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Topic: A way to be inadvertantly logged out (Read 4006 times) previous topic - next topic
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A way to be inadvertantly logged out

I don't know if this is of any importance or not, however I finally figured out why after I login sometimes I am inadvertantly logged out without doing so myself.

Here's how (using Opera 6.05):
1. Post a reply.
2. Click the text at the top of the page labeled Forums to return to the forum homepage, browse about the forum looking at various topics.
3. Click the back button in Opera, and oop's get logged out without choosing to do so.

A way to be inadvertantly logged out

Reply #1
And I found another one:
The past two times I've voted in a poll I was automatically logged out.

I'm wondering if it's a bug in Opera 6.05 since I have my filtering software set to not filter anything on

A way to be inadvertantly logged out

Reply #2
I just tested both of these "methods" with Opera 6.05 and it doesn't log out here..
Juha Laaksonheimo

A way to be inadvertantly logged out

Reply #3
Well this is happening so regularly (just did a few minutes ago) that it has finally annoyed me beyond any imaginable belief. Even when using a direct connection without filtering software enabled the problem is presistant, therefore for some time I'll just read what's on the forums without worrying about logging in unless of course I think it's absolutely necessary to post something.


A way to be inadvertantly logged out

Reply #4
I don't know why, but I've started having similar problems with my new computer.  Using the same browser, IE5.0, but every day I come to the site I'm not logged in.  I check remember me every time, but there is something stopping me from logging in.  Not sure what is different, I went from Win2k standard to Win2k pro... every other forum (phpbb) works fine tho.. ?
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