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Topic: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.6 (Read 2010904 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #826
I think you refer to this case.

Code: [Select]
[Verification date: 5/3/2010 9:11:30 μμ]
[Disc ID: 001baed9-01254f28-b10ca40e]
Pregap length 00:00:33.
CUETools DB: disk not present in database.
Track [ CRC    ] Status
 01 [8f383bae] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 02 [0386fda4] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 03 [330d8334] (200/203) Accurately ripped
 04 [2d939a3a] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 05 [fc6dc445] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 06 [a8fcb19d] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 07 [a3fbda10] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 08 [414bd0e6] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 09 [f8129bf6] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 10 [c77429b7] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 11 [2f34940d] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 12 [d7a595bd] (200/200) Accurately ripped
 13 [7c490c6d] (200/203) Accurately ripped
 14 [dc6a17f7] (04/204) Accurately ripped

Track [ CRC32  ] [W/O NULL]
 -- [2F8D3881] [022591A4]
 01 [F74F64C7] [BE4D0CE8]
 02 [EDB1FCF2] [2AE6B70F]
 03 [1CF4C84B] [C0344AEB]
 04 [FC3F00E3] [BF913898]
 05 [FA7CB5E3] [DD0A648A]
 06 [729F6E5E] [D9962861]
 07 [B9552752] [AECDA733]
 08 [84FCD495] [12578873]
 09 [6870AD1C] [0BA81E91]
 10 [350404A0] [314905F0]
 11 [A50DA9BA] [40AD22CD]
 12 [04477BEE] [B6D305CD]
 13 [E175A42E] [809A1168]
 14 [EBD1F5FB] [FA882052]

This disc ripped with different dvd drives / eac versions with always the same results. It's not really important to be corrected because the disc I have is an official release and probably not damaged, but is there any chance in future versions, Gregory?

PS. I corrected 3 bad rips until now, thanks 
PS2. I also report a bug that causes an exception with empty message. That's when submit option from the combo box is enabled. x86 version with win2k3 x64.


CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #827

Im using cuetools for verifying my rips via accuraterip. It has been working perfectly, until now - because ive found a strange anomaly

I was trying to verify a rip with its original cuesheet, but cuetools did not find it in the database. Then, i tried verifying with a test cuesheet (which contained the files after each other), and now, the program did find it, and verified my rip as accurate (02/02). I think this has something to do with the pregaps in the original cuesheet ("INDEX 00"'s), which werent included in my test sheet.

Does this mean, that when previously, cuetools did not find a certain release in the db, it could have been found and verified, but without caring about pregaps? :S

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #828
Mark the folders -- not the files therein, but the folders themselves -- and drag + drop.

What if the folders are not in the same parent folder? Same problem like before.

Hmmm, I remember adding multiple cue sheet to the drag'n'drop window... or where they in the same folder? I can't remember.

@Gregory: I have a feature request, please.

The Windows Explorer / Windows / general GUI standard uses the CTRL modifier as a "copy" command when dragging and dropping items. Normal drag'n'drop without a modifier is merely "move". The CTRL modifier has a certain function associated with it. It's a sort of a multiplier, it's "adding something more".

So it would be nice if CUETools would also behave make use of this modifier. Normal dragging and droppping of one ore more items will replace the current list of items but using the CTRL key as a modifier could add those items to any existing ones. Hey, even a "non-standard" behaviour would be nice: dragging and dropping while holding CTRL will not only add non-existing items to the list, but will also remove already existing items from the list. Making the CTRL modfier not an xor. Also selecting an item in the drag'n'drop list and pressing the DEL key will not remove that item, that should also be added to the drag'n'drop mode.

And then the standard cursor when the items are being dragged above the drag'n'drop zone of CUETools always has a plus sign... I don't know all the mouse cursor bitmaps Windows has to offer, but there surely must be a few to pick from to make the cursor change its looks when the user is holding the CTRL key. Just like Windows Explorer changes the mouse cursor depending on what modifier keys the user is holding.

PS: Are you planning on integrating the CUE Ripper into the main app? It would be great.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #829
Is there the possibility to "repair" a perfect rip from a slightly different pressing?

If by slightly different pressing you mean a pressing with different offset, than CUETools can still correctly repair it taking offset into account. It will not change offset of your rip. If your rip differs only in offset from the one in database, then nothing will happen.

