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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / foo_playlist_attributes causes foobar to crash
Last post by Mike_de -

I recently transitioned to the 64-bit version of Foobar. One of the add-ons I've been using for over a decade, foo_playlist_attributes, is causing issues. The current version makes Foobar crash whenever I use the "remove played tracks" function. In fact, Foobar crashes so severely that I need to use the Windows Task Manager to kill the process. In over 15 years of using Foobar, it never crashed once - until today.

I'll attach the crash report to this message.
Support - (fb2k) / "Sanitize tags" issues
Last post by Mike_de -

After much hesitation, I made the switch to the 64-bit foobar. As expected, I ran into some serious problems. One of them is the "sanitize tags" function. While I like the idea, it frequently tells me, "Error processing file: File is already in use," and then creates .tmp files in the source folder.

Sometimes foobar crashes entirely, and upon restart, I'm told some components were damaged and I need to reinstall the program. Any suggestions?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by sq68 -
Hi all,
I have moved to foobar2000 64bit to extend the memory beyond 4GB, this leaves llot of plugins behind.
To overcome, i have to recourse to JScript Panel3 and, therefore, ported/modified some scripts from others.
It seems, someone may have the same things while struggling with 64bit, i would like to share these scripts as attached.
last but not least, sorry original authors, especially Marc2003, Br3tt among others for "destroying" their beauty full codes.

you are free to use and make any changes as long as retain original author names.

[due to limitation, i may have little resource to react to this post.]
/*------------ [JScript Panel 3] 64bit scripts -----------------*/
// date: 03PM25 22Jul24
// viking,

Credit to original authors' scripts: Marc2003, marc2k3, Iprad, Br3tt aka Falstaff, eurekagliese, TT, Jul23, Hunter.

//system test:
- Windows 11, screen : FullHD, scale 150%
- foobar2000 64bit, preview 7jul24
- foobar200 Default UI (CUI should be fine). 
- font :  as listed in folder [font], of which  [Segoe Fluent Icons] maybe already installed under Windows 11.

- latest 64bit components and exe files as in [user-components-x64] folder, including JScript Panel 3  [] - latest version is 3.6.1
  // note: files were deleted on purpose to mitigate risk, if any, during transfer over network
- to enable youtube view, download: yt-dl.exe from GitHub []. 
- to enable spectrum analysis, download :  spek.exe []

- download and install foobar2000 64bit, latest version as of Jul24 (2.1.5).
- unzip file into foobar2000 64bit root folder.
- download and install/copy components.
- download exe files  (to enable youtube, spectrum checking)
- install fonts (if any).

//install JScript Panel 3 (@Marc2003) scripts:
- under DUI.
- enable edit mod
- insert [JScript Panel 3] panel.
- copy script from [foobar2000\skins\viking\scripts\jsp3] folder and paste into [JScript Panel 3] panel.
- copy script [foobar2000\skins\viking\scripts\jsp3_lib\vnav_mod\jsplaylist_main.js] and paste into [JScript Panel 3] panel.
- copy script [foobar2000\skins\viking\scripts\jsp3_lib\vnav_mod\jssb.js] and paste into [JScript Panel 3] panel.

- Apply.

Script detail: (alphabet sort)
Script { name, original author (idea), original source, comment}

I. folder : foobar2000\skins\viking\scripts\jsp3_lib\vnav_mod

//1- name : jssb.js,
  original author (idea): Br3tt aka Falstaff [enhanced, tuned by Marc2003]
  original source : Smooth Browser
  comment: /* modification */
   + main features added:
      # get artwork from local, lastfm.
      # brute-force searching for artworks located in every-customised relative folders as specifying in   
      [foobar2000\skins\viking\misc\art_sub_folder.ini] file.   
      # resize all artworks as thumbnails to speed up the whole.
      # [folder structure]  library browsing.

//2- name : jsplaylist_main.js,
  original author (idea): Br3tt aka Falstaff [enhanced, tuned by Marc2003]
  original source : JS Playlist.
  comment: /* modification */
   + main features added:
      # get artwork from local, lastfm.
      # brute-force searching for artworks located in every-customised relative folders as specifying in   
      [foobar2000\skins\viking\misc\art_sub_folder.ini] file.   

II. folder : foobar2000\skins\viking\scripts\jsp3

//1- name : {deployed} album_art [brute-force search],
  original author (idea): Marc2003
  original source : thumbs and artwork script
  comment: /* modification */
   + main features added:
      # get artworks from local and lastfm at the same time.
      # brute-force searching for artworks located in every-customised relative folders as specifying in   
      [foobar2000\skins\viking\misc\art_sub_folder.ini] file, and absolute folder (via panel property).   
      # resize and cache all artworks as thumbnailsto speed up the whole.
      # resize and save BIG artworks under and per album.  
      # view origial artwoks (ensure quality)
      # background : as default image all per [all/1st] artworks
      # second artist artworks download (via [{deployed} artwork download by artist from lastfm.txt] script)
     + limit: loading images are not asynced.

