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Topic: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.6 (Read 2010861 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #875
Thanks for your explanation Gregory...
I think I am missing something though, as I can't run under mono (1.9.5 and 2.0.4a tested)...

Code: [Select]
$ mono CUETools.exe

** (CUETools.exe:2671): WARNING **: The following assembly referenced from /home/krafty/win32/CUETools_2.0.4a_x86/CUETools.exe could not be loaded:
     Assembly:   System.Windows.Forms    (assemblyref_index=0)
     Public Key: b77a5c561934e089
The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing assembly (/home/krafty/win32/CUETools_2.0.4a_x86/).

** (CUETools.exe:2671): WARNING **: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies.

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #876
I guess this is a problem with your mono installation. The missing .dll (Windows Forms) should be a part of normal mono package.

If you built it from source, try rebuilding and reinstalling it. Check configure options, perhaps you need to specifically enable Windows Forms support.

If you installed it as a package, perhaps there's a separate package for Windows Forms.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #877
Gregory, excellent!
I have installed:


Now it works... (both only works with WAV)
Tested 1.9.5 and the 2.0.4a.
Were you saying "new" versions the experimental ones?

Many thanks for this help.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #879
Yep, 2.0.6/2.0.7
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #880
Confirmed, FLAC working with 2.0.6


CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #881
Dear all, thanks for this great software, BUT,  I'm having a big issue... files converted to ALAC don't play in my iphone! And I have just spent one week converting hundreds of albums with cuetools to find I now have to do it all again

I am converting flac+cue to ALAC using libALAC. Everything works great, files play ok in itunes under mac and windows. BUT, when I sync files to my ipod, each song is presented as being 3 or 4 hours in length, I get a 1sec sound at the start and then no audio.

If I take these cuetools files and transcode them again to ALAC using MAX... they play perfectly in the iphone...

Is there any reason why cuetool's alac encoding is incompatible with ipod/iphone? anyone else had this experience?
I'm using standard options in cuetools... anything I should have selected/unselected?

thanks in advance, your help is appreciated.


CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #882
I've found a duplicate in the base here. As long as the redundancy file is not uploaded twice, there would be no size problem for the base. If duplicates appear that way though, this could render the web interface unreadable/unsearchable in the future.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #883
I've found a duplicate in the base here. As long as the redundancy file is not uploaded twice, there would be no size problem for the base. If duplicates appear that way though, this could render the web interface unreadable/unsearchable in the future.

Thank you. This shouldn't happen, i will find out why it did.
Code: [Select]
ctdb=> select DISTINCT tocid from submissions2 s1 where exists(select * FROM submissions2 s2 where ( <> AND s1.tocid = s2.tocid AND s1.crc32 = s2.crc32 AND s1.trackcount = s2.trackcount));
(3 rows)

Looks like there's already three of them.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #884
I am converting flac+cue to ALAC using libALAC. Everything works great, files play ok in itunes under mac and windows. BUT, when I sync files to my ipod, each song is presented as being 3 or 4 hours in length, I get a 1sec sound at the start and then no audio.

That's very unfortunate. I'm sorry, i don't have an ipod (i prefer cowon), so i cannot fix it right now, not until i borrow one. When i first published this encoder and asked to test resulting files on ipod, there were reports that it works. Encoder didn't change much since then, so there's a possibility that it does work on certain models/firmware versions, so can you please tell which one do you have?

The only option in cuetools that could affect this is a high compression level (9-10), but i doubt it.

UPD: here's three clips encoded with different versions of encoder. Can you please test if any of those work on your ipod?
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #885
I am converting flac+cue to ALAC using libALAC. Everything works great, files play ok in itunes under mac and windows. BUT, when I sync files to my ipod, each song is presented as being 3 or 4 hours in length, I get a 1sec sound at the start and then no audio.

UPD: here's three clips encoded with different versions of encoder. Can you please test if any of those work on your ipod?

I have an ipod touch latest hardware (3rd g), with latest OS (3.1.3) and I can reproduce the problem described by neovibe: the file length when playing is 16:16, although in the description it accurately says 0:22.

If the files are converted to Apple Lossless with itunes they play correctly. I am enclosing them here in case it will be of help.

I have also tried adding the itunes tags BPM, ITUNESMEDIATYPE, ITUNNORM from the converted files but without luck.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #886
Thank you. This should help.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #887
To summarize: if you use default settings, all should be well. You can damage your image only by selecting exotic features, such as gaps handling methods other than default.

Thank you very much for your most useful and detailed explanation. Also for all the time and hard work invested in this project

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #888
Gregory, thank you so much for this fantastic tool. I have been using it for some time and now I can't imagine how I could live without it.