If you mean can you damage a rip by "repairing" it using a record from DB that corresponds to a bad rip, then yes, you can. CUETools doesn't know which version is correct. It just makes your rip the same as the one that was submitted, so be careful. It's up to you to decide if your rip needs fixing, and which confidence number do you trust.

This disc ripped with different dvd drives / eac versions with always the same results. It's not really important to be corrected because the disc I have is an official release and probably not damaged, but is there any chance in future versions, Gregory?

Chances of "fixing" something depend more on the growth of the database than on future versions. If someone submits the other version of this rip, you will be able to fix your rip using current version, but i wouldn't fix what isn't broken.

PS. I corrected 3 bad rips until now, thanks 
PS2. I also report a bug that causes an exception with empty message. That's when submit option from the combo box is enabled. x86 version with win2k3 x64.

3 rips - wow, that's great news, i was waiting in anticipation for such reports. That means CUETools DB isn't useless after all
Any pattern to this exception? Does it always appear on the same discs? Can it be network related (how stable is your connection)?

Does this mean, that when previously, cuetools did not find a certain release in the db, it could have been found and verified, but without caring about pregaps? :S

I think this really is an anomaly. My guess is that there were two pressings of this CD, one with pregap and one without.

The Windows Explorer / Windows / general GUI standard uses the CTRL modifier as a "copy" command when dragging and dropping items. Normal drag'n'drop without a modifier is merely "move". The CTRL modifier has a certain function associated with it. It's a sort of a multiplier, it's "adding something more".

Specially for you,

PS: Are you planning on integrating the CUE Ripper into the main app? It would be great.

I don't see the point. They are integrated in a way, but the ripper obviously needs a separate UI. Of course i could add a button to CUETools which would launch CUERipper, but isn't it easier to just have separate shortcuts for them on your desctop/startmenu or quicklaunch?

P.S: If you downloaded 2.0.6 right after this post, then it probably crashes with null reference error on conversion. Just re-download it please. Sorry.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #830
Any pattern to this exception? Does it always appear on the same discs? Can it be network related (how stable is your connection)?

It's always reproducible with (verify OR fix) AND submit on every disc that can be found in accuraterip base but not in cuetools db. The output file gets written correctly and then this exception appears. It cannot be a network related issue. If it was I think I would get a BadRequest  msg in the output file.

PS. If I recall well, it was reported that about 1000 bad samples were corrected in one of the 3 discs. 

Edit: I also have VS2008 installed with its libraries.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #831

I get the familiar "CUE Tools has encountered a problem and need to close" with every 2.x version. Not with latest stable.

- .NET version: Tried version 2 with update as specified, and also upgraded to 3.5. Same results.

Issue does not disappear with 2.0.6. (Will probably work on another computer with a different XP.)

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #832
The Windows Explorer / Windows / general GUI standard uses the CTRL modifier as a "copy" command when dragging and dropping items. Normal drag'n'drop without a modifier is merely "move". The CTRL modifier has a certain function associated with it. It's a sort of a multiplier, it's "adding something more".

Specially for you,

Wow, that was quick! Even the mouse cursors are done and DEL works, too.  Thanks.

But one minor issue detected: I have to hold CTRL before I drag another file out of the Windows Explorer. Holding or releasing CTRL while holding the left mouse button, i.e. while holding the file(s) in my mouse hand, does not switch between "add" and "replace". Windows standard is that you can still switch between the modes "move to" (shift), "copy to" (ctrl) and "create link in" (alt) while dragging the files.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #833
Hi Greg,

first and foremost - congrats on a superb utility! Using CueTools for half a year now, perfect!

One question - I tried to use the %directoryname% and %path% variables in the Output template (version 2.0.4a) and they give me the same - the full path of the original FLAC files when I want to transform them to MP3 on a different drive.

I thought the %directoryname% would only give the name of the directory the source files are in (not the full path as in %path%)?



CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #834
One question - I tried to use the %directoryname% and %path% variables in the Output template (version 2.0.4a) and they give me the same - the full path of the original FLAC files when I want to transform them to MP3 on a different drive.

Try something like this: $directory(%path%,1)\%filename%.cue or $directory(%path%,2)\%filename%.cue
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #835
But one minor issue detected: I have to hold CTRL before I drag another file out of the Windows Explorer.

