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Topic: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus) (Read 185759 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #175
Replace 'playlist' in the configuration by 'playlist*' and it will also save the playlists in the future.

Thank you! I suspected my config was not up to date but was too lazy to skim this thread. Cunningham's Law to the rescue!

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #176

amazing , I was looking for a plugin that can autobackup even the portable version , skin , settings , tweaks

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #177
Installed, pressed 'Save configuration', nothing happened.
Tried to change paths, etc, no success.
And no log to trace further. :(
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Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #178
What are you expecting? Save configuration only saves the one configuration to disk. It doesn't magically let you pick another configuration to save to.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #179
What are you expecting?
I looked for a intuitive, easy way to make sure the addon was able to work as expected.
Eight pages of discussion and nobody asked for an obvious BACKUP NOW menu item? Damn…
• Join our efforts to make Helix MP3 encoder great again
• Opus complexity & qAAC dependence on Apple is an aberration from Vorbis & Musepack breakthroughs
• Let's pray that D. Bryant improve WavPack hybrid, C. Helmrich update FSLAC, M. van Beurden teach FLAC to handle non-audio data

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #180
That menu option isn't provided by the component, it's provided by the player. It has no visible result, other than maybe disk activity, if you somehow log or notice it.

The component actually working should result in periodic backups of this configuration when the configuration is saved, or on track changes, or on other triggers I can't think of right now. It has no visible indicator, because it's supposed to be automatic and silent.

You can find the backups, though. That's a sure fire way to make sure it's working.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #181
Has there been any followup to this post?

I have a suggestion:
- make an option to save after the foobar window has been inactive for x seconds.
Because saving freezes the ui, I want it to be done only if the window is in background and I am currently not using the ui.

After troubleshooting my UI layout, I'm thinking that foo_jesus is the cause of my entire foobar2000 application and UI to become frozen every X tracks (lining up with a backup every X tracks).  Can something be done to make this asynchronous / not deny access to the UI / item properties / playlist views / etc.?  Unfortunately I am planning to uninstall this component in the meantime, as it is very frustrating to not be able to open the item properties to work on tags at the beginning of playback every X tracks.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #182
This only saves the configuration, not what was playing, right?

So if there's a crash or power loss, it won't restore what was playing before the crash, it will only start playing once again after the last time there was a graceful shutdown?

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #183
I looked for a intuitive, easy way to make sure the addon was able to work as expected.

check the console
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #184
Is there a way to exclude a specific subfolder (or file) of the chosen paths to back up?

For example:
Save everything under user-components, except the folder of a component that happens to be quite large.

Thank you.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #185
Is this component getting an update for v2.0?

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #186
I'm also interested in an update of this component. I use v2 x64 beta.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #187
Is this component getting an update for v2.0?
@Yirkha has not been active in 11 years, and it was never open sourced. I'm thinking the answer is no. :D

It remains to be seen how much it's still needed though. index-data is no longer lost on crash because it's written to the sqlite database as it goes. The only other thing that's a real issue then is when playlists are saved. If those happen when changes are made (and not just program close), then the only thing this component gets you is backups if you accidentally screw up something in your theme.

Re: Autosave & Autobackup (foo_jesus)

Reply #188
...It remains to be seen how much it's still needed though. index-data is no longer lost on crash because it's written to the sqlite database as it goes. The only other thing that's a real issue then is when playlists are saved. If those happen when changes are made (and not just program close), then the only thing this component gets you is backups if you accidentally screw up something in your theme.

Hi, @MordredKLB . I wonder if you, or anyone else, could please help me with this: Could .dll (and related, such as .lua), .dll.cfg & .conf files become corrupt when the program crashes? I've been using this component to periodically save those file types (along with .fth and my playlists).

Thank you.