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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4724017 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #5750
Bump since I still haven't figured it out.

Code: [Select]

Replace L:\Music\ with your root folder above artists/etc.

Columns UI

Reply #5751
yay a true hero on the boards

Moderation: Removed unnecessary full quote of the preceding post.

Columns UI

Reply #5752
possible bug in 3.8.2:

Can't assign button for "sort by" dialog box. 

I've tried "edit/sort/sort" and "edit/sort" with selection, current playing item and none...
But the button still does nothing.

Columns UI

Reply #5753
Toolbar is ok now with

For Embedded Artwork behaviour i made a screenshot. Hope this is helpful.

Thx musicmusic for your work!

Columns UI

Reply #5755
Cool, 3.8.3 fixes the tab issue with the new status pane.

"I never thought I'd see this much candy in one mission!"

Columns UI

Reply #5756
Is there any way to access the information displayed in the new status pane using tags? I would love to be able to display the total number of items and length of a playlist in PSS....

Columns UI

Reply #5757
i would like to seen an option to remove the volume slider from the new Status Pane. also to customize/remove the text that is already there, like "Playing:"


Columns UI

Reply #5758
musicmusic, there's a couple of things I wanted to mention about the panel captions. The first thing is, it doesn't seem possible to change the font, I would have thought it would make sense for them to take the Common (Labels) font. The other thing is, would it be possible to change the padding a bit? I think they are a bit chunky and I'd like to make them a bit skinnier. (I don't want to get rid of them because they're useful for showing/hiding panels.) Thanks.

Columns UI

Reply #5759
After upgrading to foobar2000 1.0 I cannot set "Image to display when no album art can be found" aka stub image. Can I do something? If no, please update CUI to work with new image settings.

I restarted fb2k and everything is OK now.

Columns UI

Reply #5760
It's in "preferences > display"

Columns UI

Reply #5761
After upgrading to foobar2000 1.0 I cannot set "Image to display when no album art can be found" aka stub image. Can I do something? If no, please update CUI to work with new image settings.

I restarted fb2k and everything is OK now.
It's in "preferences > display"
And this also displays embedded artwork the way I expected. Thx!

Columns UI

Reply #5762
I have played a little bit with columns UI and almost happy with the result:

The only thing i want to change are the white stripe on top, the colour of the tabs of the splitter and the colour of the names. But i don´t know how to do it. Can someone help me with that? Here my config:

Moderation: Replaced large screenshot with thumbnail.

Columns UI

Reply #5763
Please don't throw yourself around with your 1920 px screen-shot
Make it thumbnail or don't post if you don't know how to do that


Columns UI

Reply #5764
2E7AH: dude, get over it. the forum resizes images automatically - why do you have to complain every time? go buy a real monitor if you can't handle big images...

locutus: those colours all come from Windows. you'd need to change system files to change them.

Columns UI

Reply #5765
@ locutus, you don't need to be a programmer to use PSS. it's a bit like title formatting but more advanced.  i think a readme comes with it. you need to look to at the


function in particular. if you need any more help, i suggest you post in the PSS thread.

Columns UI

Reply #5766
Edit: i was wrong, you need to use $imagebutton() with a PANELSHOW command. You also need to put all your components under 1 panel stack splitter which would be under 1 horizontal splitter.

Columns UI

Reply #5767
^why would you do that?    i'd keep those splitters as they are except replace the tab stack with a PSS panel. now you'd just have 1 or 2 buttons to toggle those 2 containing panels on or off. easy.

Columns UI

Reply #5768
Hmm yeah i guess I'm just being stupid.

Columns UI

Reply #5769
^why would you do that?    i'd keep those splitters as they are except replace the tab stack with a PSS panel. now you'd just have 1 or 2 buttons to toggle those 2 containing panels on or off. easy.

OK, but my problem is how do i place buttons. I have read the possible variables in the PSS doc, but i have no idea how to use them. Would be nice to have a example.

Columns UI

Reply #5770
I'd like to use titleformatting scripts for multivalue fields like ARTIST. This way I could colorize it using $rgb(), for example in Filter panels.
Is this possible? And how would the script look like? Or is there any other way to colorize these fields?

Columns UI

Reply #5771
minor glitch in item details when using $replace() and font change, i.e.

Code: [Select]
$replace(%some tag%,
$set_font(Segoe UI,9,italic;)
$set_font(Segoe UI,9)

replaced part isn't wrapped sometimes:

Columns UI

Reply #5772
I updated from to and now $repeat(★,%rating%) isn't shown in Windows Title, Status Bar and Notification Area anymore.

Or am I doing something wrong?

Columns UI

Reply #5773
I have a problem with buttons panel. It is on the PSS with black background colour. Global element in colours config page has black bg white fg.
Added text button is black and is not readable - any idea how to change it? (CUI ver., foobar2000 ver 1.0).

Picture show hoovered button (the are more on the right side)

Columns UI

Reply #5774
Would it be possible to choose which fields the filter panel filters? Right now when i search for '2010', some albums pop up that have an album ID or barcode with that sequence of numbers in it, when i was obviously searching for a year . The biggest cause of problems there are the lyrics and comment fields, which tend to have a lot of information in them (ie. searching for 'the beatles' returns songs that have embedded lyrics about the beatles).