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Topic: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery" (Read 414966 times) previous topic - next topic
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Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #26
Preferences > Display > Default User Interface > Playlist View:
Add New Group
Code: [Select]
%artist% / %album% / %date% / %codec%

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #27
That's mine (using Default UI, v0.9.5):

Where did you get the Artist/album mod?

Edit: Also where do i find a rating mod to the default ui?(like the one shown in @lextune post above)

Moderation: Moved your post to this thread.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #28
To get Artist / Album Mod
Create a custom Column and use the following code:
Code: [Select]
$ifequal(%track%,1,[%artist% ],)$ifequal(%track%,2,[%album%]['('%date%')'],)$ifequal(%track%,3,[%__replaygain_album_gain%][ / %genre%],)

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #29
Hi everyone,

I have some questions related to the new 0.9.5, DefaultUI and Facets. So rather than opening a new topic I figured that maybe people here could answer me :

1/ Is there a way with 0.9.5 to get the Playlist View display the rating information column, with one to five stars per song ?
2/ Even better, is there a way to change the rating directly on the PlayList view ? (like in YouTube - hovering mouse over the stars changes rating, clicking enters rating - that would be awesome  ).
3/ Is there a way to replace the cursor icon in the seekbar with another icon ? (not in the prefs but by changing files for instance)
4/ Is there some kind of "peak-meter plugin" that would be somewhat customizable ?
5/ (sorry for this one) what's the difference between "random" and "shuffle" ?

Thanks in advance.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #30
Hi everyone,

I have some questions related to the new 0.9.5, DefaultUI and Facets.

I use:

Code: [Select]

for Rating "stars" in the Playlist view


Code: [Select]

for filled/empty stars

I use the Quick Tagger to rate songs (context menu and/or keyboard shorcuts)

There is a Peak Meter component you can run in a Dockable panel

Random is random, shuffle works off of a set pattern.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #31
Thanks nightfishing for all this useful information !

Regarding rating, I have entered your code (the second one) in Prefs > Playlist View > Rating, but I can't see any stars. I only see 5 small symbols, like unknown characters. I'm using all default foobar 0.9.5 fonts. Do I have to change something ? Thanks.

As for the quick tagger, it seems to work, but I have two questions :
- Can we have also the ratings displayed as stars rather than "1; 2; 3; 4; 5" ?
- Is it possible to access the ratings directly and not via a sub-menu "Tagging > Quick Tagger > Set <Rating> to" ? That would be great.

Thanks again, I'm making progress here !

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #32
Thanks nightfishing for all this useful information !

Regarding rating, I have entered your code (the second one) in Prefs > Playlist View > Rating, but I can't see any stars. I only see 5 small symbols, like unknown characters. I'm using all default foobar 0.9.5 fonts. Do I have to change something ? Thanks.

As for the quick tagger, it seems to work, but I have two questions :
- Can we have also the ratings displayed as stars rather than "1; 2; 3; 4; 5" ?
- Is it possible to access the ratings directly and not via a sub-menu "Tagging > Quick Tagger > Set <Rating> to" ? That would be great.

Thanks again, I'm making progress here !

Stars are dependent on the font (some have stars, some do not.) I use Arial Unicode which can be found with a little Googling.

The Rating tag needs to use numbers (1,2,3 etc). The tag then can be displayed graphically (with stars, hearts etc).

The quick tagger context menu is a bit "deep" for my liking, also, but I do not know any way around it. You can use keyboard shorcuts (I use shift+F3, shift+F4, shift+F5 etc).

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #33
Yep, I got Arial Unicode and it works. Thanks again nightfishing.

The side effect is that Arial Unicode displays text lines with more spacing than the default foobar font. And my screen is a small one...  so I have to reduce font size to 8, and at size 8 I can barely see the stars with Arial Unicode !  Who knows, maybe there's a topic somewhere listing the best "rating-compatible" fonts ?

Besides, why stars after all ? I've seen a very nice interface with just colored dots, plain and simple  So I'd like to understand the basics in order to find the code for given character out of a given font and display it as rating. For example, I understand that 9733 means "full star" and 9734 means "empty star", but how do you find these codes ? (the best would be some "font display software" that would give these codes directly, but does such software exist ?).