When I use it to enconde from image to tracks I like to use the automatic tagging, to write the tags from the cue file. But, if you do this using FLAC the tag that contains the number of tracks is written as "TRACKTOTAL" when the deffault name (I think that) is "TOTALTRACKS". ¿Could you please fix this so everything works automatically?

Thank you for your effort.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #889
I am converting flac+cue to ALAC using libALAC. Everything works great, files play ok in itunes under mac and windows. BUT, when I sync files to my ipod, each song is presented as being 3 or 4 hours in length, I get a 1sec sound at the start and then no audio.

That's very unfortunate. I'm sorry, i don't have an ipod (i prefer cowon), so i cannot fix it right now, not until i borrow one. When i first published this encoder and asked to test resulting files on ipod, there were reports that it works. Encoder didn't change much since then, so there's a possibility that it does work on certain models/firmware versions, so can you please tell which one do you have?

The only option in cuetools that could affect this is a high compression level (9-10), but i doubt it.

UPD: here's three clips encoded with different versions of encoder. Can you please test if any of those work on your ipod?

Hello and thank you for your reply.

I am using a recent iPhone 3GS 16gb, libALAC encoder compression set to 5 on cuetools.

Would try the files you sent, but in itunes they show as 0:00 (tried in two intals, MAC and PC).

Regarding the files I already converted, I could probalby use MAX or DBPoweramp and transcode them to ALAC (from ALAC) and it would work... but as I'm not sure what went wrong and I'm not planning to convert these files ever again, I think I'm going to do it all over again. First use CUETOOLS to split to FLAC (would prefer WAV but it doesn't support tags) and then DBPoweramp to convert to ALAC.

...unless a solution comes

still think it's a great tool, thanks for your work.


CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #890
Thank you. I'll have to add one of those drives to my shopping list. Here's a slightly different version of CUERipper, i hope this works: This is only a CUERipper update, no changes to CUETools there.

Gregory:  Thanks for the update.  I just tried it out and CUE Ripper works great on my Samsung drive now.  I feel like a kid at Christmas.  First I find FlaCUDA, then I find CUETools and now CUERipper.  This is great!!!

Alex B:  Thanks for copying my post over here, to a more lively thread.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #891
Could a variable be added to the output syntax that would return the selected audio output(flac, ape, etc.)?

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #892
Thank you very much, Gregory, for your continuos work on CUETools!

I have one small problem when using v2.0.7 on Windows XP SP3.

Namely, I am splitting a WAV-file (whole CD image) according to cuesheet that is UTF8 encoded (and has also BOM at the beginning of the file).
The libFLAC is selected as encoder. CUETools does fine job and splits the CD image into tracks that have correct UTF8 filenames.
Unfortunately the created NONCOMPLIANT CUESHEET is not UTF8 encoded and has "?" marks instead of Unicode characters.

I can't figure out what I am doing wrong...
The settings look as seen in the attachment.

Many thanks in advance,

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #893
Is there any way to disable comment writing for embedded album art (now it writes full album art path as a comment)?

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #894
... Gregory:  Thanks for the update.  I just tried it out and CUE Ripper works great on my Samsung drive now.  ...

I can confirm this. I finally had time to test the v.2.0.7. My Samsung drives work now.

In general CUERipper is very nice, but unless I am missing something, it doesn't seem to be able to handle "various artists" albums. I'd like to request a similar system that EAC has.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #895
Great updates of cuetools, very much appreciated!

Found a small inconvenience: After the log is written, it's not released by cuetools, so a directory containing the last log can't be deleted or moved (without closing cuetools or using unlocker).

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #896
First of all.  Thanks for all the time you have put into this awesome application, now I have it I would feel a little lost without it.  Talk about making life easy.

  A feature that I would like to see is to be able to choose whether or not the album should have 'FLAGS DCP' in the cue. 

  I have been trying to create a batch file to drop my cue into and have it insert the FLAGS DCP on the next line after the TITLE entry, so far unsuccesful.  If some one can help I would be greatly appreciated.

Again, Great work

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #897
using unlocker).

Oh, is it really CUE Tools that has the handle on the log file?

For me usually it is always the file editor (UEdit32 to be exact) or in rare cases the Windows Explorer.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #898
using unlocker).

Oh, is it really CUE Tools that has the handle on the log file?

For me usually it is always the file editor (UEdit32 to be exact) or in rare cases the Windows Explorer.

After some more testing, it's only after a log written when a cd is not found in the AR database (I'm using the "only if found" script.
And only the last one.
But it is  cuetools which has the handle then.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #899
After some more testing, it's only after a log written when a cd is not found in the AR database (I'm using the "only if found" script.
And only the last one.
Ah, ok. That explains why I never encountered it.