More precisely, the modifier key is only checked once when the mouse cursor enters the CUE Tools window.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #836
Hi all, thanks for this fabulous software, I badly needed something to properly cut flacs into alac so I can use it with itunes, and mantain gapless playback. However, I have two important questions I didn't find answered anywhere:

- For mp3 files, is CUETools capable of lossless split (no re-encode)? If not, are there any plans to develop it? The only alternative for proper mp3 lossless split I know is pcut...

- when encoding to m4a, what is the difference between each encoder (libALAC and ffmpeg ALAC)?

thank you for your time and this tool!

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #837
CUETools can not split or transcode mp3. Lossy formats are supported only for output, and only via external encoders.

libALAC is CUETools own ALAC encoder. ffmpeg is an external encoder, for it to work you need to download ffmpeg.exe elsewhere and put it in the same folder as CUETools.
IMHO libALAC compresses better and faster, so i wouldn't bother with ffmpeg.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #838
thanks for your quick reply. I'll decide between MP3 Splitter and Pcutmp3 for that, everything else goes to CUETOOLS  Thanks again.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #839
This is a possible anwser to Post #828 by moikboy:

If Cuetools didn't find the rip due to broken INDEX 00, with an anwser like "INDEX must be in chronological order" it is normal that you may find it after deleting the INDEX 00, it only means that the gaps were only including silence (& not data), so the AR checksum didn't change with or without gaps.

I don't know if it is a known EAC issue but sometimes INDEX 00 are frozen. In this case & if gaps are nothing but silence you can still check if the rip is accurate by deleting gaps (INDEX 00) [Edit: If the rip is in database indeed]. Then your rip might be accurate (scratchless) but you've lost the layout of the CD (gaps). It might be an issue for you, but if you intend to encode to lossy, then it is not really an issue as the layout of gaps will be lost during the lossy encoding anyway.

So, as far as I understund, the fact that you are able to check if the rip is accurate without the gaps doesn't necessary means that there are 2 pressings of the CD, specially if gaps are silence.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #840
I've been trying out the repair feature of 2.06 and either I'm missing something or there's a problem.

I have a CD which is in the Accurip database because I get the following report back on Verify:

Code: [Select]
[Verification date: 14/03/2010 05:38:00]
[Disc ID: 00255b92-01a74ec6-d60feb0f]
Track    [ CRC    ] Status
01    [85eba639] (00/02) No matches
02    [3d8e788e] (00/02) No matches
03    [f6d2e85a] (00/02) No matches
04    [a5465742] (00/02) No matches
05    [7d1137ab] (00/02) No matches
06    [aa1a6b26] (00/02) No matches
07    [6eb37571] (00/02) No matches
08    [a66c3f6e] (00/02) No matches
09    [d9806bc2] (00/02) No matches
10    [5c1f1e19] (00/02) No matches
11    [157c07ef] (00/02) No matches
12    [384eed1e] (00/02) No matches
13    [2acda4ae] (00/02) No matches
14    [42c78016] (00/02) No matches
15    [5194d9e5] (00/02) No matches
Offsetted by 667:
01    [fe49618c] (02/02) Accurately ripped
02    [3dffab43] (02/02) Accurately ripped
03    [63e4fc87] (02/02) Accurately ripped
04    [390a10cd] (02/02) Accurately ripped
05    [073bb6f9] (02/02) Partial match
06    [520642f8] (02/02) Accurately ripped
07    [45bd5962] (02/02) Accurately ripped
08    [6318ca19] (02/02) Accurately ripped
09    [b2ac5735] (02/02) Accurately ripped
10    [5fa98045] (02/02) Accurately ripped
11    [f9089b5f] (02/02) Accurately ripped
12    [5369d661] (02/02) Accurately ripped
13    [19af3685] (02/02) Accurately ripped
14    [4e3abeb6] (02/02) Accurately ripped
15    [452c18c2] (02/02) Accurately ripped

