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Topic: Are we going to have an LLM problem? (Read 4939 times) previous topic - next topic
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Are we going to have an LLM problem?

Maybe it's paranoia on my part, but some comments (even posts) appear, for me, to be generated by an LLM.

If that didn't already happen, it inevitably will at some point.

A strict no LLM policy is needed IMHO.

LLM generated content would dilute whatever genuine activity/discussion that still takes place here.

Re: Are we going to have an LLM problem?

Reply #1
LLM generated content would dilute whatever genuine activity/discussion that still takes place here.
The sad truth is that some real people can generate "content" that is even less worthy than content generated by LLM.

Re: Are we going to have an LLM problem?

Reply #2
See TOS#2 (including extended - last paragraph)


Re: Are we going to have an LLM problem?

Reply #4
On the other hand, I suspect no software can worry about minutia  and trivia anywhere as compulsively as some audio fans.