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Topic: Lame_dm_rev6 source code (Read 5608 times) previous topic - next topic
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Lame_dm_rev6 source code


I am not sure if you have submitted the source code to sourceforge yet, but if you have not I would like to know if you could make it available for download.

I realize that you are still tweaking the code and hence may not want to release it, which I fully respect and understand.

The reason I want it is so that I can compile it with mingw and Kotlers nasm to do two types of tests:

1. speed comparisons with your intel 4.5 compiled version...

2. filesize comparisons with your intel 4.5 compiled version and the mingw version + --scale .94



Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #1
Not yet.  I've been overhauling the entire thing in preparation for a totally new method to try and bring bitrates down.  I'm right in the middle of this right now and there's tons of debug code everywhere, not to mention it doesn't fully work yet.

I understand people are growing impatient here, but realize that I'm working hard to get things done the right way the first time around.

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #2
No problem.

I actually wanted the rev6 source code to do the tests (not the latest source code) but since rev 6 is fast becoming obsolete there is no reason for me to do the tests after all...

I thank you again for all of your hard work, please take as long as you need!  I didn't mean to make you feel rushed, that definitely was not my intention...

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #3
Originally posted by Dibrom:
I've been overhauling the entire thing in preparation for a totally new method to try and bring bitrates down.

Sorry, just a quick hypothetical:

Last time it seems the Lame Developers gave you a little advanced notice that they were planning to release 3.90 stable, so that you could update your presets...

So if by chance you are not finished with this totally new method[/b] in time for the next Lame release, will you submit your rev6 code as a temporary solution, or submit nothing?

Strategically I think it would be better to at least submit the rev6 code, if it came to that, so that a wider audience could hear some of the improvements...

Thanks again for all of your hard work...and take as much time as you need, of course!

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #4
Originally posted by RD
Last time it seems the Lame Developers gave you a little advanced notice that they were planning to release 3.90 stable, so that you could update your presets...

So if by chance you are not finished with this totally new method
in time for the next Lame release, will you submit your rev6 code as a temporary solution, or submit nothing?

The problem is that the LAME developers themselves can't seem to make up their mind about exactly when to release  First it was going to be awhile, then all of a sudden it was going to happen right away, then it was going to be awhile again, and now I don't even know...

So I'm just not going to worry about it.  I'm going to keep working as I am.  If they make a decision, then if I need to I can submit the rev6 changes, but I'll only do that if its the last option.  There are some things in there that are not optimal and I'm working on a different approach now.. so I consider it outdated.  I don't want to submit outdated code to CVS and then have everyone start using it when it is not going to be representative (hopefully) of the last revision.

This prevents problems like "well I hear problems with --alt-preset normal?"  "Are you using the compile from xx/xx/xx?  It is much better.."  Hehe..  Anyway you probably get the point.

Strategically I think it would be better to at least submit the rev6 code, if it came to that, so that a wider audience could hear some of the improvements...

I do think it would be nice to get improvements out there, but I also want to try an minimize confusion in the transition.  As it stands, most people who are not on this board do not know about rev6.  This is probably a good thing, because the only way to stay updated on these changes is to read what is happening.  I can't explain this to everyone everywhere else and make sure they are always up to date on the latest developments.

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #5
I hope this will not be considered in 'bad taste', it's certainly not meant to be, BUT does anyone have any idea whether, given the circumstances, Dibrom's amazing tweaks will find their way in to the CVS?, Or, whether we should all treat Rev.6 as pure gold?

I have posted a comment regarding Dibrom's bad news, it's just that I feel sure that a lot of people would like the answer to the above question but maybe did not like to ask!


Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #6
Rev6 source will hopefully be online in few days.
Juha Laaksonheimo

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #7
Thanks JohnV for the info about the source code availability.

John33, you raise a very interesting point which needs to be addressed I think:

Dibrom's amazing tweaks will find their way in to the CVS?, Or, whether we should all treat Rev.6 as pure gold?

Here is my take on the situation, and, of course, I welcome commentary from our new leader JohnV, and Dibrom if he can comment one last time, though I completely understand that things are tough for him...

I propose that the rev6 source code be modified and then submitted to the cvs at sourceforge.

Here are my proposed modifications:

1. Rev6 has 4 alt-presets: normal, high, extreme and insane.

2. High should be dropped because it is the old standard, and does not perform better on impulses than normal. Keeping high would confuse some Dibrom wanted this change...

3. normal should be renamed to standard, thus giving us only 3 alternative presets: standard, extreme and insane. This would make lame conform more the the mpc/psytel preset-model...

4. This modified source should be subbmitted to sourceforge so that lame 3.90 beta will include the code.  I believe, correct me if i am wrong, that Dibrom wanted the code to eventually be shared with everyone.  If he comes back he can edit the code in later versions of lame...and if he does not come back future coders can learn ways to improve lame by studying his excellent tweaks.

What do people think of this proposal?

All we need for this to happen is: (1) the source code, and (2) someone who knows how to modify the source code to elimnate standard, and rename normal to standard... that should be a pretty easy task... do we have any coders willing to do this?

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #8
Originally posted by RD
3. normal should be renamed to standard, thus giving us only 3 alternative presets: standard, extreme and insane. This would make lame conform more the the mpc/psytel preset-model...
Yes, this was the plan.
All we need for this to happen is: (1) the source code, and (2) someone who knows how to modify the source code the elimnate standard, and rename normal to standard... that should be a pretty easy task... do we have any coders willing to do this?
Yeah, this is very easy task if Dibrom haven't done the modification to the latest source version already...
Juha Laaksonheimo

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #9
Good posting RD  , and thanks JohnV. 

It just seemed to me to be a tragic loss if all of Dibrom's recent hard work was to go to waste! I'm glad someone else thinks so too!


Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #10
Makes sense to me


Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #11
Hi all...

I've been busy elsewhere for some time and never had the time to listen to any of the Lame_dm_rev's. 

Now I cant download the Lame_dm_rev6 which probably has something to do with the fact that Dibrom had to pull out of here.

Does anyone have the lame_dm_rev6?

Regards, stoff

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #12
send me an email to jk at atari dot net (name spelled out for anti-spam purposes)  and I can send you my copy of the zip file.

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #13
Thanks gutzalpus! :listening

Regards stoff

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #14
Hmm, I'm not sure when or why Dibrom has removed the rev6 binaries. Anyway I could put them up again in the original place, but since Dibrom obviously moved them because of some reason, I'll host the binaries temporarily here:

Source is still not available.
Juha Laaksonheimo

Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #17
Thanks everybody...

Just one question: what alpha-version (or date) of the orginal LAME 3.90 did Dibrom built this great stuff on?

Regards stoff


Lame_dm_rev6 source code

Reply #18
I removed the binary because the source code is not available and I'd rather not perpetuate the fact that not providing modifications to a GPL program is violation of that license.  Since I was unsure whether or not I'd be able to upload the source, this was a safety precaution.  I think I'll be able to pull together the rest of the code and put it online in a few days.  This is probably the last time for awhile that I'm going to be able to comment on this issue either, so hopefully that answers the questions.