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Topic: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows? (Read 75378 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #50
I think the speed of the binaries reflects the compiler used and the options which are used regarding instruction sets, possibly SSE/SSE2 (not sure if MMX is going to affect FDKAAC code).

Interesting... I admit that I am more used to compiling under Linux than cross compiling for Windows but I sense a challenge here so I will dig a little deeper and see if I can optimise the compile (I did not set any extra flags with my current fdkaac binaries) and produce a faster binary. Where did the values such as: '10.945x' come from?

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #51
Well, I have spotted the  '10.945x' numbers in the fdkaac output and I presume that this is where the testing output numbers have come from. I have updated the cross compiled binaries having made a few small compiling changes:

  • Unbeknownst to me MXE was using an ancient version of gcc so I have set it to a more acceptable 9.3.0 and rebuilt all MXE packages. I note that MXE runs fdk-aac 2.0.0 rather than 2.0.1 but I doubt that is making much of a difference...
  • I have taken an uneducated punt and added in standard (Slackware) compiler flags to the 32bit: CFLAGS="-O3 -march=i686 -mtune=i686" and to the 64bit: CFLAGS="-O3 -fPIC". Mind you Slackware is a little conservative than this and will usually use 02...

Small changes but on my testing I have gained a little speed but absolutely nothing like that seen in the other 2 compiled binaries. So I am either bumping up against a limit of cross compiling or more likely a limitation in my knowledge of cross compiling :).

I have replaced the two online packages here  if anybody is interested in retesting...

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #52
@andrew.46 After re-running the tests I have the same encoding speeds as the previous version, as far as the 32-bit binary.

FYI, my script calculates encoding speeds by:
(number_of_samples / sampling_rate) / encode_time.

This way I can get figures many places past the decimal point. This comes in handy when benching xHE which needs 22khz or 32khz files.

edit: I was supposed to mention all tests were run on 16-bit 44khz stereo files.
"Something bothering you, Mister Spock?"

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #53
@andrew.46 After re-running the tests I have the same encoding speeds as the previous version, as far as the 32-bit binary.

Thanks for having another look, I will leave things as they are then as I cannot improve from a cross compiling point of view. Interesting to see if you have tested fdkaacenc on a native Linux platform, a quick look on my Slackware system seems to suggest that encoding may be considerably faster than has been demonstrated here?

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #55
I haven't checked it in detail, but I believe the library versions to be the same. I think the 1.0.0 designation relates to the Windows wrapped version.

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #56
Someone at doom9 compiled fdkaac a while back. A quick comparison using my quite old XP box seems to indicate the 32 bit version is about 30% faster than the build john33 linked to back in April. There's also a 64 bit build.

I don't really understand the version numbers.
What do frontend version 1.0.0 and libfdk version 2.0.1 actually mean (as described in the doom9 thread)?

Doom9 post:

Mediafie link:

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #57
Version numbers of this code are rather arbitrary anyway, since the code was ripped from the Android source code, and is only updated when newer AOSP packages are published from which to rip newer source files.

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #59
Hi John,

Few weeks ago I come to check whether a new version exists.
I did find a link above to doom9 forum where I could download this version (fdkaac 1.0.1, libfdk-aac 4.0.1) added by user kedautinh12.
I see you linked the same version however size of files are different.
Can u tell me what cause this differences?
Did you compare them regarding speed?


Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #60
john33 is a build with the visual studio 2015 compiler.
kedauthinh12 is a build with mingw64 GCC 10 compiler.

Even using the same compiler, you could get speed diferences.
I haven't compared these two specific builds so I can't comment.

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #61
As [JAZ] has said, different compilers will produce executables of different sizes and, on top of that, some people like to use 'packers' to reduce the size further.

Regarding relative speeds, I have no idea as I haven't compared them.

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #63
Thank you @john33 for all the updates on RareWares!

