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Topic: How can I get this auto-shutdown feature I'd like? (Read 10687 times) previous topic - next topic
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How can I get this auto-shutdown feature I'd like?

So I've got an idea for a component, it might exist but I dunno.

Basically, I want to be able to automatically shutdown/hibernate/sleep/whatever my PC after all the tracks in a playlist have played.
Kinda like setting uTorrent to auto shutdown after downloads complete.

Here's what I do to get this functionality:
- I create a playlist containing all the music that I want to listen to. I put downtempo and ambient music on.
- I set my PC to auto hibernate by using the Task Scheduler to execute a .bat file at a specified time.
The time I choose is just calculated based on how long the music in the playing I made is and the current time.
The .bat file contains "shutdown /h".
- I go to bed, fall asleep and the music keeps on playing.
- My PC automatically hibernates shortly after the music stops playing.

It works, but it'd be sooo much simpler if I could just set foobar to automatically handle it all.

I'm guessing this component doesn't exist (or does it?) so I figured I'd make it. Now, I'm totally new to this but I'm sure this component should be easy enough to make. I'm gonna be graduating from uni doing computer science so yea.

Any initial reading material and stuff you can point me to, and thoughts on my idea are welcome.

How can I get this auto-shutdown feature I'd like?

Reply #1

Set event to be end of playlist
set action to shut down
quiet time


Download link

How can I get this auto-shutdown feature I'd like?

Reply #2

Set event to be end of playlist
set action to shut down
quiet time


Download link

Thanks, just checked that out but it can't actually perform exactly what I'm after

edit: Or I'm just not sure how to use it... I dunno I'm sure it can.

How can I get this auto-shutdown feature I'd like?

Reply #3
What does it not do - exactly.

It will trigger action when music finishes.
Action to Shut down has hibernate option.

Edit: More detail

Add action
Shutdown / hibernate

Add player event
On playback stop
Right click added event
Assign appropriate action

How can I get this auto-shutdown feature I'd like?

Reply #4
Or there's foo_shutdown:

MAIN MENU > Playback > "Shutdown when noise stops" (or hibernate etc ..)

I have foo_scheduler but use this component for such functions.
It's also useful in conjunction with stop after current.

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)


How can I get this auto-shutdown feature I'd like?

Reply #5
I got there in the end.

What does it not do - exactly.

It will trigger action when music finishes.
Action to Shut down has hibernate option.

Edit: More detail

Add action
Shutdown / hibernate

Add player event
On playback stop
Right click added event
Assign appropriate action

That's where the confusion is. "End-of-file signal" sounds like nonsense to me. I expected that to trigger whenever any EOF was reached.

Or there's foo_shutdown:

MAIN MENU > Playback > "Shutdown when noise stops" (or hibernate etc ..)

I have foo_scheduler but use this component for such functions.
It's also useful in conjunction with stop after current.


Sounds great, think I'll use that one instead. Much easier to use I reckon.