), the files show up as CBR in Foobar. Is this normal? I thought they were VBR? (or is that a bug in foobar?)

-- edit

it must be something with the output codecs. I installed the in_mp4 from rarewares in Winamp and now its showing it as a vbr

sorry, just checking that I wasn't doing anything wrong

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #23
When I encode a file using -q .55 (latest Nenc), the files show up as CBR in Foobar. Is this normal? I thought they were VBR? (or is that a bug in foobar?)

Which foobar2000 version?! As far as I know it doesn't even display that...but yes, -q is definitely VBR.

Nero AAC Recommended Settings

Reply #24

When I encode a file using -q .55 (latest Nenc), the files show up as CBR in Foobar. Is this normal? I thought they were VBR? (or is that a bug in foobar?)

Which foobar2000 version?! As far as I know it doesn't even display that...but yes, -q is definitely VBR.

... and similarly, when I encode using -cbr, looking at the bitrate indicator in Winamp (using the MP4 input plugin for Winamp plugin found at RareWares) the bitrate still fluctuates by a few kbps either direction of the target.

Same question: Is this normal? I thought they were "CBR"?

The plugin in question shows up as " MPEG-4 General Audio player: 2.1 beta compiled on Jul 9 2004." (Is there a later version?)

    - M.