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #64
Hello. On the rarewares site, I see that version 1.0.5 of this codec is available. When I download the archive there is only an .exe file inside. There is no dll file. What else do I need to download and where? Also, the link is dead.

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #66
Hello. On the rarewares site, I see that version 1.0.5 of this codec is available. When I download the archive there is only an .exe file inside. There is no dll file. What else do I need to download and where? Also, the link is dead.
No dll required, it's statically linked.

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #67
Hi all,

This isn’t completely related, but all the fdkaac binaries I tested have a problem with -vbr 2 producing files that are the same size (or sometimes smaller) than -vbr 1. This problem also exists in the ffmpeg version (external libfdk_aac, to be clear that it is not included with the main ffmpeg binary).

The last binary that worked accordingly was dated Dec 2019.
"Something bothering you, Mister Spock?"

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #68
These are the numbers I got FYI:
Code: [Select]
binary (32-bit)                 VBR-1              VBR-2              VBR-3              VBR-4              VBR-5       binary date
------------------------  --------  ------   --------  ------   --------  ------   --------  ------   --------  ------   ----------
fdkaac105-gcc122          91.38786  67.62x   89.97161  66.12x   106.5377  57.86x   142.2259  56.19x   212.2021  52.17x   2023/02/15
fdkaac105                 91.38785  46.92x   89.97161  45.77x   106.5377  39.94x   142.2259  39.10x   212.2021  36.55x   2023/02/16
fdkaac104                 91.38785  46.41x   89.97161  45.26x   106.5377  39.05x   142.2259  38.60x   212.2021  36.07x   2022/08/04
fdkaac32-102              91.38786  46.26x   89.97161  45.44x   106.5377  39.60x   142.2259  38.77x   212.2021  36.40x   2022/01/17
ffmpeg52 libfdk-056d3040  91.32316  68.80x   89.90692  67.58x   106.4733  58.78x   142.1620  57.62x   212.1392  53.63x   2022/08/23
ffmpeg51 libfdk-054ce304  91.32316  66.02x   89.90692  65.84x   106.4733  57.41x   142.1620  56.31x   212.1392  52.10x   2022/05/06
ffmpeg45 libfdk-053fca80  91.32316  65.84x   89.90692  65.82x   106.4733  57.51x   142.1620  56.35x   212.1392  52.45x   2021/09/10
fdkaac32-201              89.23201  65.90x   96.10717  65.75x   110.6252  61.05x   134.9785  57.77x   214.9248  50.40x   2019/12/08
fdkaac32t                 89.23201  66.10x   96.10717  65.24x   110.6252  61.01x   134.9785  57.42x   214.9248  50.44x   2019/12/08
fdkaac-100-x86            89.23201  46.51x   96.10717  46.28x   110.6252  42.95x   134.9785  40.36x   214.9248  35.57x   2020/04/13
fdkaac-100-win32-ads-new  89.23414  10.84x   96.10956  10.78x   110.6260  10.06x   134.9776   9.51x   214.9284   8.49x   2020/04/23
fdkaac-100-win32-ads-old  89.23414  10.93x   96.10956  10.83x   110.6260  10.15x   134.9776   9.58x   214.9284   8.52x   2020/04/13
"Something bothering you, Mister Spock?"

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #70
Neither I nor mstorsjo is the auther of the FDK-AAC codec.
The codec is developed by Fraunhofer IIS.

I believe it's changed since this commit:

As the latest aacEncoder.pdf doc says:
The VBR mode 1 is tuned for HE-AACv2, for VBR mode 2, HE-AACv1 should be used. VBR modes 3-5 should be used with Low-Complexity AAC.
Although encoder API (and fdkaac command line) allows setting VBR mode and AOT(profile) independently, I think you'd better follow the recommendation.

Re: Where to download FDK AAC for foobar2k/windows?

Reply #71
Neither I nor mstorsjo is the auther of the FDK-AAC codec.
The codec is developed by Fraunhofer IIS.

That is so true but i maybe thought that this was something u guys could look into