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Topic: API for defining custom playback orders (Read 1440 times) previous topic - next topic
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API for defining custom playback orders

I suspect I already know the answer to this based on this thread from 13 years ago (,82529.msg715909.html), but is there really no way to define a custom playback order defined in a component?

Is this feature anywhere on a roadmap? And if not, is there a way to replicate this behavior, preferably with as little hackiness as possible?

Re: API for defining custom playback orders

Reply #1
What is a "custom playback order" as opposed to any arbitrary playback order as defined in a playlist?
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: API for defining custom playback orders

Reply #2
What is a "custom playback order" as opposed to any arbitrary playback order as defined in a playlist?

What I mean is the playback orders given by the dropdown in the top right (Default, Repeat, Random, etc). I don't want to control the playback order by creating a playlist, I want to control how foobar chooses which song to play from the playlist.

There's APIs for introspecting the playback order or setting it to one of the predefined ones, but there's no way to make your own.