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Topic: Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP (Read 336627 times) previous topic - next topic
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Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #50
That's normal; Tag Editor Plus doesn't support multiple songs yet. As said, this will be possible in WMP Plus! 2.0.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #51
Sorry. I confused this.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #52
Hi there, thx for the plug in!

Do you have any update on the 'sort by Disc#', it's the only thing keeping me away from using Windows Media Player.

The funny thing is, Explorer has support for it and Zune has support for it. But no support for WMP or WMC, which is to me very weird.
I simply refuse to call every album 'Album Title Disc 1' and 'Album Title Disc 2' etc, since most software nowadays support the tag.


Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #53
Yes, sorting by disc number will likely be included in the next major version of WMP Plus!, although it will still be experimental (i.e. not turned on by default, and with a warning).

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #54
Sounds very nice indeed!

What do you think about Media Center. Is there a way to have sort by Disc# there as well?

If there is some sort of registry hack, please share!

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #55
I don't know if it's possible to sort by disc number in Media Center, sorry.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #56

Do you perhaps have any estimated time of when 2.0 will be out? I mean, are we talking 2011 or 2012?

Another thing I would like to see is to have the option to disable the Ctrl+Left/or Right arrow keyboard shortcut for skipping playlist. It is very annoying when I'm editing fields in WMP, and want to jump over words etc.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #57
2.0 will probably be released in one of the first months of 2011, but "it will be done when it's done".

I can see what you mean with Ctrl+Left/Right now working as it should. I might try to work around this in a future version of Windows Media Player Plus!.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #58
Announcement: Windows Media Player Plus! 2.0 has just been released. This version offers an improved Tag Editor Plus (now with support for album art and batch editing), global hotkeys, Party Shuffle, and much more.

See the Version History page for a detailed list of what's new and has been fixed.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #59
Thanks for the update. New features are awesome!

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #60
I'm using version 2.1 as of now, and the 'Restore last active playlist' (EDIT: actually the entire 'Restore last playing media on startup') option is a bit buggy for me. It refuses to save the playlists when I restart the player. The problem is specifically for ad-hoc playlists that I created by dragging stuff onto the 'Now Playing' sidebar. Auto-playlists (and normal playlists, I presume) work just fine.

Is this just me?

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #61
Did you already have this problem with version 1.x or 2.0? I don't really see the difference between ad-hoc playlists and normal playlists. Would it be possible to report your exact steps, so I can try to reproduce the problem?

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #62
I can't say for sure about version 1.x, as I've only started using WMP again recently. I can confirm the same problem on 2.0 and 2.1, though.

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Open WMP, clear all previous playlists.
2. Add songs from Library view to the 'Now Playing' sidebar on the right. I do this from dragging albums from search results, from dragging albums in 'Artist' view, etc.
3. Songs are now in 'Now Playing', playback ensues.
4. Quit WMP. Start WMP again.
5. Name of the playlist is somewhat preserved (e.g. name of the Album that I dragged), but track items and media state are gone.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #63
Which version of WMP and Windows are you using?

When WMP is closed, Windows Media Player Plus! will save the current media, playlist, play state and position in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BM-productions\WMP Plus\WMPState registry key. Please check if this is the case on your system, you should at least see an ActiveMedia and an ActivePlaylist entry in that key, after having closed WMP.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #64
I'm using WMP 12 on Win 7 Home Premium 64-bit. I can confirm the appearance of the registry keys.

Attached are some pictures that may be of some use.

1. This is how it looks like when I'm making an ad-hoc playlist. A file is selected and playing.

2. This is what happens when I restart WMP. The playlist name is still stored (same info as the regkeys), but the tracklist and currently playingfile is lost.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #65
Unfortunately, I'm unable to reproduce this on my Windows 7 test systems. With "clear all previous playlists", do you mean clicking the Clear list button at the top?

When Windows Media Player Plus! needs to restore a playlist that hasn't been saved yet, it will instead restore the lastplayed.wpl file in C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Media Player. If you open that file with Notepad after closing WMP, does it contain the playlist that should be restored?

Also, what's the value of <yourusername> in that path? Does it contain any special characters?

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #66
... I'm an idiot, I deselected this a long time ago for 'privacy'. Re-enabled it, and everything is fine and dandy.


EDIT: Maybe this can be placed as an FYI on the relevant page of WMPP's settings? Then at least some good would have come out of this.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #67
Heh, no problem  Good to hear that it's working fine now.

I might add a check in a future version of the plug-in, to make sure that setting isn't deselected.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #68
Dear all,

I use Windows 7 with WMP 12.
I have used tag editor since some months and I have installed tag editor plus 2.1.  But now, I don't manage to change tags of my music.
I select a track, I launch tag editor, I see the windows "track info", I change an info, I select OK and the default below appears :

WM/Genre   La demande est incorrecte dans l'état actuel.   C00D002B

Can you help me ?

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #69
Does this happen with all your songs, or just one or a few? What's the file type of the affected songs (MP3, WMA, WAV...)?

Is that line the only item in the list of errors, or are there more?

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #70
Does this happen with all your songs, or just one or a few? What's the file type of the affected songs (MP3, WMA, WAV...)?

Is that line the only item in the list of errors, or are there more?

It happen with all type of songs (MP3, WMA, ...). I have tried with a lot of songs, I have tried to change several infos (title, album, ...) and I always have the same error.

On the window that appears, there is only one item :

WM/SubTitle   La demande est incorrecte dans l'état actuel.   C00D002B

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #71
I definitely don't get those errors on my Windows 7 test systems.

What's the full version number of WMP on your system? You can see the full version through Help - About Windows Media Player (press Ctrl+M if you don't see the Help menu).

Did you have a chance to try this with Windows Media Player Plus! 2.0 too, or did you only use version 1.0 and 2.1?

Also, please report your exact steps, so I can try to imitate your behaviour as much as possible.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #72
Windows media player 12.0.7600.16667
I don't have install SP1 of Windows 7, can it be a pb ?

Exact step :
open WMP
right clic on a song
select tag editor plus
select Sheet "Summary"
Enter another number of track (the pb appears whatever the info I change)
select apply or OK
The error appears.

I try to uninstall wmp plus 2.1, I install wmp plus 2.0 and I have the same pb.
When I have installed wmp plus 2.1, I don't remember if I have unistall before wmp plus V1.0. Can it be a problem ?
I try to unactive and active wmp but the pb doesn't disappeared.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #73

I uninstall wmp plus 2.1 and I re-install wmp V1.0 and I have no more the problem.

Windows Media Player Plus! - Various enhancements for WMP

Reply #74
I have just tried Tag Editor Plus on that exact same version of WMP, but still no errors there. Not having SP1 installed shouldn't be a problem. Installing version 2.1 before uninstalling 1.0 shouldn't be a problem either.

When you change a field in Tag Editor Plus and click OK/Apply, does the field change in WMP's library, despite of the error? And does the changed field 'stick' (not change back to the original value)?

Also, can you change fields directly in WMP's library, without using Tag Editor Plus (by right-clicking the field and selecting Edit)? Does the change 'stick' then?

Would it be possible to upload one of the affected songs? You can use something like Yousendit, and send me the link by PM, or through the e-mail address in Windows Media Player Plus! Settings - About.