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Topic: MP3Gain Mobile Version Instructions (Read 3293 times) previous topic - next topic
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MP3Gain Mobile Version Instructions

I have the MP3Gain Ver. 1.3 for Android, but I can't figure out how to scan the files. I can apply gains to files I have already normalized, but not new files for some reason. How do I scan my files for Track or Album Gain?

Mod edit: attachment removed (can be downloaded from several sites with simple google search)
MP3Gain-1.3.apk SHA256: ee73f30788e041f883d78ce5a09c3cc75f8e3e89cd74560d77c71280ff2777d0

Re: MP3Gain Mobile Version Instructions

Reply #1
I've only used the Windows version.

I can apply gains to files I have already normalized
Unlike ReplayGain, MP3Gain "permanently" changes the file so after that there's nothing to "apply" when you play it and it doesn't depend on the player software or the device.

...If you can apply MP3Gain with your computer before transferring the files to the Android device, that's a solution.


Re: MP3Gain Mobile Version Instructions

Reply #2
I see. Thanks for helping me!