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Recent Posts
Support - (fb2k) / Re: Fb2k doesn't play dsd files
Last post by st4rman.dll -
Since I updated foobar version, some components, installed a new driver (which it's not for my dac) and I think a new driver ver for my dac, there's no way to dsd files to reproduce properly.

It should be noted that everything is up to date, so I don't think that's the problem, as I've used older versions of the same components and other components as the foo_out_asio (previously) and it worked perfectly.
Support - (fb2k) / Fb2k doesn't play dsd files
Last post by st4rman.dll -
Since I updated foobar version, some components, installed a new driver (which it's not for my dac) and I think a new driver ver for my dac, there's no way to dsd files to reproduce properly.

I've tried many things and nothing seems to work, i tried to install recent versions of components used for dsd playback, but nothing works, and I cant get rid of dsd transcoder driver, since I think its the main problem, but I still dont know. Also when the asio driver switches to dsd mode, foobar crashes or gets crazy and doesn't reproduce the dsd file

There are the pics of my components list and my drivers info
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel
Last post by zcccz -

// @name "CoverFlow View"
// @version "1.0 built 03.12.2024"
// @author "zc"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%helpers.txt"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\smooth\common.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\smooth\scrollbar.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\smooth\inputbox.js"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%samples\smooth\coverflow.js"

CD Hardware/Software / Re: Another HDCD thread...
Last post by Replica9000 -
These are the commands I used to make the separate waveforms. 
Code: [Select]
ffmpeg -i blue_monday_orig.wav -lavfi showwavespic=split_channels=1:filter=peak:s=1600x800:colors="#E17400" blue_monday_orig.png
ffmpeg -i blue_monday_orig.wav -af hdcd -c:a pcm_s24le blue_monday_hdcd.wav
ffmpeg -i blue_monday_hdcd.wav -lavfi showwavespic=split_channels=1:filter=peak:s=1600x800:colors="#E17400" blue_monday_hdcd.png

Original Audio - No alterations.

Audio after decoding with HDCD filter

Here's a screenshot of the two waveforms in Audacity

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel
Last post by eurekagliese -
I'm really sorry to see you go from the project. Thank you so much for all the fantastic components you've created and for always being there to help, even with the simplest questions. Your guidance has been invaluable, and I truly appreciate everything you've done. Best of luck in your next chapter!
General - (fb2k) / Re: Title formatting/syntax for proper bitdepth
Last post by wojak -
Yes, you are right. Since you have released "foo output" I started to experiment with mainly sacd options and must have left it with max. available PCM output. The crashes have gone now. All DSD files show 64 float now. All lossy show 32 float.
As for "?" in place of clips....some of those test files had old verions of "true peak scanner clipped samples" (without "track") so those were getting 3 fields "clipped sample", "clipped samples track" and "clipped samples album" now. After manual delete all seems ok now.
Thank you very much.

Edit: One new strange thing. While playing .m2ts I get:
- 24 fot pcm;
- 32 for TrueHD and DTSHDMA - why if those two are lossless and 24;
- empty for AC3 - while AC3 from .ac3 file gets 32 float.
Edit2: I think those above come from ffmpeg input not from TBS but still they are strange.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel
Last post by JesalRo -
Hi Mark
I am saddened by the decision you have taken, there are many users who have enjoyed and benefited from your great work and having a custom Foobar with your components. I hope you can reconsider your decision and continue again.
Anyway whatever decision you make, thank you very much.