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Topic: AudioWorklet DSP effects sandbox (Read 2602 times) previous topic - next topic
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AudioWorklet DSP effects sandbox

This is a sandbox I've made for anyone who fluent with digital signal processing (DSP) and JavaScript (and Web Audio API especially AudioWorklet), just use the code editor of CodePen to work with this template (AudioWorklet-based custom audio effects are located in HTML part, and GUI for easily setting AudioParams as well as the DSP chain is located in JS part)

I know that there is a sandbox for AudioWorklet DSP effects, it's called Audio DSP Playground but it only accepts one AudioWorkletProcessor at the time and it doesn't support surround sound at all, nor AudioParams that you can quickly mess with

BTW, the visualization is for what a custom DSP effect does to audio signal would looks like but the spectrum visualization is done using custom FFT routine rather than AnalyserNode's built-in FFT, with logarithmic frequency scale and both waveform visualization only displays mono downmix

P.S. it would be nice to have a foobar2000 DSP component that allow AudioWorkletProcessor effects (written in pure JS) to be inserted into playback DSP chain, of course with additional features and changes to suit the foobar2000 environment (e.g. 64-bit floating-point instead of float32 for both audio sample data and AudioParams, and channel layout information to make it work correctly with nonstandard channel layouts)