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Topic: ASIO driver 2.2 small issue (Read 1722 times) previous topic - next topic
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ASIO driver 2.2 small issue

I noted that when using ASIO driver 2.2 on the current FB v2 there is a small issue.

If the following track is not immediately available (e.g. on a sleeping HD for which FB is waiting for), the last chunk of what is in the ASIO driver buffer is repeated forever (until the new track is finally available and correctly played).

This (on my system) doesn't happen not using ASIO driver.


Re: ASIO driver 2.2 small issue

Reply #2
Noted, will look into for next ASIO component update.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: ASIO driver 2.2 small issue

Reply #3
Hello @Peter , also the last version 2.2.1 is suffering the problem I reported for the version 2.2.0:

If the audio track to be played is not immediately available (e.g. on a sleeping HD for which FB is waiting for), the last chunk of what is in the ASIO driver buffer is repeated forever (until the new track is finally available and correctly played).

All the best, Andrea