Oh, and an important question : how do you get that nice anti-aliasing all over your foobar ???  Is it Vista, or can you achieve the same thing with XP ? (no, I won't jump over to Vista just to get some fancy anti-aliasing even if it looks good  ).


Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #34
I ***think***

is dots for "normal" Windows fonts.

I used dots with Columns UI where you could add color info into the string. (I don't believe that is possible with the Default UI).

I run XP, so the anti-aliasing is not a Vista-thing.

I do run Clear-Type, but other than that it is a default XP setup.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #35
ClearType ? I didn't even know about it !  Now I've downloaded it and it just works. Isn't life beautiful ?

This is my current config with ClearType (work in progress) :

[a href="" target="_blank"] ) :

Code: [Select]
$repeat($char(9608)  ,%rating%)$repeat($char(9480)  ,$sub(5,%rating%))

Another solution would be to have different colors between "full" and "empty" characters. But it seems that it's no more possible with the new Default UI ? 

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #36
1. Already answered...

2. It's not possible to use anymore custom toolbar buttons?  When right clicking the buttons, there used to be "customize"... has it moved to somewhere else?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #37
I tried this but nothing happened?!

You of course have to switch to the created grouping pattern. Right-click on the playlist column headers.

When right clicking the buttons, there used to be "customize"

Not in the default user interface.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #38
I tried this but nothing happened?!

You of course have to switch to the created grouping pattern. Right-click on the playlist column headers.

Thanks.  Have been using foobar for years but I'm complete n00b with this syntax string stuff.

When right clicking the buttons, there used to be "customize"

Not in the default user interface.

Was that part of Columns UI then? Is there any other way of doing that then?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #39
Yes it is part of Columns UI, and no there is no way to do it with the Default.
foobar2000 + EAC + Burrrn = Happiness

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #40

Hi everyone,

I have some questions related to the new 0.9.5, DefaultUI and Facets.

I use:

Code: [Select]

for Rating "stars" in the Playlist view


Code: [Select]

for filled/empty stars

I use the Quick Tagger to rate songs (context menu and/or keyboard shorcuts)

There is a Peak Meter component you can run in a Dockable panel

Random is random, shuffle works off of a set pattern.

Got the stars to show, but i have no clue how i set the rating?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #41
Download a component called Quick Tagger and put it in your components folder.

Then start foobar, right-click on a track and you'll see "Quick Tagger" in the context menu.

You can also customize it to some extent via foobar preferences.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #42
Here ya go:

Oh yea... and the Volume-indicator in the bottomright-corner is there as well...

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #44

How can I remove those disc numbers (like pointed in the screenshot) from the track number column? So it would be 01, 02, 03 etc. and not 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 like it's now (this happens only on double disc albums).

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #45
@tony soprano

i use this one:

preferences > display > default UI > playlist view: new custom group:

%album artist% - '['%date%']' -$ifgreater(%totaldiscs%,01, '['Disc %discnumber%/%totaldiscs%']' -,) %album% '['%genre%']'


Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #46
Thanks, that string code was what I was looking for. I have no idea how to make these from scratch but I have some understanding how to modify them, so I modified it:

%date% | %album% $ifgreater(%discnumber%,00, '('Disc %discnumber%')' ,)

Now it's exactly how I wanted it.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #47
$ifgreater(%discnumber%,00, '('Disc %discnumber%')' ,)

Unless you explicitly tag some files with Disc Number = "0" or "00", you can shorten this part to:

[ Disc '('%discnumber%')']

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #48
$ifgreater(%discnumber%,00, '('Disc %discnumber%')' ,)

Unless you explicitly tag some files with Disc Number = "0" or "00", you can shorten this part to:

[ Disc '('%discnumber%')']

Yup, that was unnecessarily complicated. I asked this same thing on another forum and got this much simpler:

$if(%discnumber%,'('Disc %discnumber%')',)

Now I just want to remove those unnecessary numbers from the track number column (see my previous post with the pic, updated now). Anyone knows how?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #49
As far as i know:

$if(%discnumber%,'(Disc '%discnumber%')',) =
$if($meta(discnumber),'(Disc '%discnumber%')',) =
['(Disc '%discnumber%')']

Would  $if2('(Disc '%discnumber%')',)  work the same way?

Btw: i got used to put all plain text in quotes because i think it's more strict. Or do i only have to put qoutes around brackets so they won't be confused with string brackets?