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Topic: Filtering Sound to Mic (Read 2045 times) previous topic - next topic
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Filtering Sound to Mic

Not sure if this is the "right" place to ask this, but I got problem. I use a Ventrilo server with my buds and according to my friends; that when I que my mic (Logitech USB) while others are talking or if they que in at the same time they can hear themselves and all the echo effects. Now, they want me to switch to a headset, but I would not like to make that an option.

Is there software that will read the output of my soundcard and read the input of my mic. Allowing any sound coming from my speakers to pass thru a filter to cancel that sound out and still keep any other sounds not from my speakers (i.e.: my voice) to pass thru?

Thanks for any help you can give me.


Filtering Sound to Mic

Reply #1
IIRC the newest version of Speex has echo-cancelling feature...


Filtering Sound to Mic

Reply #2
IIRC the newest version of Speex has echo-cancelling feature...
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=336235"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Ahh... ok, I'm gonna check into that. I'm still curious though if there are any other codecs or software, because I'd like to check that out too. So, if anyone has anymore info; please post away