Track    [ CRC32  ]    [W/O NULL]    
--    [77F2E0DF]    [405B2512]    
01    [F6763232]    [91C966F6]    
02    [25647865]    [13BC7324]    
03    [E2E1EC6A]    [6842BD0B]    
04    [F19F16C9]    [90A28999]    
05    [60FE7FB3]    [31EE2916]    
06    [30C65F25]    [DB6BE99B]    
07    [403745C5]    [5DBE617E]    
08    [7380A502]    [AC4ADD09]    
09    [06818E43]    [340C6B72]    
10    [45DC4B1D]    [0D80218B]    
11    [3A7EF676]    [E226C4C7]    
12    [F990C45B]    [5349BAED]    
13    [8B59A896]    [A73217EC]    
14    [347EB92A]    [788AF5AB]    
15    [8DD28776]    [E46894AE]

But when I select Repair - I get the error that it's not in the CueTools DB

So I'm assuming either the CueTools DB doesn't contain the same CDs as the Accurip one, or there is a program error, or I have not configured something correctly.
If it's the database, then how do CDs get added to the Cuetools DB??



CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #841
If it's the database, then how do CDs get added to the Cuetools DB??

Two ways currently.
First by CUETools: in verify mode select 'submit' from the combobox under actions list. In this mode only CDs which pass AR verification with confidence > 2 will be added.
Unfortunately your CD has low AR confidence, so it cannot be submitted this way.
Second way is when you rip CD using CUERipper.

Even if it was in database, repairing your rip using an entry that has small confidence number is rarely a good idea, because you can't be sure that the rip in database is really accurate. You will just replace your errors with someone else's.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #842
Why >2 and not >=2 ? Is there any real technical difference between AR2 & AR3 ? I mean so far I thought AR2 was enough, so I am a little surprised. I knew AR0 & AR1 weren't trustworthy, but your lack of confidence in AR2 is a little odd, unless I missed something. I mean the only exception I can think of right now is if the supposed error is due to the fact that there are several pressings of the CD & that you're testing a pressing that is not in the database against different, more popular, pressings that are in the database ... but even in this case a higher AR confidency will not help you much. I don't undestand why an AR2 rip wouldn't be "really accurate" except for the fact that if confidency would be higher it would indeed be better. For me an AR2 rip result from an original CD is accurate untill someone prove that the AR database is broken.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #843
You are probably right, and as greynol often points out there's no real difference between various confidence numbers which people choose as a threshold. I had to choose some number, so i more or less rolled the dice. This doesn't make a big difference at this point, because there's little hope to find such rare CDs in the database anyway, but i'll think about it.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #844

I get the familiar "CUE Tools has encountered a problem and need to close" with every 2.x version. Not with latest stable.

- .NET version: Tried version 2 with update as specified, and also upgraded to 3.5. Same results.

Issue does not disappear with 2.0.6. (Will probably work on another computer with a different XP.)

Another computer, another XP (freshly installed XP, freshly installed .NET 3.5 with SP1):
"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.."

Hm ...

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #845
Another computer, another XP (freshly installed XP, freshly installed .NET 3.5 with SP1):
"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.."

If it's a plain XP without at least SP2, i'm afraid i'll just declare it as an unsupported OS version.

If it's SP2/SP3, can you please provide more details? Does it crash during application startup or when you press 'Go'? How does it look? Screenshot would be nice.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #846
just FYI, when I try to use CUERipper, I immediately get "Exception: invalid C2 pointers" when I hit go. Ripping works fine with EAC otherwise. Does this in all modes (burst, secure, paranoid).

Progress is looking good... I'm looking forward to the release version.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #847
I am also having a problem with 2.0.5 & 6. When I select verify, I get a "Exception: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.:External component has thrown an exception" error. If I switch from libFlac to libFlake under the Formats tab/decoder, no problems. No problem with 2.0.4 .

Aflon processor
MS Visual 2008
DotNet 3.5 SP1
Glass half full!

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #848
Another computer, another XP (freshly installed XP, freshly installed .NET 3.5 with SP1):
"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.."

If it's a plain XP without at least SP2, i'm afraid i'll just declare it as an unsupported OS version.

If it's SP2/SP3, can you please provide more details? Does it crash during application startup or when you press 'Go'? How does it look? Screenshot would be nice.

SP3, sorry for being unclear. It is when I press "Go" (having selected Verify) and it appears in the report window below, just like where the usual output would be. (If you still need a screenshot, I could fire up that computer next time I visit it.)

Edit: Think I used libFlac too.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #849
What might be the reason for this message?

Code: [Select]
Exception: Unable to initialize the encoder.

libFLAC, Vista, worked some days ago.
audiophile // flac & wavpack, mostly // using too many audio players