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Topic: AudioWorklet-based multichannel peakmeter visualization (Read 5800 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Re: AudioWorklet-base...
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Re: AudioWorklet-based multichannel peakmeter visualization

Reply #25
To complete the mockup of the upcoming @Crossover's foo_loudness_peakmeter 2.x.x.x (aside the graph and true-peak/intersample peak thing), I've added phase correlation and stereo balance meter (for stereo and multichannel sources) which can be useful to quickly check for obvious mono compatibility and stereo balance issues in some music


Also, the ballistics of correlogram/pan meter shares the main peakmeter ones, with "main" one is either a peak or exponential average level meter, the "average" part is the RMS of certain length and finally, the "cumulative" one, which is an infinite length version of RMS meter, though its settings of all three of them are independent from main peakmeter visualization

BTW, is stereo balance and phase correlation meter still useful for multichannel audio (anything other than mono and stereo, such as 5.1 surround) or is it?