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Topic: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery" (Read 408467 times) previous topic - next topic
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Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #80
Is it Lyrics Show Panel ? I'm intrigued... how did you manage to integrate it so well within the Default UI ?

How did you manage to change the shape of the progression cursor ? I thought it was hardcoded... Thanks in advance.
It's theme based.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #81
Thanks shakey snake, but regarding your first answer, unfortunately that's not what I was asking for. My question was not about how to DISPLAY a panel within the Default UI, because as you can see I've already managed to do so with several panels (Lyrics, Peakmeter...) :

[a href="" target="_blank"]

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #83
>> ... "Hide titlebar" and "No frame". Of course. Many thanks eddy@, that's just brilliant !!

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #84

...  how does he do that ?

Menu >> View >> Dockable Panels >> Active Panel >>.................

I also used Dockable Panels to extend DefaultUI, but had very bad experiences... Bugs, slowdowns, panels not sticking well enough, etc. And some panels (eg. the most important for me, Track Display, that has no alternative in Default ui) won't work at all/crash instantly. The developer, cwbowron is sadly not responsive, and I don't know if he develops the component anymore.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #85
FYI I have posted in cwbowron's "foo_cwb_hooks" thread some days ago, and I haven't got a reply either...

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #86

Why have you ruined such a subtle and pleasing visual style by plonking giant black backgrounds on stuff?

Moderation: Moved post from the gallery into this discussion thread, added quote of the referenced screenshot.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #87
Is there any way to get rid of the column headers and/or the alternating background colors for list views?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #88

Why have you ruined such a subtle and pleasing visual style by plonking giant black backgrounds on stuff?

Moderation: Moved post from the gallery into this discussion thread, added quote of the referenced screenshot.

I don´t think i´ve ruined it. I just hate nice and shiny backgrounds on things, which I´m looking at all the time. Like my player for example. If the background would be white, my eyes would not like this.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #89
I guess I see what you mean. Each to his own I guess.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #90
I prefer dark backgrounds as well...

on a side-note, is that running on ubuntu?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #91
I don´t think i´ve ruined it. I just hate nice and shiny backgrounds on things, which I´m looking at all the time. Like my player for example. If the background would be white, my eyes would not like this.

I think the problem is not the dark background. For my taste it's the collision of pitch black backgrounds and very bright borders/fonts. Some elements look somewhat out of place because of this. Maybe it could use a bit less contrast for more harmony. But it's only my opinion, of course

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #92
At first, no, this is Windows XP with the Ubuntu Human VS. Running Foobar also on Ubuntu, but don´t have it running all the time.

Second, you all are right, it´s YOUR opinion and when I prefer black backgrounds, then it is my taste =) But thanks for advising me to change it ^^ I will never do it, but thanks =)

greets, Raven.am0k

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #93
Foobar2000 on ubuntu would be pretty awesome.

Although I'm sure if you spent some time you could get a more efficient music playing and organising solution with MPD and some real-deal tagging scripts, not to mention the benefits of things being stored on a server. And then you could even have a network'd UI by exporting X to a client on your PC, negating all performance benefits anyway

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #94
FYI I have chosen a different approach, by having a very simple Debian-based file server (command-based, no GUI) for all the storage (audio and video), and then a XP-based client with foobar / MPC / etc.. The server acts simply as a network drive for the client.

With a direct Gigabit link between the two PCs, performance is not an issue, even for Full HD videos.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #95
DeepAnger, those genre-tabs are cool. How to?


Hmmm, I just added them in Layout Editing Mode... (but to tell the truth, I had to restart from scratch several times). Just download the Theme I exported and start from there if you want.


Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #96
I've successfully switched to the new Interface, it's really nice and I think it's a huge improvement over the old one, but there are still some things I'm not able to replicate.

[a href="" target="_blank"]

Thanks in advance

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #97
This is what I use as a replaygain indicator. Just make a custom column with:
Code: [Select]

And modify to your hearts delight of course.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #98
First of all, in the status bar I'd like to have the total playing time of the selected tracks plus the volume, aligned to the right side and separated by a separator.

Right-click on the status bar and enable the respective options.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #99
This is what I use as a replaygain indicator. Just make a custom column with:
Code: [Select]

And modify to your hearts delight of course.

Thanks that's exactly what I meant! Do you know how to color the 'X' in red? I've tried with $rgb function without any success
First of all, in the status bar I'd like to have the total playing time of the selected tracks plus the volume, aligned to the right side and separated by a separator.

Right-click on the status bar and enable the respective options.

OMG... it was too simple 
Many thanks to you too