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Topic: clipping test for fb2k (Read 4147 times) previous topic - next topic
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clipping test for fb2k

Anyone have a test sample which contains very audible clipping when encoded to mp3 or mpc?  I'm just curious to test how fb2k would handle such a file, without any replaygaining applied.

clipping test for fb2k

Reply #1
I guess that you can try that simply using the DSP pre-amp to make any song clip. Haven't tried, though.

clipping test for fb2k

Reply #2
use mp3gain set volume to something like 100dB

clipping test for fb2k

Reply #3
I just tried that, good idea tangent.  At 110 db, both winamp (with MAD) and fb2k produced bad clipping distortions; i can't say that one sounded better than the other...  Maybe with a more reasonable db level fb2k would exhibit less audible clipping than winamp, but at 100 db I found it hard to notice either player clip.

So my conclusion for now: fb2k isn't a substitute for mp3gaining or replaygaining your music files.  Too bad, that would be a very cool feature.

clipping test for fb2k

Reply #4
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.