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Topic: Default UI Gallery (Read 757833 times) previous topic - next topic
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Default UI Gallery

Reply #27
This new beta is really quite nice. This is what I've got so far:
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Default UI Gallery

Reply #28
Refined a bit after I decided that I didn't need the metadata and console tabs.
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Default UI Gallery

Reply #29
Here's the 'shrinked' version of my two-window config posted above. I think Lyx asked for more compact configs, so here we go:

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and two more alternatives with only one window: 'bigOne' and 'compactOne' (animated GIFs)

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they can still be quite comfortable depending on your listening behaviour (i.e. if you mainly listen to albums or longer playlists).


Default UI Gallery

Reply #31
This is mine, pretty much a ripoff from some ideas I got from here. Oh, and tweaked for my needs of coarse:

Default UI Gallery

Reply #32
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Bare-bones, Low-on-Resources, Thin, Compact theme.
No AlbumArt or Lyrics.
Uses Facets.
Uses Font: "Photoshop Small" (Installed with Photoshop).
Dimensions: Width=369pixels Height=996pixels.
Visual Style: Windows Classic (with 'Jasmin 3D Colour Changer' mods).

Default UI Gallery

Reply #34
The image link is no longer valid The image link is no longer valid The image link is no longer valid
Uses Font: Frutiger Linotype.
Dimensions: Width=427pixels Height=1024pixels.
Visual Style: Windows Classic (with 'Jasmin 3D Colour Changer' mods).

Thin, Compact theme. UPDATED!! with options for AlbumArt
and Other Tabs and optimized Space Utilisation.
I would have attached the theme file (if anyone wanted it!)
but Unfortunately am not allowed Attachments as yet by Admin
for being New to the forum!

Default UI Gallery

Reply #35
Here's Mine - With a few Dockable Panels on Display set to show/hide via function keys...

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Default UI Gallery

Reply #37

The basic controls are on the keyboard.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #38
When I first stumbled upon foobar2000 a couple weeks ago, I nearly gave up on it after a few minutes of tinkering around.  It was version 9.4.5, and that night, the site that hosts the plug-ins was down.  Then I saw the new beta version and decided to give it a try.  Twenty minutes later, I had downloaded facets and had a pretty nice layout going on.  Haven't looked back to iTunes yet.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #39
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Moderation: Your image (850 KB) was ten times larger than the maximum size. Replaced by a thumbnail.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #40
Made some small changes on my foobar 0.9.5 setup and cleaned up my custom status bar code and rearranging the replaygain info on the stat bar aswell.

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"I never thought I'd see this much candy in one mission!"

Default UI Gallery

Reply #44
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Moderation: Please do not inline images larger than roughly 800x600 and 80KB. Please use thumbnails and/or links for large pictures instead.

Default UI Gallery

Reply #49
Finally started using facets and a fullscreen DUI.