//2- name : {deployed} album_art [properties],
  original author (idea): Marc2003
  original source : Text Display
  comment: /* modification */
   + main features added:
      # context menu : more functions
      # buttons : 4 positions, user-defined coord x,y (via property)
      # youtube:  download

//3- name : {deployed} analog clock,
  original author (idea): Hunter
  original source :
  comment: /* modification */
   + ported to JScript Panel 3

//4- name : {deployed} control bar,
  original author (idea): marc2k3 coded, eurekagliese enhanced
  original source :
  comment: /* modification */
   + main features added:
      # get artwork from local, lastfm.
      # brute-force searching for artwork located in every-customised relative folders as specifying in   
      [foobar2000\skins\viking\misc\art_sub_folder.ini] file.   

//5- name : {deployed} cover flow,
  original author (idea): Br3tt aka Falstaff
  original source :
  comment: /* modification */
   + ported to JScript Panel 3   
   + main features added:
      # get artwork from local, lastfm.
      # brute-force searching for artwork located in every-customised relative folders as specifying in   
      [foobar2000\skins\viking\misc\art_sub_folder.ini] file.   

//6- name : {deployed} lyrics download manager,
  original author (idea): 
  original source :
  comment: /* coded */
   + main features:
      # download lyrics via Google host.
      # get lyrics translated online by Google site
   + limit:  async lyrics only.     

//7- name : {deployed} TechnicsRSBX_iprad,
  original author (idea):  Iprad
  original source :
  comment: /* coded */
   + ported to JScript Panel 3   
   + main features added:
      # pseudo - VU Analog Meter. (wish list: JScript Panel 3, fb.peakLeft, fb.pakRight . . . properties )

//8- name : {deployed} tree explorer,
  original author (idea):  Br3tt aka Falstaff
  original source :
  comment: /* coded */
   + ported to JScript Panel 3   

//9- name : {deployed} tree explorer,
  original author (idea):  Br3tt aka Falstaff
  original source :
  comment: /* coded */
   + ported to JScript Panel 3   

note: images cached are all located under [foobar2000\$recycle.bin] folder, per respective components, panels.

/*/ Music can bring happiness, let it on. /*/
// EOF
Is the downloaded folder empty?
Opus / Re: Harmonic coding issues of Opus(from THD-N test)
Last post by btc -
Opus is not trying to encode all bands, it uses bandwidth extension called "folding" which uses significantly  less than 1 kbps on upper frequency range. It's similar to HE-AAC SBR tool.

What you're describing as several hissing noise and artifacts on harmonics comes from the fact that Opus is low-delay audio codec and uses low-overlap window what causes leakage.
foobar2000 for Mac / Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Last post by ukg123 -
Bug: v2.7 2024-07-08 crashes when selecting any of the options from File Operations (Library element) other than Delete files

Files stored on NAS. Don't think this happened on the previous preview version
Vinyl / Re: Which is the best suggested tool to rip Vinyl in LOSSLESS quality
Last post by DVDdoug -
May you please tell me the name of the Vinyl Click Removal tool? Is it free or do I have to pay for it? I can install it in my friend's PC (which is Windows) and try to remove clicks.
I have two.   Wave Corrector is FREE and fully automatic.   I don't have much experience with it because I digitized most of my vinyl (that wasn't available digitally) before I got it.

Wave Repair is $30 USD after a 30-day free trial and you shouldn't need it for longer than that.    It's manual so it can be VERY time consuming but with only one song that shouldn't be a big deal, especially if the record is in good condition.   That also means that it only "touches" the audio where you identify a defect.      It has a few different repair options/methods and it does an audibly perfect job on most (but not all) clicks & pops.   Ironically, it seems to work best on the really nasty clicks, maybe because they are easier to find in the waveform.   (There is also a spectral view which usually makes the defects stand-out visually better than trying to find them in the waveform.)

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by ms1602 -

> The version posted by @yeyo in the web view thread is the best ever.

> I hope to post future updates, in particular the internal image management currently manages the images in the folder they belong to.

Yes I know, I tested it.
> I also saw other interesting things here:


Thank you for the information.
You have a lot of information.

Very nice skin. How to download it?

On :

The installation is done in Chinese!

Thanks. I can't install it because Windows detects some threats related to this file..