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Topic: Old Audio/Movie Vizuals (AVS) like for the old winamp. (Read 3512 times) previous topic - next topic
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Old Audio/Movie Vizuals (AVS) like for the old winamp.

Any clues if there is any alternative to ProjectM for foobar?

Re: Old Audio/Movie Vizuals (AVS) like for the old winamp.

Reply #2
I've been using the Shpeck component for years. It will let you load Winamp visualisations into foobar2000.

Re: Old Audio/Movie Vizuals (AVS) like for the old winamp.

Reply #3
for me shpeck doesn't work since i cant find any good winamp old version or do you mean the new winamp?
i should realy try that again good idea!
winamp 8.0?

Re: Old Audio/Movie Vizuals (AVS) like for the old winamp.

Reply #4
You don't need Winamp at all.

  • Create a Winamp folder next to foobar2000.exe.
  • Create a Plugins folder inside the Winamp folder.
  • Place your Winamp plugins inside the Plugins folder.
  • Use Notepad to create an empty text file.
  • Name the file winamp.exe and put it in the Winamp folder.
The winamp.exe file will be 0 bytes. This is enough to fool Winamp plugins into thinking Winamp is installed, so they will operate normally. I've been using the vis_classic plugin this way for 8 years. :)

Re: Old Audio/Movie Vizuals (AVS) like for the old winamp.

Reply #5
anyway, it makes no sense to create all my own visuals and not start with the winamp program Aleron, i see theres now winamp 5.9
and thats good enough.
thanks for the tips, but dont tell me i dont need winamp.

Re: Old Audio/Movie Vizuals (AVS) like for the old winamp.

Reply #8
for me shpeck doesn't work since i cant find any good winamp old version or do you mean the new winamp?
i should realy try that again good idea!
winamp 8.0?

If you haven't seen it before and you're set on Winamp, you should take a look at the Winamp Community Update Project.