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Topic: how do I turn off .cue file being created? (Read 2356 times) previous topic - next topic
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how do I turn off .cue file being created?

When I encode to flac, a .cue file is created. Can't see how to turn it off

Re: how do I turn off .cue file being created?

Reply #1
It's on the WishList
8. Option to disable writing a CUE sheet for separate tracks
It has not been added

The option Create .cue file even if embedded is an option for Mode: Embedded (Images that have the CUE embedded)
@Gregory S. Chudov said he was thinking of adding an option to not write a CUE for Mode: Tracks but it was never done.

Re: how do I turn off .cue file being created?

Reply #2
ah ok. Thanks!

Re: how do I turn off .cue file being created?

Reply #3
@dpr could you please explain briefly, why you want to turn off creating the .cue file?
In the example above you show Encode, Mode: Tracks and Audio Output: Lossless.
Are there other cases, where you would like to turn it off?

Re: how do I turn off .cue file being created?

Reply #5
@dpr could you please explain briefly, why you want to turn off creating the .cue file?
In the example above you show Encode, Mode: Tracks and Audio Output: Lossless.
Are there other cases, where you would like to turn it off?

Sorry for the delay in replying. (I didn't get an email saying there was a message to respond to, but I'm not sure if I should have...been busy on metadata!)

There are two reasons why I want to turn off creating the .cue file:

1)  that I already have a .cue file in the output folder. This is the .cue file that was created when the CD was ripped by EAC. I don't want to overwrite it! Why not output the flacs to a different folder you might ask or suggest?
I have lots of artwork files in the source folder, not just the 'cover' and there doesn't appear to be any way to copy them all to the output folder, so I have to create my flacs in the same folder as the original source .WAV file to keep everything together. A way of copying files would be good, a way of running a command even better - variables being passed of course)

2) I don't want .cue files that are not original cdrwin style cue files in my folder hierarchy. It's confusing and prevents me from running cuetools on a set of folders to batch create flacs or something else. So it's really turning off .cue files being created ever!

Thanks for the special build. I will have a test.